1 hours 2 minutes 28 seconds
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This is a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, that they may reflect upon My Signs, and that those of understanding may be reminded. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. What And they ask 1 another About the great news In which they differ No!
They will come to know Then, no! They will come to know Have We not made the earth a resting place And We created you in pairs And We made your sleep a rest And We made the night a cover And We made the day a means of livelihood. And We have built above you 7 strong mountains. And We have made a burning lamp.
And We have sent down from the rain clouds, pouring water, That We might bring forth thereby grain and vegetation, And gardens of full-blossom. Verily, the Day of Judgment is a time of great need. And on the Day of Decision there will be a meeting. The Day the Horn will be blown, and you will come in groups.
And the heaven will be opened, and it will be like a gate. And the mountains will be moved, and it will be like a mirage. Indeed, Hell was a place of punishment For the transgressors as a place of return, They will stay therein for ages. And the angels will say, ˹O Prophet,˺ ˹do not be like them˺!
They will be like the angels, and they will be like the angels. And the angels will say, ˹O Prophet,˺ ˹do not be like them˺! But a scalding water and a covering A reward for hypocrisy Indeed they were not expecting any reckoning And they denied Our signs with falsehood And everything We have enumerated in a record. So taste!
And We will not increase you except in torment. Indeed, for the righteous is a triumph Gardens and grapevines And full-breasted, close-to-each-other And a full cup And he took to his Lord a place of return. Indeed, We have warned you of a near punishment. On the Day when man will see what his hands have put forth, and the disbeliever will say, Yawma yanzuru almar'u maa qaddamat yadahu wa yaqulu alkaafiru ya laytani kuntu turaba Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Sabih isma rabbika al a'la In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High. Who created and proportioned. And who determined and guided. And who brought forth the pasture.
And made it a living, living place. And He who has measured, and guided And He who has produced the pasture And made it fertile and alive We will teach you, so do not forget Except what Allah wills He knows what is open and what is hidden And We will ease you to ease. So remind, if the reminder is useful. He will be reminded who fears.
And the most wretched will avoid it. Who will enter the great Fire. Then he will neither die therein nor live. He who purifies himself will be successful.
And he will remember the Name of his Lord and prayed. Nay, but you make the life of this world easy. And the Hereafter is better and more lasting. Verily, this is in the earlier Scriptures.
In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. Has there come to you a story of a woman who is in her infancy, Faces that day will be humbled, A working woman, Who will enter a burning fire, And be given to drink from a boiling spring. Amala tun nasaba. Tasla naran hamia.
Tusqa min aynin aania. Laysa lahum ta'abun illa min dharee'a. La yusmin wa la yughni min juu'a. In it is a flowing spring In it are raised couches And cups placed in their places And cushions arranged in rows And carpets spread out Do they not look at the camels, how they are created And to the mountains, how they are raised.
And to the earth, how it is spread out. So remind, you are only a reminder You have no control over them Except those who turn away and disbelieve Allah will punish them with the greatest punishment
As-Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. Thumma inna AAalaynaa hisabahum As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Praise be to Allah who sent down to us his book as our ultimate source of guidance.
For Allah taught the Qur'an before creating man, such was his Qadr, not by chance. It is the divine light that illuminates knowledge and eradicates ignorance. It is the firm handhold and the rope of Allah, by following it shall we advance. He who abandons it shall be bereft of aid, and he who reads it shall gain divine assistance.
It is at once a history and admonition, theology and laws all in perfect balance. The mere recitation is so powerful that it envelopes, as it were, both reciter and listener in a trance. We thank Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala for gifting us this most auspicious Quran, his book of utmost significance. Today, inshallah wa ta'ala, we'll be doing the first half of the last Juz, Juz Amma, because there are so many Surahs.
I'll be taking 2 episodes to do what we typically did in 1, because of obviously the quantity of Surahs. And all of the Surahs today, all of them, they are Makki, and they are also similar themes, and that is primarily powerful language to remind people of the Day of Judgment, to remind mankind that there is an accountability, and to remind mankind that they should have piety in this world before the coming of the next world. And each Surah takes a different style, a different way to do the same point. And the first Surah we're gonna do is Surah Naba, Amma yatasa'aloon.
It is the Surah that begins with the question. What are they asking about? What are they questioning 1 another about? About the great news, over that news that they disagree, but they will surely know.
Of a surety, they're going to know very soon. And then the Surah goes on to examine the world around us. Allah Azawajal is telling us to look at how this earth has been smoothed out, how the mountains are so majestic, how we have been created in pairs, how Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala has made the sleep a resting place for us, and the night, a cover that we can find our relaxation in. So surely the 1 who can do all of this can also resurrect us and raise us from the dead.
And the Surah also mentions specific punishments of Jahannam followed by specific blessings of Jannah, all done in a divine eloquence that no human can even come close to matching. And then the Surah concludes by mentioning that frightful scene on the day of judgment. Yawma yaqoomur ruhu The day that the spirit, the ruh here is the angel Jibreel walmalaikatu saffan And the angels will be standing in row. La yatakallamuna illa man adhina lahurrahmanu waqala sawaba None can speak on that day except those who are permitted by Ar-Rahman and except those who speak the truth.
So this verse tells us that all shall be standing in rows in front of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. All shall be too frightened to speak up except if Allah gives them permission to speak. And those whom Allah gives permission to speak, they will only speak the truth on that day. Allah says, Thalika alyawmul haqq That is indeed the day of truth.
It is going to happen. There is no denying it. So we had better prepare for that day. Faman sha'at takhad ila rabbihi ma'aba Therefore, whoever wills, let him make a way, let him make a passage to his Lord.
