6 minutes 21 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Jerogen Experience.
Speaker 2
On that show I tell a joke about Bigfoot. I never saw Bigfoot but I was, when we were on training, you do these training where you go make maps and all this shit and we heard him. You heard Bigfoot?
Speaker 2
Heard Bigfoot, yeah. What's it sound like? Heeeeeeeey! I could still do that.
Speaker 2
He does that, but everything you see on them stupid TV shows, that happened. He threw a rock, all the animals started running, And then Marine, because you know, he's the guy who knows where the markers are, but we didn't know where the markers were. He's the 1 who says, hey, we're out of perimeter. Have you guys ever heard of Bigfoot?
Speaker 2
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He tells us. He was Native American, but he just said that. And we just...
Speaker 1
Where were you guys? What state?
Speaker 2
Like Nova Scotia
Speaker 1
Nova Scotia where
Speaker 2
they do cold weather training Yeah, you have to make your own man You
Speaker 1
sure they weren't fucking with you?
Speaker 2
I'm pretty sure who did who threw that rock
Speaker 1
somebody that was fucking with you
Speaker 2
All the animals ran to how you said they know how to get away they just did a little mass exodus. And it's a, it's a old-
Speaker 1
I'm very skeptical of Bigfoot.
Speaker 2
I've never seen him, but I never heard nothing like that either.
Speaker 1
So what, if you had a, did it sound like a...
Speaker 2
It just sounded, it was a...
Speaker 1
What was it similar to?
Speaker 2
You ever hear Luther Vandross sing live? No! Oh my God.
Speaker 2
Like when you hear him on a record, it's 1 thing, but when you hear him live, he's like that. He didn't sound like that, but it was the same power, like hair on the back of your neck. What the fuck?
Speaker 1
Well, you know, bears do that sometimes. Bears, especially when... What time of the year was
Speaker 2
it? It was winter because you listen to the wind, it's like, it sounds like a train coming, you have to determine where the wind is coming from and like get like go on a tree or something, because a lot of the icicles are coming like darts. Oh, wow. Jesus.
Speaker 2
And that night, we were joking. I was joking around about it and everything, and 1 of the officers says, you know, this is a facility, and, you know, we don't hurt your commedia. We don't make Basically, you can't go on stage and go hey, guess where I was at, and so I just, in the joke I'm just camping and we.
Speaker 1
Oh, I see.
Speaker 2
Yeah, But there's nobody's in the military, but we and in the joke I actually do see Bigfoot
Speaker 1
So tell me so how did it happen what was going on what were the circumstances
Speaker 2
we lay
Speaker 1
it out for me,
Speaker 2
okay? Yeah You get cuz it's cold and it's raining and so we like in a little circle It was and it's kind of raining kind of sleeping and we're talking about well, you know We're gonna do this and do that because we're comparing shit and everybody's fucking up. We found out third marker first Like it's supposed to be like a 2 or 3 day thing, right, and the good teams, like, you do it in the classroom for a couple days, and then a team goes out, team come back, team goes out. And some of the guys who weren't as good as us in the classroom were coming right back in 2 days.
Speaker 2
They just spent the night, spent 1 night, and came back, shit man, we was on our third day, dog. And then our first marker was the third marker. But he couldn't help us, But then after we heard that, he's like, look, you guys fucked up. So we just, cause we all.
Speaker 1
So how long did it take in total?
Speaker 2
We left right after that, dawg. He told us, we just, we, yeah. He didn't want to be there in the morning, We wanted to be there.
Speaker 2
Oh. So, yeah. It's a lot of fudging going on. Oh, okay.
Speaker 1
So you said, yeah, good enough.
Speaker 2
It's good enough, yeah.
Speaker 1
So you guys were out there, and explain to me what happened and who was telling you that it's Bigfoot.
Speaker 2
Well, we all heard it. Right. Everybody's like, what the fuck?
Speaker 2
And then everything's running, deer, everything's just like scurrying. But we heard the, you know how you throw a stick through the branches? He just threw it, it's just like a big something just flew through the trees. And that's when he's kind of, you know, and of course we're like, fuck outta here.
Speaker 2
Right. But it was just too weird to, and then he was like, yeah, you guys missed your other markers. I might know where they are. So we just kind of went and got on our walkers and went back to the base.
Speaker 2
Because we're out, dude. We're out like 20 miles. You have to
Speaker 1
make it- Out there with Bigfoot.
Speaker 2
Well, I wasn't really worried about Bigfoot because from a corner of that dude, Bigfoot don't bother you. I was worried about the other animals.
Speaker 1
So that dude's seen Bigfoot before? I don't
Speaker 2
know if he's seen him before, but he just said, he don't bother you. He just lets you know when you've gone too far in the woods. Really?
Speaker 2
Like, Nobody ever says that he grabs you and do nothing. He just does warning things. Just like on those stupid TV shows. You ever watch those shows?
Speaker 2
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We think we heard the Sashquads.
Speaker 1
Yeah. That's been the least successful, successful show ever. They've been trying to find Bigfoot for like 8 seasons.
Speaker 2
I've spent a whole day on the road, like if I'm in my hotel, I spent the whole day, oh shit, they about to get it. Oh shit. Like, oh my God.
Speaker 1
Yeah, me too.
Speaker 2
And then I'm like, it's 05:00.
Speaker 1
They got me again.
Speaker 2
You know, they're like, fuck, I
Speaker 1
gotta go get something to eat. Yeah, those aren't so successful. I mean, the best they get is like a sound
Speaker 2
Yeah, that's it. That's all I got
Speaker 1
reality shows man. They're not really reality They they fuck around they'd fuck around with editing, You know, I was on 1 of
Speaker 2
those. What, do you do the naked 1?
Speaker 1
A naked 1? The naked 1.
Speaker 2
Yeah, no, naked and, what's it called?
Speaker 1
Afraid, naked.
Speaker 2
Naked and afraid. Afraid. Yeah, I did, what'd you wear, man?
Speaker 2
You know how about, I had a uniform on and we all got bugs. Yeah, naked. Oh, boy. Oh my God.
Speaker 1
The suffering. Also, I don't know if they, look at, how bad can you get fucked up and how quickly can they get you to a hospital.
Speaker 2
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