11 minutes 6 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Jorogun Experience. But the question is, why would we assume that it's a biological entity? It doesn't have any windows. It's this round thing that looks like a tic-tac.
Speaker 1
If there is some sort of advanced propulsion system, some revolutionary way of moving through space and time that the US government has developed, you know, in some black ops program, that seems very likely impossible. That seems more likely than aliens visiting us. But there's more than 1 incident. And there's a lot of these things.
Speaker 1
And the possibility of alien life in the universe, although we've never experienced it, seems rational. It seems very rational. And if you were going to study an emerging civilization that is both primitive and warlike and yet Insanely technologically advanced to the point where they have nuclear weapons. They could transmit video through the sky.
Speaker 1
They have propaganda They have tracking of their citizens like that's us. That's us right now and While we are these territorial Primal beings with fucking nuclear weapons. This would be a good time. Yeah to start exposing yourself Yes, and to stop this nonsense and look the reason why we named the rooms of our club Fat Man and Little Boy is because in UFO lore, that's when they started showing up.
Speaker 1
After the detonation of the atomic bombs in Japan, that's when the UFO sightings ramped up.
Speaker 2
And they ramped up mostly in the US, right? Yes. So that's interesting, because the US was the 1 with the nuclear power.
Speaker 1
And we were the 1 who was doing a lot of fucking testing Yeah, you know and also we have all these military bases who the fuck has more military bases than us No 1 who has more nuclear weapons pointed at other people than us where we have them all over the place and there's all these multiple sightings and eyewitness accounts of very credible people who say these things have hovered over military bases. It'd be
Speaker 2
pretty cool if these aliens were benevolent overlords, and they were like, hey, my children.
Speaker 1
Yeah, or maybe even so advanced intellectually that the concept of an overlord is preposterous. And they're just biological management. They're just, they're just the gardeners, tending to make sure the weeds don't get out of hand and just like let this process continue to play itself out.
Speaker 1
Because this process of technological innovation is, it's the everything that humans do. It's what we do at the pinnacle of our creation is we make better technology.
Speaker 2
Well I always wonder about fractals and whether or not, like this idea of this being a simulation, this being, you know, like we are kind of replicating, we are creating machines and doing our best to create them in our own image, right? Yes. And that's interesting.
Speaker 2
You know, that's because the mythologies that we subscribe to are the idea that this God that we pray to made us in his image. And we're doing the same thing now with robots and computers. And that's an interesting thing that we seem to have this sort of paradigm, this idea that That's the scaffolding for the way we think right and to what end and and why are we doing that?
Speaker 1
Maybe it's
Speaker 2
it already happened, but has it already happened are we Are we the result of that that? Impulse That happened way longer a long time ago
Speaker 1
I think we are the shit-throwing chimps that are going to become the nuclear physicist
Speaker 2
That's what
Speaker 1
we are the shit-throwing chimps from 2001 to become Oppenheimer. Yeah, yeah and then I think this thing that we become is integrated with technology It's probably some sort of a hybrid. It's some sort of a cyborg That's why because I think we're already like on the verge of merging You know all this Talk of like neural ink and all these various things we watched this video the other day of this guy who is Googling questions and getting answers in his head with his headpiece.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Yeah, that's so crazy
Speaker 1
incredible, right? So how long before that is like that's pong?
Speaker 2
But that's and
Speaker 1
then you have the unreal 4 engine in 2023 that looks like a movie No, how long before that technology gets to the point where it's just? Supremely advanced and we we literally are like God,
Speaker 2
but my question really is also the idea that that's engineering, right? That's a tool.
Speaker 1
It's innovation.
Speaker 2
But there's engineering. So there are 2 aspects to it. 1 is getting information faster and stuff, which doesn't get you closer to the truth, but it gets you information faster.
Speaker 2
There are endless facts. But more importantly, I always wonder why we are given this, I really believe that human potential is pretty much infinite. Whatever you can imagine and beyond, we can do. And we are doing.
Speaker 2
We seem to be doing this. Think about how crazy that is. I can wear a headset and I can do things with my mind and look up
Speaker 1
the answer.
Speaker 2
That's insane. That's magic. It's crazier than magic.
Speaker 2
But there's a way to measure that and quantify that and replicate that. So it's not magic. I can do it and I can tell you exactly how I get there, which is even crazier. So what is that leading us to?
Speaker 2
It is nudging us closer. I think it's very significant that we're getting a better understanding of what it's like to be someone else. We are. It's really hard to say that a Yanomami Indian or whoever it might be is thinks about things differently than I do when I know so much about how all these human beings like someone in Iran, someone in Jordan, laughs and cries and bleeds at the same thing I do.
Speaker 2
Being prejudiced based on what that person looks like over there is becoming harder and harder to justify. Where it was before we knew about that, we were like, well, those people over there are quote unquote savages or they're this, that, and the other thing. And I do think that we are getting a better understanding of what it's like to be each other and being nudged in the same direction. I'm not saying we don't become tribal.
Speaker 2
Yeah. No, I
Speaker 1
think that's true too.
Speaker 2
But why? And it's interesting to think about where that's where that's leading us To what to what understanding to what understanding and then when we have that understanding what are we gonna do about that?