Indeed, Allah Azawajal reminds us, inna anzarnakum a'athaban qareeba we are warning you of a near punishment. It's not that far away, it's not that long away, especially if you compare the temporality of this world with the eternality of the next, it is truly just the blink of an eyelid away. Inna anzirnakum a'adhaban qareeba yawma yanzuru almaru maa qaddamati yadah On that day, a person will see, will examine all that he or she has sent forward. You will see all of your deeds in front of you.
Wayaqulil kafiru ya laytani kuntu turaba And the 1 who had no faith, he will say, woe to me, how I wish I had never been created, how I wish I were mere dust right now. SubhanAllah, all of this world, all of the pleasures that we're having, all of this timeframe, it's not worth anything if we don't prepare to meet Allah on that day. Also our books of tradition mention that on the Day of Judgment, the animals will be turned into dust because there is no Jannah or Naar for the animals, meaning that the animals don't have the takleef. The animals don't have the legal responsibility on them like humanity does.
And so Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will resurrect the animals for a mutual qisas between them. And we're gonna talk about this in the lecture series I'm doing on the day of judgment, which inshallah will resume after Ramadan inshallah. So the animal shall be resurrected and Allah Azawajal shall have qisas or retribution between the animals if there was an animal that did wrong to another animal. And then they shall all be transformed into dust.
And when the person who doesn't have any preparation, the kafir, when he sees all of that, he will say, how I wish I too was an animal, how I wish that I too would disappear like those animals have disappeared. So let us not have that regret on the day of judgment. Surah An-Nazi'at, again, all of these are Makkan, most of these are early Makkan, and this is shown in the fiery eloquence, which is stereotypical of the Makkan revelations. Surah An-Nazi'at, and again, the emphasis is judgment and qiyamah.
Almost all of these surahs, the primary theme is to underscore the importance of, and the reality of the day of judgment, that it is going to happen. And This Surah begins by a reference to death and to the angel of death. Wannazi'ati gharqa, wannashitati nashta A reference to the angels who take the souls of the impious and the souls of the pious. Wannazi'ati gharqa, those who snatch violently.
And this is the souls that are gonna exit the bodies of those that are not pious. And then, Wannashitatinashta, those who gently remove. So these are the angels that Allah, Azawajal, is contrasting. And our Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, said that when the soul of the pious person leaves, it is like water that is poured from a cup smoothly.
And when the soul of the impious leaves, we seek Allah's refuge, it is like an iron comb being dragged through wet cotton. How difficult is that? So we don't want to be of that. So Allah Azawajal references this.
And then of course, we have the story of Musa and Fir'aun, very beautifully portrayed. Ithhab ila Fir'auna, that Allah Azawajal says, that ithhab ila Fir'auna, sorry, not ithhab ila Fir'auna, but fahashara fanadha faqala ana rabbukum alAAala that Fir'aun gathered his troops together, and Fir'aun said that I am your great Lord. Fir'aun called himself God, ana rabbukum al-a'la faakhadahu Allahunakala al-akhirati wal-oola So Allah, Azawajal, made an example of him for all people. Inna fithalika la'ibratan liman yakhsha Surely, there is a sign, in it is a lesson for those who are fearful of Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And then Allah says, a-antum ashaddu khalqan amissamau banaha Are you more difficult to create or the heavens and the skies? Look, compare, we are but 1 creation. Look at the stars and the galaxies. Look at how far the farthest star is.
And every time we discover a new star, we discover yet more after this. There are too many stars to even count and the different varieties and all of the beauty of this world and the constellations above us. Allah says, what are you compared to the rest of the creation? The 1 who created all of that, surely he can recreate you.
And then the Surah mentions the inevitable coming of the day of judgment. And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala calls it in this Surah, fa-itha ja'atittammatul-kubra That, on that day, the overwhelming calamity is going to come on that day. And on that day, what is going to happen? Yawma yatathakkaru l-insanu masAAa On that day, every single soul shall remember, what have I done?
What have I actually accomplished? And hell itself will be displayed for all to see. As for the 1 who was evil, who was takabbur, who was arrogant, and he preferred the life of this world, fa-inna al-jaheemahiyal ma'wa the fire of hell shall be his shelter. But ask for the 1 who feared the standing of his Lord and who restrained himself from desires, wanaha annafsaAAani alhawa fa-inna aljannatahiyal ma'wa Jannah will be his abode and his place.
So compare and contrast the 2. The 1 who was defiant, the 1 who was arrogant, the 1 who preferred the life of this world, that person is heading 1 way. And then the other 1 who is conscious of Allah, fearful of Allah and keeping his desires in check because he wants to have the ultimate desire of the hereafter, that person, Allah says, Jannah will be his shelter, his permanent abode. And we are reminded that when people see it, it is as if, ka annahum yawmi yarawnaha lam yalbathu illa ashiyyatan awduhaaha That when they see heaven and hell, it is, and when they see the day of judgment, it is as if they only stayed in this whole world for barely a morning, or maybe even an afternoon, that's it.
Imagine when the day of judgment comes, people will think that they only spent an afternoon in this whole world because they will not see enough good deeds that will make them understand that we stayed here so long and they will deny how long they stayed. And this is a constant theme of the Quran. The next Surah is Surah Abasa. And Surah Abasa, of course, this is a very interesting Surah.
And you know, I've met some people that SubhanAllah, they find the background of the Surah awkward. But honestly, this is such shallow thinking on their part. Allah revealed the Surah for us to benefit from, and there is so much wisdom and so much benefit in the Surah. And most of us are aware of the background story, and that is that Ibn Ummi Maktum.
Ibn Ummi Maktum was a Qurashi, he was from the Quraysh, but he was from 1 of the lower status tribes, and also he was blind. And so he was very, very economically deprived, and he had a very difficult life. And obviously he's coming from a socially disadvantaged background and also from a tribe that is not 1 of the main tribes of the Quraysh. So he's from the lower class of society.
