10 minutes 24 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Jerogan Experience.
Speaker 2
I was reading something that there's a lot of women who are taking some new, there's some like an injection that kills your appetite and they're doing it, what is it called?
Speaker 1
I actually know exactly what you're talking about because someone what is it going? It mimics Had you had like the stomach surgery? Like in terms of appetite curbing,
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
I know this because yesterday someone told me that someone they know got it
Speaker 2
They were talking about the Kardashians and They were talking about how they lose all this weight, like the larger girl, what did you call her, Khloe? They were saying that she's always had a problem with weight, now she's ripped, and that this is what these people are taking. She's larger.
Speaker 2
You know what the conspiracy on that 1 is?
Speaker 1
She's O.J. Simpson's daughter?
Speaker 2
Yeah. That's a conspiracy.
Speaker 3
Yeah. I buy it. I'd like to get
Speaker 2
a strand of her hair and run it through a lab.
Speaker 1
I bet you can. I bet they'd sell it to you.
Speaker 2
How much? I don't know. Probably a million dollars.
Speaker 2
You'd have to brush up against her.
Speaker 1
True, you probably couldn't get that close.
Speaker 2
No, security attack with you.
Speaker 1
There's that fine line, you know, as a woman, it's like you don't want to win or whatever. I have an issue with that whole family's ethos. There were parts of them that I thought were so good, the older parts, and I guess at the end of the day, this goes back to you can't have someone be your end all, be all, whatever they do.
Speaker 1
They seem sad, And they live in this bubble. They probably have a lot of yes people. I think as a consumer, put on your fucking hat and realize like these people are not, they're selling you tummy tea, detox tea, waist trainers. These are people that are deeply unhappy with their bodies as most women are, but you don't have access to the same things they do.
Speaker 1
So you can work out and diet all you want, you're never gonna look like that. And I think that's really hard for people to wrap their mind around when you look at Instagram and stuff, it's really, there's that disconnect, that cognitive disconnect of like, no 1 looks like that, but I sure would like to try. Yeah. And this is not a happy person, but this is also a person who's been called the larger 1 and ugly and all these things her whole life, so that's probably.
Speaker 1
This is larger.
Speaker 3
She is larger.
Speaker 1
Psychologically, it's not your fault, psychologically damaging, but.
Speaker 2
She's, this shot works.
Speaker 1
I can't believe people now I I can't believe people keep buying into this.
Speaker 3
I haven't taken it yet.
Speaker 1
Is it that is it that NFT?
Speaker 2
Are you gonna you know are you worried about but is it is your appetite bothering you?
Speaker 1
Speaker 3
it wasn't that it's called I believe this is what it's called.
Speaker 2
What's it
Speaker 3
looking up semi glutide is yeah the Actual drug, but that's like other names right
Speaker 2
there how many times the Kardashians well
Speaker 1
I was
Speaker 3
trying to see if this is what you were actually talking about what
Speaker 2
that is semi glutide is what I read
Speaker 3
Yeah, yeah, so No, I think I was I asked them for like a weight loss something, because of the stuff I was taking. I was like, I should be losing weight. And they were like, oh, take this.
Speaker 2
Well, what are you eating, buddy?
Speaker 3
No, I changed my diet
Speaker 1
a little bit.
Speaker 3
First of all,
Speaker 2
you're not big.
Speaker 3
That's where
Speaker 2
I'm, That's
Speaker 3
why I haven't taken it
Speaker 2
yet at
Speaker 1
all either. Can I say he's a
Speaker 2
big boy? Is that all right? You can say he's a big boy.
Speaker 2
You can say big boy. You can't say big girl.
Speaker 1
Big boy's a little, yeah.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it's less offensive.
Speaker 1
You can say big girl.
Speaker 2
Some people are big girls. My thing about the Kardashians is, this is my take, is like human beings should have personal sovereignty. And someone shouldn't influence you that much.
Speaker 2
Like if that bothers you so much that they're materialistic and that they get their butts done, like that's on you. And the problem though is I'm saying this as a 55-year-old wealthy man. And I'm not influenced by them. But if I was a young girl and I looked to them as being the like that's 1 of the things that really fucks with people on social media is you're looking at other people as This these are examples of like what's ideal and then if your body doesn't match that right of your lifestyle doesn't match that and then you have this horrible feeling that you're not valuable You're not worthy.
Speaker 2
And so the problem is that a lot of people look to these very wealthy Yeah people with all this plastic surgery is that that is the highest level of achievement because these are the most popular people, the most social media and the most money, and it influences people in a negative way.
Speaker 1
I agree with all of it. I agree with all of it. If you're younger, that's not your fault that you are looking at that.
Speaker 1
If you are older, and we'll say like if you're in your 30s, you have seen this family in particular, but just in general, you've seen social media grow and you've seen this family grow and you've seen all of the snake oil over all this time. So for you to be surprised or let down at this point is really more an indictment on your intelligence. Really? You think the family that would sell their own children for money, you think the family that sold you tummy tea and diarrhea pills, you think the
Speaker 2
family- Diarrhea pills?
Speaker 3
Diarrhea pills, you think this- But Do they really have diarrhea pills?
Speaker 2
I think
Speaker 1
their detox tea gives you diarrhea.
