4 minutes 44 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Jorogun Experience.
Speaker 2
What do you think about big game hunters? Like the people who go to Africa?
Speaker 1
Africa's a very complicated situation. Yeah. Because Africa has more wild game right now than any time over the last few decades.
Speaker 1
And the reason why they have that is because they made it very valuable. So these people set up these large wild game camps and the people from all over the world come there and they pay a lot of money and they hunt. And they can hunt anything. Wildebeest, giraffes.
Speaker 1
They can't take
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it with them, right?
Speaker 1
They can't bring it back with them. And they can eat the meat while they're there, and they'll donate the meat to the villages, which they very much appreciate. My friends who've been over there said it is actually a very nice feeling.
Speaker 2
What about like lions? They don't do that.
Speaker 1
Nope, they don't eat the lions. No. Lions is just, it's just like to say you hunted a lion, the thrill of hunting a lion, you know, And then there's the conservation aspect of it.
Speaker 1
They do have to kill a certain amount of lions. They have a population control that they do. So like, when they, remember when Cecil the lion got killed and everybody freaked out? They shut down lion hunting and then they had a surplus of lions.
Speaker 1
And then lions were killing too much antelope and undulates. So then they had to send in hunters, like professional killers, to kill the lions.
Speaker 2
Do you remember this movie that Kurt Douglas was in?
Speaker 1
Yeah. The Ghost in
Speaker 2
the Darkness. So come to find out, that's a true story. Yes.
Speaker 2
And they did the thing on the lions, and 1 of the lions, he had an injury. He had hurt his jaw, his tooth or something, like a real bad- Like a bullet hole? No, like biting something big. He broke a tooth, and so that's why he was hunting humans because yeah, yeah easier It's like yeah, it's like eating cotton candy as opposed to that Right,
Speaker 1
but I know
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the other 1 was fine, but I guess that was like all right, man. You own this special diet I'm on it with you Let's go get these motherfuckers.
Speaker 1
Well, once you eat us, it's probably so easy. If we don't taste absolutely terrible. The lion pair was said to have killed 135 people.
Speaker 1
Holy shit. 1898.
Speaker 2
And tell them why his, because 1 of them had, so his little lion breath probably stunk like shit.
Speaker 1
Stunk. It said the Sabo man-eaters are the most widely studied man-eating pantherine cats, given their behavior of hunting humans as a pair as well as dental injuries reported in 1 of the lions, a cause commonly attributed to big cats turning to humans as prey.
Speaker 2
And these dudes was weird too, because they didn't have manes. They were both males.
Speaker 1
Oh, like that? Is that
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what they looked like? Yeah.
Speaker 1
Wow. How come they didn't have manes?
Speaker 2
Yeah, so they were equivalent of a guy with a big butt
Speaker 1
But why didn't they have manes I don't that's so strange
Speaker 2
yeah these 2 dudes was The poster boy
Speaker 1
Does it say anything about why they didn't have manes? No. That's so fascinating.
Speaker 2
Yeah, no manes and his breath.
Speaker 1
I thought all the males had manes.
Speaker 2
And these 2 dudes, so they were already outcast, no manes, bad breath.
Speaker 1
Yeah, they got nothing.
Speaker 2
They're going out to railroad track and eat some dudes.
Speaker 1
Imagine, you know, you're spending your whole life trying to kill a zebra. They're fast as fuck. You got to sneak up
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on them,
Speaker 1
you got to get them, And then you find these people, like, oh Jesus! They can't even run. All stumpled over their own feet, they're wearing shoes.
Speaker 1
You just take them out, and like, oh my God, this is so much easier. We can get fat.
Speaker 2
Yeah, no work. They don't have to run, no work. It's just like.
Speaker 1
They can't even see at night. Yes, these morons
Speaker 2
and they were all Railroad workers or something like that. Yeah,
Speaker 1
you just wait until someone has to piss. Yeah Savo males look different as well the most vigorous Serengeti males sport large manes while the Savo they have short thin manes or none at all. It's all about water Patterson says Savo is hotter and drier than the Serengeti and a male with a heavy mane would squander his daily water allowance by simply panting under a bush with none to spare for patrolling his territory, hunting or finding mates."
Speaker 2
Oh wow. That's 1 of those rock and ball heads.
Speaker 1
That's wild. I did not know that. So are there lions like that right now that are there?
Speaker 1
See if You can find like male lions out there with no manes. Wow. That's interesting. I didn't know that existed.
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