And he converted early to Islam. 1 of the first 15 converts to Islam is Ibn Ummi Maktum. Eventually he would be honored by being 1 of the 2 mu'adhins, the official mu'adhin was Bilal and Ibn Ummi Maktum. The both of them were official mu'adhin of the Prophet, Sallallahu alayhi wasalam.
And in the early phase of Makkah, our Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, was speaking with Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughira, the father of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid. We talked about his story in Surah Muddathir as well. The Quran has a number of references to Al-Walid ibn al-Mughira. And Al-Walid was kind of on the fence about Islam.
He was not like Abu Jahl. He was not like Umayyah ibn Khalaf, nor did he convert like Abu Bakr and Uthman. He was kind of in the middle. He was intrigued by some aspects, but turned off by other aspects.
And 1 of the main aspects that turned him off was Al-Walid was nobility, like he was a VIP, a senator. He literally was like a congressman or senator. He was a minister of the Quraysh. He was 1 of the wealthiest and he was 1 of the most powerful, you know, noble blood and noble lineage and wealth and fame and you know, poetry, everything is running in his favor.
And he felt a big sense of ego of who he was. And he liked certain things about Islam as well. He was the 1 who demanded, by the way, that we'll think about Islam if you get rid of these low-class people. I mentioned his story earlier on in Surah Al-Kahf and others and Al-Walid was speaking with the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, in deep conversation.
The Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, was engaged with him one-on-one and the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, was speaking with him in the streets of Makkah. And Ibn Ummi Maktum, he heard the voice of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and he became excited, he became happy. And by the way, that point, which is glossed over, it is 1 of my favorite parts of the whole story that just hearing the voice of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasalam, made Ibn Ummi Maktum happy. And he rushed forward thinking that, hey, I'll be able to speak with him, you know, 1 on 1, get some wisdom, get some advice, you know, be in the company of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasalam.
So he's tapping, you know, his walking stick, and he's rushing forward, and he says something to the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasalam, we don't know the details of that conversation, and Al-Waleed snorted in contempt and basically made a hand gesture or a face gesture that these are the people that follow you and you want me to accept your faith when that low class person is going to embrace you. And so he turned his back and walked away. And our Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasalam, at that time, and of course, remember this is early on in the da'wah as well, he felt Al-Walid was very close to Islam. He felt just a little bit more push, and maybe I would have gotten him.
And now, Ibn Umm Maktum comes in and then Al-Walid leaves. And so, our Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasalam, in his dismay that Islam would not be serviced because he thought that Waleed's conversion would benefit Islam. In his love for Islam, he expressed a private frustration that Ibn Ummi Maktum could not see. And that is that his face turned into a bit of a frown, and he turned a little bit away from Ibn Ummi Maktum, but even Ummi Maktum cannot see this, right?
Because he is obviously blind, but Allah saw it. And so Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala sent this Surah down in order to teach all of us a lesson. Abasa watawalla anja'ahu al-a'ma He frowned and turned away. This is our Nabi, salallahu alayhi wasalam, when the blind man approached him.
The blind man is coming, subhanAllah. He might have been blind in the eyes, but his heart was wide awake. His heart was seeing, his heart was eager. He's approaching you, Ya Rasulullah.
And Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Wama yudreeka laAAallahu yazzakka How do you know? Maybe he is the 1 that is gonna be purified. Aw yadhakkaru fatanfaAAahu thikra Or you will remind him and the message will be of benefit for him, that this is the 1 he wants to be purified. Then, amma man istaghna Ask for the 1 who was indifferent and thought that He needs nothing.
He could see with his eyes, but his heart was arrogant. His heart was blind. Amma man istaghna fa-anta lahu tasadda You gave him your full attention. Wama AAalayka alla yazzakka And what does it matter to you if he does not purify himself?
You are not responsible for his purification. Then Allah Azawajal says that Wa amma man ja'aka yasAAaa wahuwa yakhshaa faantaAAanhu talaha Ask for the 1 who comes rushing towards you. Ask for the 1 who is rushing towards you. That is the person that you turn away from him.
Kalla innaha tathkira But indeed that this is the remembrance that Allah Azawajal is revealing. And so Allah Azawajal chastised slightly, It's not a harsh chastisement, but it is a chastisement for all of us that do not be deceived by the outer realities of people. Don't be fooled by their fame or their power. Allah doesn't care, doesn't need the powerful person.
Allah wants the meek and humble. Allah wants the socially awkward and the outcast. The outer appearances mean nothing. Allah wants the sincerity of the sincere.
And if it comes from somebody like Ibn Ummi Maktum, that is what Allah wants, way above and beyond the arrogant Waleed Ibn Al-Mughirah, who thought that just because Ibn Ummi Maktum is a Muslim, why should I embrace a religion that has those types of people? And Waleed ended up never embracing Islam because of his arrogance. And so let him go where he is going to go. What difference does it make to us?
Wama AAalayka allayzaka It's not your job, Ya RasoolAllah, to make sure that they are guided. Your job is to preach the truth and It is up to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And this is a powerful reminder, dear Muslims, to myself and to all of us, that what Allah wants is the sincerity of the sincere. Allah does not need the fame of the famous person or the power of the powerful.
Allah is Dhul-Jalali wal-Ikram. Power comes from him to Izzu man tashaa'u, to dhillu man tashaa'u. Allah doesn't need any of this, but Allah wants that piety from the pious. And so when we find those that are pious, we should stick with them.
We should prioritize them and not worry about these outer shells of the likes of Al-Waleed Ibn Al-Mughira. And of course, the Surah goes on. That the day of judgment will come, that the sawkha will come, and that is the loud noise will come. Yawma yafirru almar'u min akhihi On that day, a person will run away from his own blood brother, from his own mother, from his own father, from his own wife, from his own children.