Speaker 2
Does it?
Speaker 1
That's how you detox. You take a shit.
Speaker 2
I don't think that's the mechanism involved in detoxification.
Speaker 1
Detox tea. But you would also not take, that's why, it's not real.
Speaker 2
But what is it?
Speaker 1
Tell me tease They make you take a dump.
Speaker 2
I literally have never done it out. People say tummy tea The the most thought I've given to it is saying those words Just there. I've never thought about it.
Speaker 1
Chances are it involves taking a shit.
Speaker 2
Do you know what it
Speaker 3
is? Even the semi-glutide is gonna make you have diarrhea.
Speaker 1
Where do you think these, they gotta escape from somewhere. You're not sweating out the fat like someone putting in work.
Speaker 2
But tummy tea, is that real? What the fuck does that do? Does it just kill your appetite?
Speaker 1
This was like early 2000s Instagram marketing tummy tea. These were like detox teas. And these family, hair gummies, everything, they
Speaker 2
push to
Speaker 1
make your hair grow. They sell everything. But isn't
Speaker 2
it collagen? Like hair, It probably actually does help the health of hair.
Speaker 1
You can take biotin.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
You know, but like I take biotin, I'm never gonna have like lustrous pony hair. Like it will grow in.
Speaker 2
Pony hair.
Speaker 1
I have a baby, so it's like, you know what I look like? All the hairs in the front broke. You know how like Puerto Rican guys get like the Caesar like it's a very like Guido look That's what I have like a full Caesar in the front your hair breaks, and it will never it will never look great No matter how much biotin I take and so I think at a certain age It's on you like if you're still looking at these petulant women as some sort of inspiration, like that's on you.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah, I think so too. But I think you're right about young people. The thing that's fucked is that, that empty pursuit of fame for no reason.
Speaker 2
Like it used to be that if someone and if you want if you were younger and you look to some Celebrity that was a singer Beyonce or whoever it was. You're like god. I wish I was like
Speaker 1
her, right?
Speaker 2
Well, that's someone who's like putting out like This incredible work of art that affects millions of people. They dance to it, they sing to it. Like it's very inspirational and aspirational.
Speaker 2
Like God, that would be amazing to be like her. She inspired me to get into music. She inspired me to pursue my dreams. But when the dreams are just like making money and like sticking your ass out and you know and just taking these doctored pictures.
Speaker 1
I don't feel the need to defend this family. The 1 thing I will say you know you have someone however this came about made a sex tape with a guy she was dating. And that guy's obviously a scumbag.
Speaker 1
I can respect that she didn't just lay down, and I'm saying this as a joke, and take it. Like that tape leaked or however they got a hold of it, this was gonna be used against her. This guy had the tape and he's had other tapes. And to pivot, because there are plenty of people who have leaked sex tapes that have not risen like a phoenix, right?
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
I can be okay with that, and I can be okay with, and I will say this, and I feel like we've talked about this on the podcast, but if you are not rail thin, if you have thighs, if you are, you know, and this is for a lot of women of color in particular, but even if you're just a white girl and you don't have Nordic model boy hips, these women sort of champion dressing for your curves. And when you don't see a reflection, I'm a white upper middle class woman, and I still almost am like brought to tears when I put on jeans because my thighs are like a little big. So they kind of made it okay.
Speaker 1
And I can respect that. But anything else, I'm just appalled at them. But I can respect making it okay if you have, naturally, the curvy body that they have surgery to get. If you have a body like that, I can respect creating a place where, as a girl, you might feel okay about the body that you have.
Speaker 2
The fucked up thing about that whole skinny look, like really scrawny look that some women think is attractive, like men don't think it's attractive. That's not something that guys like in general.
Speaker 1
It actually has less to do with guys and more to do with an inculcation of an ideal, a brainwashing that is hard to unscrub. And it has to do, I mean, it's deeply- Isn't it
Speaker 2
from modeling photos? Because models-
Speaker 1
Models hang.
Speaker 2
They're like hangers.
Speaker 1
The clothing hangs and a lot of gay guys model, and they model women's bodies after boys' bodies, right? This is all about how the clothes will hang, and it's so built into our society to be smaller, which ties to feminism and making yourself smaller. But I cannot, even though I love my body, like I look at those women and I'm like, that's what you want.
Speaker 1
And this- Really skinny? I'll never have it, it doesn't matter. But most women, like it's just a brainwashing thing. You can't get out of that?
Speaker 1
You can acknowledge that that's unattainable, but, and I talked about this in my standup forever ago, like every girl looks at her body, you're like, I just want to lose 5 pounds. Even if you don't need to, like it's a thing. And it has less to do with being attractive to a man and just being acceptable. And most men, good guys, they don't think about women.
Speaker 1
I always try to explain to women, like, the thing that what you're putting your body through and what you're putting yourself through mentally with thinking you're unacceptable, most men aren't looking at you like that. You at your worst, your husband's probably still like, that looks really good, right? Like, if your wife didn't shave her legs perfectly, are you going to leave the room? No.
Speaker 1
And I think this has to do with self-esteem and the way that we treat, that we educate women and the disinformation about their bodies, vaginas, thighs, hips, all that stuff that good men don't actually care about all that bullshit.
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