6 minutes 4 seconds
🇬🇧 English
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-♪ ♪ -♪ ♪ Finally tonight, before we go, you might remember that a little over a month ago, I brought to your attention the single most urgent crisis of our time.
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Russia has lost contact with a satellite full of possibly mating geckos. They were trying to observe their mating activities in 0 gravity. But after just a few orbits, their pods stopped responding to mission control.
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It was terrifying. Now... --LAUGHTER- You may remember that in response to that, we launched our famous hashtag go get those geckos campaign, uniting all fans of astro-reptilian fornication from across the globe.
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And soon after we launched our campaign, it seemed that we were victorious. We even released a web video announcing the good news. Russia has regained communication with their interstellar orgy mobile. Ladies and gentlemen, we did it!
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The Gringos got a dot! Woo! Woo!
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Woo! Woo!
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I remember those days, such pure distilled joy. Well, it turns out I may have been a little premature, because The satellite landed earlier this week, and Russia had a tragic announcement to make.
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Russian officials say 5 geckos that were sent to space have died.
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No! Do you know what? I would ask for a moment of silence, but that's frankly not enough. In honor of the 5 brave geckos who lost their lives, please join me in 5 mournful flicks of the tongue.
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-♪♪ -♪♪ Okay, okay, look, look. I want answers now. I want answers. How did this happen?
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Apparently, they froze to death because of equipment failure. On the bright side, fruit flies on that same mission survived.
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Who gives a shit? I don't care about the fruit flies. I only care about the frozen fuck lizards.
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Listen, up in that shuttle, there were 4 females and 1 male, and We sent those geckos to have sex in space, not because they were easy, but because he was hard. -♪♪♪♪ -♪♪♪♪ This... This is devastating. And these brave, horny space reptiles deserve a dignified send-off.
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Those geckos may not have been able to speak English because they were Russian. And they may not have been able to speak Russian because they were geckos. But I am sure that they could understand the universal language of music. So with that in mind, to help me honor their memory, singing their hit song, Say Something, please welcome A Great Big World.
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Say something, I'm giving up on you
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We're all going to miss those horny little f*** lizards.
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I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
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But Let's remember they died doing what they loved. F***ing in space.
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Anywhere I would have followed you.
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And I know that right now, right now, they're up in heaven. Right up there.
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Say something, I'm giving up on you.
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They are having high-pitched sex on the ceiling of God's bedroom.
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And I swallow my pride. You're the 1 I love I'm saying goodbye Say something, I'm giving up on you I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you. And anywhere I would have followed you, oh Say something, I'm giving up on you
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Thank you so much for watching. My deep thanks to A Great Big World. Please, please do join us next week.
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Good night to
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you. Say something. Say something, I'll be there. Say something Say something, I'm giving up on you sorry that I couldn't get to you Anywhere I would follow you anyway I will follow you oh say something I'm giving up on you Say something I'm giving up on you Say something
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Say something.
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♪ -♪ -♪ -♪ -♪ -♪ -♪ -♪ -♪ -♪
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