Every 1 of them will be preoccupied with something about themselves. Li kullin mri' minhum yawmin in sha'nun yughni Why will family members be running away from each other? Because on that day, everyone will want to sue everybody else for every good deed. The wife will go to the husband and say, you mistreated me, give me your good deeds.
The son will say to the father, you did something wrong to me, give me my good deeds. The mother will speak to the daughter, you were dissing that to me, I want my good deeds. And so everyone will be running away from each other if they were not a pious family. Obviously, we'll speak later on today as well, the Quran is very explicit that pious families are not of this nature.
But those that don't have any good deeds, those that are bankrupt, they're going to be willing to sue their own blood relatives, their own kith and kin, their own flesh and blood, because li kullin bil-immin hum yawma-idhin sha'nun yughnee Everyone is going to be worried about himself or herself. Wujoohun yawma-idhin musfira On that day, some faces will be radiant, laughing, rejoicing, whereas others will be dark and gloomy, covered in misery. Which 1 do you want to be in? The choice you have to make right now.
The next Surah, Surat At-Takwir, the folding up of the sun. Again, all of these are early Makkan Surahs. Again, they all deal with the descriptions of the day of judgment. And of course, Surah At-Takwir is everybody's favorite Surah, SubhanAllah.
How can you not be mesmerized when the famous Qari Abdul Basit does his famous Ithashamsu kuwirat, please listen to that. You know, to this day, I sometimes just go onto YouTube and listen to Qa' even though I've listened to this more than I can count, it is my first memories of the Quran is Qari Abdul Basit with Ithashamsu kuwirat and he just goes wild. You know, when I was a child, Qari Abdul Basit was still alive, you know. So sometimes we'd listen to him live on TV, sometimes we'd get his cassettes.
And I remember, subhanAllah, when the news came that he died, I was, I think, 11, 12 years old, and I read it in the paper and it was, you know, something caused me great sadness at the time. So Abdulbaset Surah Taqweer, you have to listen, that's the classic, the all time classic is his Ida-Shamsu Kubirat, which is SubhanAllah, in a category of its own, I don't even have words for it. And this was my introduction, by the way, to the beauty of the Quran as a maybe 6, 7 year, or 5 year, I don't remember how old I was. But of course, Idha Shamsu Qawirat, it deals with the day of judgment, when the sun is rolled up, and when the stars will disappear, when the mountains are set in motion, when all relationships are suspended, when the beasts are all gathered up, when the oceans are set alight, when the souls are paired together, when the girl that is buried alive is asked for what crime is she killed, when the records are made public, when the sky is peeled away, when the fire is set ablaze, when paradise is brought nearby, every single soul will know ma ahdharat, what it has prepared.
Fala aqsimu bilkhunnasi aljawari alkunnasi wallayli itha as-asawasubhi itha tanafas wallahi, no human can even come close to this level of eloquence. The Arabic here, even if you don't understand the word like I was when I was 5, 6 years old, listening to Qari Abdul Basit, you don't know a single word, but you know this is the most amazing thing you've ever heard, and it will be the most amazing thing you will ever hear, because it is the speech of Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala. That Allah, Azawajal, says that, Fala aqsamu bil khunna I swear by the stars which travel and disappear, I swear by the night that it recedes, I swear by the moon as it breeds, that innahu laqawnu rasoolin kareem. Allah is giving a qasam, that this is the speech of a noble messenger.
By here, noble messenger here means the angel Jibreel. That Allah is saying, what is coming down, Jibreel is authentically narrating what comes from Allah. Jibreel is narrating what I am telling him to narrate. Innahu laqawli rasoolin kareem Rasool kareem, noble messenger here, in this context, in other contexts, Rasoolun kareem sometimes refers to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
But in this Surah, Surah Takwir, it is a reference to Jibreel. Dhi quwwatin indadil arshi makeen He is an angel endowed with power, eminent with the Lord of the throne. Mutaa'in thamma ameen He is obeyed up in the heavens. Jibreel has the boss status.
He is Muta'a. He is the CEO of all the angels. Everybody listens to Jibreel. Muta'in thamma.
He is obeyed over there. And then he is also Ameen. He is honest. Wama sahibukum ibajnool Here now the reference is to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and he saw Jibreel on the luminous horizon and he does not withhold any knowledge that Allah gives him from the ghaib, meaning anything from the Quran that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam receives, he will give it to mankind.
Then Allah says that famous question in the Quran, Fa-ayna tathhaboon? Where else are you gonna go? If you're not gonna embrace Islam, what other alternative is there? There is only 1 path to live a decent life, a dignified life, to save yourself.
There's only 1 Siratul Mustaqeem, fa-ayna tathhaboon? Where else are you gonna go? Indeed, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, this is only a reminder to all of mankind. Whoever wants to will go there, and you will only find that way if Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la wills that you find it.
Surat Al-Infitar. Surat Al-Infitar again, very similar to Surat At-Takwir. And yet, obviously, of course, its own unique way. And again, Surat Al-Infitar has a very beautiful verse in verse number 6 over here, Ya ayyuhal insanu ma gharraka birabbikal kareem Oh man, oh man, Allah speaking to all of mankind, what can possibly have caused you to be deluded, to be deceived concerning your ever generous, your ever merciful Lord?
How can you possibly not just live for the sake of worshiping Allah? How can you be so blind? Ma gharrak You have been deluded, you have been deceived. What has caused you to be deceived by?
By what? By shaitan, by this world? Surely there is something that is very obvious to everyone, and that is that that Lord deserves to be worshiped. Ma gharraka birabbikal kareem allathee khalaqaka fasawwaka faAAadalak The 1 that He created you, and He formed you, and He proportioned you.
Fee ayyi suratin ma shaa Whatever shape He willed, He assembled you. How powerful is this Lord. Every 1 of us is unique in our own fashion and form. No 2 human beings are exactly alike.