Speaker 1
Right, and are we gonna pull it together and are the aliens here to make sure that we don't fuck it up. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 1
That's the beautiful idea. The terrible idea is that it's all us. And that it's all the big ruse and it's all just drones that we're doing because we don't want China and Russia to know about it. We have insane Propulsion systems that operate on gravity and
Speaker 2
yeah, I think it is
Speaker 1
It seems like both It seems like us and it also seems like there's some shit that we we just don't understand And I don't know if those people are telling the truth because if the people that are telling the truth that there's biological Entities and this is what Jackie Gleason said that Nixon told him and Nixon took him on it They were drinking you know that famous story. Oh who knows if it's true It's a legend but the legend is that Jackie Gleason and Nixon were drinking and that Nixon said you want to see some fucking aliens and they get on Air Force 1 and they fly to some Air Force base and they go to a place where They have a crashed UFO and they have biological beings that are in freezers and Jackie Gleason sees this. And Jackie Gleason after that has a house built in upstate New York that looks like a UFO.
Speaker 1
He became obsessed with UFOs after that. There was a house, it was actually for sale at 1 point in time. Yeah, So he has this house that he had shaped like a UFO. And this is like, who knows if this is a true story, right?
Speaker 1
Because it's like, it was kind of sort of disputed. His ex-wife told the story or something like that.
Speaker 2
I forget. I think that kind of thing is actually impossible to keep secret?
Speaker 1
No, I don't think so. Really?
Speaker 2
No, I don't think so at all. You think generations of government bureaucrats can keep something a secret?
Speaker 1
Sure, they tell the people at the very highest level know about it, it's very few people, It's all very compartmentalized. They monitor everyone's phone calls, everyone's emails, everything everyone does. At a top secret clearance level,
Speaker 2
no way. I don't think
Speaker 1
you're right.
Speaker 2
Totally impossible.
Speaker 1
You're definitely not right.
Speaker 2
I think it's impossible.
Speaker 1
Listen, man, they can keep secrets.
Speaker 2
When? Which ones?
Speaker 1
People at high levels of military can keep
Speaker 2
see if it was rotating out. They're retiring. They're dying
Speaker 1
Yeah, they probably want to fucking Hillary Clinton and a lot of those dudes I'm not willing to relinquish the idea that they could keep that secret.
Speaker 2
Well, that's because it's fun to believe in.
Speaker 1
Yeah, but it's not just fun to believe in. It is possible. It's a physically possible thing to do, especially if you have the right people and they're indoctrinated in the right way with top secret clearance.
Speaker 1
And by the way, it's not like these people don't tell their friends And it's not like there's a bunch of stories floating around because there are there's a shitload of stories
Speaker 2
I'm saying but why why would you like I would never keep that a secret. I'd be like, hey Hey, you're talking aliens
Speaker 1
Here's the thing when you have Senators and congressmen who find out about this, and they find out that military contractors are the ones who have access to this stuff, because the back engineering program has to involve someone who has the capability of recreating this. So who would that be? That would be the people that make jets.
Speaker 1
If you got someone who's making you a fucking stealth bomber and you have a crashed UFO. Those are the people that you want discussing like what kind of things you've recovered from a fucking alien crash and can this be replicated?
Speaker 2
No, here's the problem with your
Speaker 1
whole theory. Don't you know me, motherfucker, because you don't know, you might be wrong.
Speaker 2
This is your wrong, no.
Speaker 1
No, no, no, don't say you're wrong because you don't know this
Speaker 2
is the problem with your theory ready?
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
I'm sorry, and I love that you want to believe in this and so why but here's the
Speaker 1
problem, okay?
Speaker 2
There's no law There's no written law that says I'm not allowed to talk about aliens And I mean at the level The top levels of clearance like the most secret level There is no world where if I'm a government official and I take a bunch of pictures and I come before Congress and I go Here's my evidence. I'm blowing the whistle. There are real aliens.
Speaker 1
I don't think they would go
Speaker 2
after you I'd never go to
Speaker 1
jail lating your top secret clearance.
Speaker 2
No because it's not violating my top secret clearance. But it would be.
Speaker 1
Nope, because I'd
Speaker 2
never go to jail for that. Because I'd be like, you're going to put me in jail for exposing what everybody wants to know? The whole world would be like, holy shit, you guys kept this a secret?
Speaker 1
But That's assuming that you have access to that material to extract enough people whoever the people maybe maybe not Maybe those are the kind of people that wouldn't do that Brian listen you fucking communist
Speaker 2
I'm blowing. I'm I'm shredding your you know you're not
Speaker 1
you think you are you just using these establishment
Speaker 2
You're allowed to talk about UFOs and you never get in trouble.
Speaker 1
You sound like your dad.
Speaker 2
Come on, man. First step is, and if your soul's gonna beat me up. You're a
Speaker 1
CIA stooge.
Speaker 2
I'll call my dad right now.
Speaker 1
And you're in here spreading propaganda to the faithful listeners. Listen to me,
Speaker 2
listen to me. There are no aliens, and if there are, we'd know about it because it's not against the law.
Speaker 1
If there is, you're gonna come back on dressed like a clown, agreed? Agreed. That's my bets I'm making with everybody now.
Speaker 1
I'll dress up like a clown.
Speaker 2
If you lose, you
Speaker 1
gotta dress up
Speaker 2
like a clown. I'll do it.
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