7 minutes 23 seconds
🇬🇧 English
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And remember that before the appearance of Imam Mahdi these fitnahs will be so severe that Naim bin Hamad has quoted the statement of Hazrat Saeed bin Musayyab that in the evening there will be so much fitnah that at 1 place as soon as the fitnah ends it will start at another place. Allah said, In the meantime, do not be anxious until a caller from the heavens calls, Indeed, your leader is such and such. These fitna will not cease until a caller from the heavens calls, your leader is such and such. Meaning that Imam Mahdi has come, he has appeared.
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This hadith is in Nu'aym bin Hamad's book Al-Fitn, which is the teacher of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. And in the second narration, this voice will come from the sky. This is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi. Obey him.
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And this voice will echo in the East and the West. And the echo of this voice will be such that the sleepers will wake up. The sleepers will stand up after hearing this voice. And Imam Mahdi will be in Medina Munawwara.
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And will reach Mecca and take control of it. And after some time, Sufyani will send his army to attack him. And this army of Sufyani will be stuck in the ground at the place of Baida. Now, because this army of Sufyani being stuck in the ground is a clear sign of the appearance of Imam Mahdi.
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Scholars have considered this sign as a big and clear sign of the appearance of Imam Mahdi in light of Ahadith. When the army of Sufyani will be stuck in the ground, as a result of this sign being revealed, the people of Allah, the saints of Allah, the great saints of Syria, and the disciples of Iraq will pledge allegiance to Imam Mahdi in front of Ka'batullah and the Ka'bah of Ibrahim and the Ruqn-e-Hajr-e-Aswad. In light of the narration of Imam Mahdi, the companions of Ka'f will also come to join the helpers of Imam Mahdi. And Imam Badruddin Aini Ali Rahman has written the reference of this hadith in light of his research in the Sharh of Umdatul Qari, Sahih Bukhari.
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And moving forward, I will talk about the preparation for the confrontation of the Dajjali fitnah, how we can prepare ourselves. In this regard, I will
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talk in
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detail about the importance of Surah Al-Kahf and the connection between Surah Al-Kahf and the Companions of the Kahf. So, I was talking about some of
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the major signs before the appearance of Imam Mahdi and
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he was speaking on some very clear signs. Similarly, Mansoor, who will be from the Ahlul Bayt and his title will be Al-Harith. And according to the scholars, this Mansoor will be the brother or uncle of Imam Mahdi and he will have a black mole on his right hand.
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And he will be in the last corner of the east and will face Imam Mahdi with the people of Khurasan. Now There is a lot of difference
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in the narrations
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regarding the death of Imam Mahdi. I will explain it later. When the army of Sufyani will be in the ground after being punished by Allah, when the people of Allah will have done the Bai'at at the hands of Imam Mahdi, and the common Muslims will have done the Bai'at at the hands of Imam Mahdi, then the time will come when Imam Mahdi will leave Sufyani for war and travel to the borders of Syria.
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And Sufyani would be arrested and brought to the court of Imam Mahdi and Imam Mahdi would kill Sufyani. And here, through Imam Mahdi the corruption, oppression and oppression of Sufyani will end and then the world will see that the earth will show its heart like a piece of gold the treasure buried in Kabatullah Imam Mahdi will take it out and distribute it Imam Mahdi will distribute gold and silver among many people the world. And if the world becomes rich, no 1 will need anything. The world of indigent, ungrateful and unprotected people will be a world of dry wood being planted in dry land, and it will be a green field with leaves.
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And the world of abundance of wealth and wealth and the rise of the economy of the Muslim world will be such that the living people will wish that those people who were living in poverty would be alive today and see this scene. Allahu Akbar! See, today when the whole world of disbelief is trying to extinguish the light of Islam And the whole Muslim world is in a state of extreme humility and humility When we hear these hadiths in such a hopeless situation We see a ray of hope And this is the hope that awakens in us the spirit of courage, courage and hard work That the day is not far when the Islamic nation will be recognized again We will get our lost heritage again He said, لَا تَذْهَبُ الدُّنْيَا حَتَّى يَمْلِكَ الْعَرَبُ رَجُلٌ مِنْ أَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ Glory to Allah! He said, This world will not end until
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a man from my family becomes
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the ruler of the Arabs. And listen to the hadith of Prophet Dawood. He said, Allah will send a man from me or my family who will fill the earth with justice and justice as this earth is filled with oppression and oppression and we heard from the Prophet Dawood a hadith Al Mahdi min itrati min waladi Fatima Who will change the world?
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He said, this Mahdi will be from my children, my Fatima's children Subhanallah, remember the Mujahid man who will change this time of poverty, corruption, backwardness, oppression and oppression into a time of justice, peace, love, and prosperity, wealth and happiness. Who will
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that be? It will be
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1 of the children of Fatima Zahra. My master's blood will be running in his veins. Imam Barzanji has written in Al-Isha' Al-Ashraut-Isha' that this will be the time when those who hate the family of Muhammad will be wiped out from the world.
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All the people of the world will love the family of Muhammad. In the era of Imam Mahdi which is the era of peace and prosperity and wealth when the economy of the Muslim world will be at its peak in which they will distribute gold and silver abundantly this era of prosperity will be in those 7 years which will be before Al Malhamatul Kubra meaning this time will come before the biggest world war, Armageddon and after Al Malhamatul Kubra, Imam Mahdi will conquer both Constantinople and Rome and until the conquest of Constantinople and Rome, the Dajjal will not be exiled. That is, a few years after the Great Calamity, Constantinople and Rome will be conquered, and then the Dajjal will be exiled.
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