How magnificent is this Creator that billions and billions and billions of people, we are all human, and yet no 2 are exactly alike. This is what Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is referencing, ma gharraka, can you not see the amazing power of this Lord? How can you be deceived by this? So this Surah as well, and again, it concludes with mentioning Jannah and Jahannam, and then Allah Azawajal says that, what will cause you to understand what is the day of judgment?
Yawmuddin thumma ma'adharakama yawmuddin yawma la tamliku nafsu linafsinshay'ah On that day, nobody can help another soul and all the command belongs to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. The next Surah we're gonna do is Surat Al-Mutaffifeen. Surat Al-Mutaffifeen. And the Mutaffifeen means that those who defraud or those who cheat, those who cheat others.
And again, this is an early Makkan Surah and it's interesting that the concept of honesty and the concept of being ethical and moral, it is being ingrained in early Makkan Surahs. Remember when these Surahs are coming down, there is no Salah 5 times a day, there is no Zakah, there is no Hajj, there is no Saum of Ramadan, but Allah is teaching us values, Allah is teaching us honesty and Sidqa, Allah is teaching us how to interact with others, and that really shows the core element of what this faith is about. As I have said throughout this entire series, rituals are very important, but along with rituals, it is also a matter of how we are dealing with other peoples. Wailu allil mutaffifeen.
Woe to those who defraud others. Those who are they? Allatheena idha ktaaluAAalannasi yastawfoon When they purchase, they want to make sure that every penny is absolutely valid. When they are the ones on the receiving end, they're gonna make sure that they get their money's worth, their penny's worth.
But, waitha kaloohum awwazanoohum When they're on the other end, when they're the ones selling, when they're the ones doing the measures, they're the ones who yukhsiroon They cheat the weights. Ala yadhunnoo olaika annuhum abAAuthoon Don't they realize that they're going to be resurrected? And by the way, this is an amazing reality as well, that those who do evil unto others, they don't accept that that same evil be done unto them. Those who are committing all types of evil, they don't want that evil done unto them.
This person, Allah is saying, when he is on the receiving end, he is stingy. He wants to make sure he's not being cheated. And yet, when he's on the other end, he does that cheating. And then Allah says, there will be a day of judgment.
And the Surah also mentions the registrars, the Illiyeen and the Sidjeen. And by the way, some ulama have said Illiyeen is a name of Jannah and Sidjeen is a name of Jahannam. And more say that Illiyeen is the name of a list of people that are going to Jannah and Sidjeen is the name of the list or registrar of people going to Jahannam. And this Surah also tells us a very, very important point.
Kalla bal raanaAAala quloobihim ma kanoo yaksiboon That indeed, their hearts have become rusted because of what they have done. This is a very scary verse. There's something called pure, polished hearts. Qalbin saleem.
The Quran mentions this many times. And then there's the opposite. And the opposite of this is a rusted heart, a corroded heart. And Allah is saying, kallabal ranaAAala quloobihim This verse is also very, very powerful because it shows us there is a direct correlation between the deeds and between the heart.
Very direct. Listen to this. Kalla bal ranaAAala quloobihim ma kanoo yakseeboon Because of what they do, their hearts have become corroded. Therefore, if you wanna purify the heart, you have to do other things so that the heart becomes purified.
Some people think that the heart is separate from the outer actions and they say, oh, but my heart is pure, even as they lie or cheat or steal or don't worship Allah properly. And Allah say, oh, but my heart is good. It's impossible that your heart is pure and your actions are impure. It's impossible that your heart is tayyib and your actions are takhabith or impure.
On the contrary, the pure heart leads to pure actions and the corroded heart, the evil heart, leads to evil actions, as this verse says. And this verse also has another important theological aspect. Imam Ash-Shafi'i used this verse, verse number 15. Kalla innahum AAarrabihim yawma-ithin lamahjuboon that on that day, those who reject Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala will be screened from seeing Allah.
Imam Shafi'i said that when the kuffar are screened from Allah, this is an indication that the believers will see Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala as a reward, as a punishment, the kuffar have been screened from Allah. Hijab, Mahjub, there will be a barrier between them and Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And the Surah also has some of the most beautiful descriptions of Jannah. Ta'rifu fee wujuhim nadratan na'eem yusqawna min raheequim makhtoomin khitamuhu misk That they will be drinking, their faces will be shining bright, and they will be drinking from a sealed, pure wine.
Yusqawuna min raheeqin makhtoomin It's a wine flask, it's pure wine. The wine of Jannah is not like the wine of this world. The wine of Jannah is pure and it does not intoxicate. The wine of Jannah is a Jannah sharaaban tahura.
It is a pure wine. Khitamuhu misk, the very last drops of that wine will be like musk. SubhanAllah, you know when you get to the bottom of let's say a very beautiful dessert or something, so that bottom is typically the best layer. So Allah saying khitamuhu misk, what do you think the top is going to be?
Then Allah Azawajal says, This is 1 of my favorite verses in the Quran. Wafee thalika falyatanafasil mutanafisoon And in this, to get that pleasure, to get that wine, the real wine of Jannah, not the filthy wine of this world, to get that wine and to get the pleasures of Jannah overall, let those who want to race, let them go ahead and race. You really wanna win the race? You really wanna have the best of the best?
Then get involved in the right race. And what is the right race? Wafee thalika falyatanafasil mutanafisoon. The next Surah, Surat Al-Inshiqaq.
And inshiqaq means the bursting open. And again, the same theme as the previous Surahs, Itha assamaa'un shaqqat When the sky is ruptured up, Wa adhinat li rabbihaw wa hukqat And it will obey its Lord, and it must obey its Lord. Wa-itha al-ardu muddat And when the earth is leveled out, wa-alqat ma feeha wa takhallat And it casts out all that is inside it, all the bodies will come out, wa takhallat And it will become empty. Wa-adhinat la-rabbiha wa hukkat The verse is repeated twice.
