4 minutes 6 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
Ha ha ha! The Joe Rogan experience. Yeah, boxing you guys is corrupt. So he's about 16-0 and the guy could box, man.
Speaker 1
I've seen him put work on UFC fighters. Like I've seen him spar like Bellator Champions. The guy does work. So we did like a no time limit 40-minute boxing.
Speaker 1
Just whoever quits.
Speaker 2
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Speaker 1
Yeah, just because we're just bored, you know.
Speaker 2
The CTE Special.
Speaker 1
Oh, fuck yeah,
Speaker 2
dude, fuck yeah.
Speaker 1
So it's kind of funny, He was actually going through some like personal shit and he beat me He beat me that day, but I was hitting him I was like, dude, you just like there's something like there's Something with you right now after we get done boxing for like 40 45 minutes. He starts telling me his personal issues I'm like, oh fuck. Yeah, I did you were ready to die today.
Speaker 1
That makes sense I feel I'm about to go for a hike with my girlfriend, bro Yeah, You win dude you fucking win
Speaker 2
that's like when Buster Douglas fought Tyson You know Buster Douglas his mom died and Buster Douglas had always been like that really talented guy with a wicked jab who just didn't Apply himself like many really talented guys and then for that camp. He just went fucking full in
Speaker 1
yes I'm guys some guys even when they have that like I Mean fuck even walking even sometimes me when I walk out, like I gotta tell myself, like, dude, you are a fucking loser. Like, like you are a fucking, you don't belong here. Like, just go on there and kill this motherfucker.
Speaker 1
You know, like, I always joked, I always said, like I had a teacher tell me in like seventh eighth grade 1 of the 1 of the few years I went to school She I think it was like her name was like miss wadged. I don't know history or some shit. She looked at me. She said Sean You're the reason you're the reason why they build prisons.
Speaker 2
Oh Jesus Christ. You're a little kid imagine that
Speaker 1
Naughty, but she she fucking nail on the fucking head Like I was a fucking shit bag, you know,
Speaker 2
right but shit bags can grow up And become actual men it's totally possible to dismiss a kid at that early in age
Speaker 1
no dude But life is strange man like like they do very good at isolating shitty people So I mean I mean like when I was in elementary school. I was homeschooled in like third fourth grade till Till like, you know seventh grade. I went back to school and Then they spotted me right at the back.
Speaker 1
I go. This guy's a problem He's a shitbag like and they'll so they isolate you They put you in like a school where they start 2 hours later and you end now early because they they got to isolate you high school the same shit went to a continuation school So society like they do well at saying hey this kid is gonna be a problem. We just got it like he's like cancer We just can't let him infect other people. Let's fucking put him away and then you go again, then you get older and you just go to jail That's it.
Speaker 2
But it's funny that those kids a lot of those kids. They can do things. They just need a direction They need something and martial arts is the best thing for those kids Every 1 of when people Say what's the best thing about bullies or best thing rather to deal with bullies my teach them how to fight He teach bullies how to fight.
Speaker 2
They're not gonna want to be beating people up there If you teach them how to train with real people, they're not gonna be doing that
Speaker 1
man I always say like MMA like even like soldiers with PTSD That's like, you know, I mean I have a little bit growing up like just not even know what the fuck Pete I always thought like it sounds fucked up but I've always like when you hear like soldiers talking about PTSD I'm like you fucking pussies like this is how I was when I was a kid
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
like well you know at 20 years old like, you know, I can't go in public or I can't sleep at night I have like I'm like what the fuck's wrong with you fucking pussy like give me a gun I'll fucking shoot some in the fucking head right now. I don't give a fuck But then I realized it like me I grew up so fucked up that that was my way of life but I couldn't imagine being a normal motherfucker just to be a normal guy trying to fuck the high school prom queen going right and all of a sudden you turn 24 and then like the veil is lifted and you're like who the fuck am I so like once I kind of realized that I had a lot more respect for him. But you know, what I was going with that is like training, man.
Speaker 1
If you guys, if you guys have some fucked up issues, some demons, man, like train. And a lot of people that train are fucked up. So it's like, you have this good, like brother ship, this bond.
Speaker 2
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