The first time for the heavens, the second time for the earth, that it must obey its Lord. Wa-adhinatirrabbiha wahuqqat That it will obey the command of Allah and it must obey the command of Allah. Then Allah says, Ya ayyuhal-insanu innaka kadihun ila rabbika kadhan famulaqeehi Oh man, you are laboring towards Allah with great difficulty, you're doing work every single day. Famulaqeehi You shall meet him Every single day you're doing work, whether good or bad.
This is neutral right now. You are working, whether you're working that's gonna be acceptable or rejected. But every day you are struggling and toiling in this dunya. There's not a single person except that they're doing something in this world.
So this is kadihun. And as you're doing this day by day, you're coming closer to Allah, famulaqeehi, eventually you will meet Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And then of course, it will be 1 of 2 people. As for the first category, fa-amma man ootee kitabahu biyameenihi As for the 1 who got his results in his right hand.
Fasawfayuhasibuhisaban yaseera He's going to have an easy settlement. He passed, he won, alhamdulillah, he did a good job. And then Allah says, that wayanqalibu ila ahlihi masroora And he will return to his family happy. Notice here the allusion to the families together.
These families are not running away from 1 another. Notice here in the previous 2 Surahs ago, what did we say? That, yawmayathirru almaru min akhihi wa ummihi wa abihi wa za'ibati wa banihi Every family, helter-skelter, not so the believing family. The believing family, each 1 will get their results and they're gonna rush back happy.
They're gonna be reunited and say, look, I got the result, here it is. And they will be together in the Akhirah as they were together upon piety in this world. Therefore, have families of piety so that you can be together in the next world as well. You don't want your loved ones running away from you on the Day of Judgment, do you?
You want to be together with them, find comfort in them, in this world and in the next world. So be upon piety to get that. And then of course the opposite case, wa amma man ootae kitabahu waraa dhaahrihi Ask for the 1 who got his book from behind his back, then, fasaw fayad'u thubura that, wayasla sa'eera That that person, he will meet his fate and he is going to go to the fire of hell. Innahu kana fee ahlihi masroora.
He used to be happy with his family in this world. Innahoo dhanna allayanyahoor He thought he would never return back to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Notice the contrast here, right? The people of piety, their ultimate happiness is on the day of judgment with their families.
The people of impiety, they spend their lives in happiness of this dunya, not caring about the happiness of the hereafter. And so that person, Allah says, he used to live a merry life with his family. Innahukana fee ahlihi masroora The meaning here is that that happiness is the only happiness they will ever have. As for the believer, they also had happy times in this world.
But when they see the happiness of the hereafter, the happiness of this world will be like nothing. It will be something trivial because the happiness of the akhira is infinitely more happier than the happiness of this world. And that's why Allah Azawajal describes the happiness of the believers to be in the next life. This does not mean that the believing family is gonna have a sad life.
On the contrary, those who choose Allah, Allah will choose them. And those who turn to Allah, Allah Azawajal will give them the good of this world and the good of the next world. But the good of the next world is infinitely better than the good of this world. As for the 1 who rejected Allah and as for the 1 who immersed himself in the pleasures of this world, then that person will not have any happiness except the happiness of this world.
And that's why Allah says he had his happiness with his family and that's it. There is nothing in the future. So SubhanAllah, what a pitiful state. Let us make sure we are not in that category.
The next Surah, Surat Al-Buruj. And again, everybody's favorite Surah, beautiful Surah. That Allah, and a Buruj here, by the way, means the constellations and the stars. So Buruj is a group of stars.
And again, some have said it refers to the constellations, but the point is that the concept here is the beautiful creations of Allah in the heavens above us. And Allah, Azawajal, gives an oath, Wassama'i thaatil buruj that Allah gives a Qasam by the heavens above us that are full of constellations. And the day that is promised, washahidin wamashhood. Now again, 1 of the issues of this whole series, which SubhanAllah, we're coming to an end tomorrow, SubhanAllah, how quickly time flies, But 1 of the issues of this whole series is that we're trying to give a bird's eye view, right?
I'm not going a verse by verse analysis. And just to give you a simple example, this verse, wa shahidin wa mashhood, the 1 who gives witness and the object that is being witnessed against. What does this mean? In reality, at a surface level, there are over 40 opinions in the books of tafsir.
And it would be very nice to go over them 1 by 1, but obviously we don't have time for that. That's when an advanced tafsir would do. An intermediate 1 would take the top 3 or 4 and then let it go. We don't have even time for that.
We're giving you the bird's eye view. We're not doing a word by word grammatical analysis. We're not doing, you know, what did this scholar say? What did that scholar say?
We're not doing the nuanced structures and why Allah chose this word versus that word. We're not even doing a very detailed layer of the Makki Madani because again, again for the advanced students here, when I say all of these Surahs are Makki, well, that's an opinion. And the fact of the matter is that quite a lot of times you will find 1 Sahabi saying, oh, actually it's Madani, another saying it's Makki. So even that is a bit of an area of controversy.
Some of these Surahs that I'm saying are Makki, and this is the position that I hold as well. But again, if you go to the books of Tafsir, sometimes you will find some of them saying, oh, actually this is Madani. And again, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, but we are doing an overall summary. So Surah Al-Buruj, it references, the primary story, it references the Ashab al-Ukhdud, the people of the trench.
And the people of the trench, who are the people of the trench? The people of the trench, it is a reference to, it is a reference to some of the kings of Najran who persecuted some of the early Christians. That the Christians were persecuted, they were the believers at that time frame and they were persecuted by people who at that time were pagan. Eventually, most of the people of Najran accepted Christianity, many of them did, but at this point in time, it took place around a generation before the coming of the Prophet salallahu alayhi was a very famous incident in Arabian history, that these pagans, there was a group of Arab Christians who converted and they publicly began preaching to Christianity, and of course, Christianity was the correct religion before the coming of the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
The Quran references the pious Christians many times. This is another reference here. So the pagans tried to dissuade them to leave Christianity, worship the false gods, they refused. And so the king built a big trench, Ukhdud, and he filled it with fire for many days.
It just kept on getting worse and worse, and the Christians were tied up, being told to repent, repent, and when they did not repent, they were, I would have been left thrown in and killed. And it was a very famous incident or infamous massacre across Arabia and it remained in the minds of the people and Allah Azawajal immortalized it by praising those Christians and by criticizing those people who persecuted the believers. And Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says, wama naqamu minhum What was the point of criticism that they had? Illa an yu'minu billahi al-Aziz al-Hameed Except that they believed in Allah.
That was why they killed them, because they believed in Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And Allah Azawajal says, that inna allatheena fatanu almu'mineena walmu'minati thumma lam yatubu falahum a'adhabu jahannama walahum a'adhabu alhariq Those who tortured the believing men and women and then did not repent, for them is the punishment of the fire of hell and for them is the punishment of the burning. So some of our early scholars said, this verse of Surat Al-Buruj is the most optimistic. You know, in this whole series, I've mentioned the most optimistic verse.
And of course, who is gonna say what is the most optimistic verse? It's a matter of opinion. And some of our early scholars, they said this verse of Surah Al-Buruj, and of course, Surah Az-Zumar is typically the number 1 candidate that say, Oh, my servants who have wronged themselves, never give up hope of the mercy of Allah. And so that is definitely the predominant opinion.
However, this verse over here is an opinion as well. Why? 1 of our scholars of the past, 1 of the tabi'oon remarked that this verse is the most optimistic verse in the Quran because Allah says, those who persecuted the believers, tortured them to death. Allah says, thumma lam yatoobu and then did not repent, they shall have the punishment of Allah.
So he remarked, they even had the opportunity to repent. That if Allah Azawajal had allowed them to repent, he would have accepted their repentance, even those who, we seek Allah's refuge, tortured people and killed people, if they genuinely turn over, sincerely turn back to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, there is hope for them. So our scholar of the past remarked, if there is hope for them, then there is hope for everybody else. So that's why he said, it is the most optimistic verse.
So Allah Azawajal then reminds these people and through them all of us, inna batusha rabbika lashadeed Indeed, the grip of your Lord is more severe. He is more powerful than anything you can do. Innahu huwa yubadi'u wayuAAeedu wahuwa alghafooru alwadoodu dhul-arshil majeedu faAAalu lima yureed Again, just the power here is just so magnificent. And again, you don't even need to understand Arabic to see the power of these verses.
He is the 1 who begins and then repeats the creation. And he is the forgiving and the loving. He is the owner of the majestic throne. He does as he pleases.
And then this Surah, it concludes by praising the Quran that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has revealed. Bal huwa quranun majeedun fee lawhim mahfood. Indeed, it is the glorious Quran that is preserved in the lawhim Mahfood. And this is 1 of the references in the Quran to the famous Lawhin Mahfood.
And the Lawhin Mahfood, as we learned from the Sunnah, that it is the protected tablet. It is the tablet upon which everything is written. And Allah is saying the Quran is also written over there as well. The next Surah is Surah At-Tariq.
And Surah At-Tariq, again, At-Tariq here, was Allah, Azawajal, gives a Qasam, so in Surah Al-Buruj, Was-Sama'i Thaatil Buruj, in Surah At-Tariq, Was-Sama'i Wa At-Tariq. Both of the beginnings are the same. Wassamayi wat-Tariq The Tariq here again, people have differed what exactly does it mean? And most say that it is a type of night star.
It is a star that we see at night. Wassamayi wat-Tariq It is a particular star that is seen at night. Wama adrakam attarikh What will make you understand what is attarikh? An-najmuthaqib, the piercing star.
Then Allah, Azawajal, says, and again, when you read the Surahs, realize Allah is giving oath after oath after oath, developing the oaths to get to the point of emphases. Sometimes 3, sometimes 7, sometimes even 10, as we'll come to in 1 Surah. 10 oaths, Allah is building more and more emphasis to get the point across. What is the point that Allah wants to make across over here?
In kullu nafsillamma AAalayha haafil That surely, every single soul has an angel that is writing down all that they say. Allah is making a qasam that everyone is being monitored by the angel. And then Allah Azawajal challenges us, Falyanthulinsanu mimma khuliq Let man see what he has been created from. Khuliqa mimma indafiq He has been created from an ejaculated fluid.
This man that is walking around, this woman that is walking around, their origin is so lowly, we don't like to think about it, but it shows us the power of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. It shows us the miracle of life over and over again. Surely, the 1 who has created man in this manner, innahu ala raj'ihi laqadir. Indeed, Allah can bring man all the way back again.
The 1 who created him from a drop of fluid in that manner, that 1 can bring man back again. And on that day, when he does bring him back, Yawmatu bilassara'ir. On that day, all secrets will be known. Everything that you've done will be exposed for all to see.
Everyone will be able to see if Allah wills, because again, as we mentioned in our series of the Day of Judgment, that some people will be concealed by Allah with the covering of Allah, we want to be amongst them. But others, their records will be fully available. And SubhanAllah, can you imagine, we seek Allah's refuge, can you imagine your family, your friends, everybody sees your entire life of deeds. We don't want to be amongst those people.
We want to be amongst those whom Allah covers up. And so we ask Allah, the Sitteer, to cover our sins in this world and to cover them in the next world as well. So, yawmatum al-as-sara'ir fama lahu min quwwatin wala nasir On that day, no person will have independent power. No person will be able to help you on that day.
And then Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says, again, aqassam at the end here. So there's aqassam at the beginning of the Surah and aqassam at the end of the Surah. By the way, I don't know if I've talked about the issue of qassam, and again, that's a deeper topic. Allah Azawajal does not need to give a qasam.
Allah doesn't need to give an oath. We need to give an oath to our friends and relatives to make them understand we are speaking the truth. Allah does not need to. He only does so to emphasize even more what is about to follow.
So every time Allah gives a Qasam, we had better pay attention because Allah doesn't need to give a Qasam. So when he does, it's for us so that we pay heed, so that we understand the significance and the gravity of what is about to follow. So what is the second Qasam here? That Allah Azawajal says, wassama'i thaatarraji'i wal-ardi thaatis sada' that Allah Azawajal is talking about this, giving the Qasam by the earth and by the heavens, that innahu laqawlun fasl This Quran, it is a firm word.
It is a word that is absolutely fasal. It will decide everything. Wama huwa bilhazil It's not a joke. It's not going to be taken lightly.
Innahum yakeeduna kayda wa akeedu kayda They are going to plot and plan, and I too am plotting and planning. Famahilil kafireena amhilhum ruwayda And so, give these kuffar time, give them time as they want, and eventually that time will run up and they're going to face me and they're going to meet their Lord. The next Surah, Surah Al-A'la. Surah Al-A'la and Surah Al-Ghashiyah will be our final 2 Surahs for today.
Surah Al-A'la, these 2 Surahs, Al-A'la and Al-Ghashiyah, our Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasalam, would frequently recite them in Salatul Jumu'ah. First rak'ah is A'la, second rak'ah is Ghashiyah. And sometimes in Salatul Eid, A'la and Ghashiyah. And so the Sahaba would hear these Surahs from the tongue of our Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, many, many times.
And of course, al-A'la here is the description of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, the name of Allah, azawajal, al-A'la. And that Allah is the most exalted. Sabihisma rabbikal a'la. The Surah begins by the command to praise the name of Allah.
Even the name of Allah is worthy to be praised. Allathee khalaqa fasawwa Who created and fashioned. Wallathee qaddara fahada And the 1 who ordained and the 1 who guided and goes on and on. And Allah Azawajal then says, Sanuqree'uka falatansa We are going to recite the Quran to you so you shall not forget.
This is the proper way to translate it. You are not going to forget the Quran. Falatansa illa mashaAllah If Allah wills, there's gonna be abrogation. We talked about abrogation in Surat Al-Baqarah.
There's gonna be some abrogation, so sometimes some Quran will be lifted up. Innahu ya'alamul jahra wa ma yakhfa Allah knows the open and the secret. And then Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la moves on to the issue of reminding the people, fadhakkir innafAAatidhikra That remind 1 another, if the reminding is of benefit, some scholars have said, remind 1 another, even if you don't see the benefit, others are going to benefit. InnafaAAatidhikra is not a condition, it's not a clause, that Allah is saying that when you remind somebody might take benefit and who's gonna take benefit?
Say, yadhakkaru man yakhsha The 1 who fears Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala will indeed pay a heed to your advice and the 1 who is wretched, who has no Iman, will not pay attention. Wa itajannabuhal ashqa And that is the person who will enter the fire of hell, never living nor dying. What a powerful verse. Thumma la yamutu feeha wala yahya He's never gonna die because hell is eternal.
But do you wanna call that life? That is not life. So, la yamutu wala yahya. He's not gonna live, I mean, he's not gonna die, but that's also not a life that you wanna call a life.
So Allah, Azawajal, calls the people of Jahannam, they're not dead, they're never gonna die, and they're also never going to live a real life. We seek Allah's refuge. Qad aflaha man tazakka The 1 who purifies himself, that is the 1 that will be successful. This whole religion, What is it meant to do?
Tazkiyah, purify the soul. That's what it's all about. It's all about the purification of your soul. You want to come to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala with a pure heart, with a pure soul, with a pure body.
That is how you want to meet Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. So who is that person? Wadhakarasma rabbihi fasalla He remembers the name of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala and he prays to Allah. Then Allah says to the people who rejected him, rather you prefer the life of this world over the next, even though the next is better and more permanent.
And indeed, this has been the message of all the previous revelations. Inna hadha lafis suhufu al-oola It was the message of Ibrahim and it was also in the message of Musa. So dear Muslims, don't prefer the life of this world over the next, prefer the life of the next because that is better and that is more permanent. And the final Surah for today, Surat Al-Ghashiyah or the overwhelming event, that's what Ghashiyah means.
And again, These 2 Surahs are paired together, Surah Al-A'la and Surah Al-Ghashiyah. And this Surah does not begin with the Qasam. It begins immediately with a question that has the news of the overwhelming event come to you. This is the name of the Day of Judgment that is going to overwhelm you.
That on that day, some faces will be downcast and gloomy. Aamilatun nasiba They are tired, they've worked hard, despite the fact that they've worked hard. Tasla naaran haamiya they're going to enter the fire of hell. We seek Allah's refuge.
They have worked hard, but they didn't work hard for the right thing. They worked hard for their bank accounts. They worked hard for their honor and glory. They worked hard to build the pleasures of this world.
So then of what benefit will it be for the hereafter? And of course, Allah Azawajal then mentions the wujuhun yawma-idhin na'ima, in contrast, there will be faces that are glowing with bliss, with happiness. Lisa'ayyiha radiya. They will be content with the work that they have done.
Notice here, the contrast between the work. The first category, they worked, but not with the intention of investment for the Akhirah. They worked. Aamilatun nasiba They're working hard, they're tired from the work that they've done, but they didn't do it for the hereafter.
So there's nothing for them to see. As for this category, Lisa'yihaa radia They are happy to see the investments pay off of the next life. Notice the pronoun, Lisa'yihaa radia
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