9 minutes 40 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Jerogan Experience.
Speaker 2
You're an Applebee's guy.
Speaker 1
I love Applebee's.
Speaker 2
Really? Yeah. What's it about Applebee's?
Speaker 1
I love the neighborhood, man. I love the...
Speaker 2
The atmosphere?
Speaker 1
I love the atmosphere. I love the drink they give you that comes with a gummy shark.
Speaker 2
Which one's that? I don't know what it's called.
Speaker 1
It's like
Speaker 2
1 of them signature cocktails?
Speaker 1
Yeah, but it's so good. And they have a special Mountain Dew Applebee's. They do?
Speaker 2
Yeah. It's special?
Speaker 1
Yeah, it's special. It's only Applebee's. What's the special?
Speaker 1
You looking for another 1 of those?
Speaker 2
No, I got this
Speaker 1
1 right here. It's like a raspberry flavor, I think. It's called like space punch.
Speaker 1
Darkberry bash. It's called actually NASA uses orange filters on Mars bash. Laughter I swear to God, check that shit out. Look into it.
Speaker 1
They might.
Speaker 2
I think what Jamie is saying about color correction though is accurate Yeah, I was looking at photos. They all come black and white. I think right It's I think the thing is that they're just getting data They're getting data and that data has to be interpreted into an image.
Speaker 2
And it's a lot more complicated than you taking a picture on your iPhone and texting it to me, and I get it, and it's in full resolution.
Speaker 1
Look up Mars copy and paste. Look up NASA copy and paste. NASA copy.
Speaker 1
Let's see if this works. I'll add Mars. Just add Mars for a buzzword.
Speaker 2
What do you think about all this UFO disclosure shit? Are you paying attention to
Speaker 1
it? Yes sir. Yeah.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
I think it's pretty cool.
Speaker 2
It's pretty interesting, right? Yeah. You know what's interesting, like how little people seem to care?
Speaker 1
Because we already know.
Speaker 2
I know, but it's interesting that like, there wasn't like some moment where people like, were like, holy shit, aliens are real. What's the moment?
Speaker 1
Pretty soon that's coming.
Speaker 2
You think, I think it's, because of the slow trickle, it's gonna be, we just accept it.
Speaker 1
Well they try to normalize it with like, like War of the Worlds, which is like, the World, or Battle of Los Angeles and shit like that. That was a real fucking thing that happened. The pictures of Battle of Los Angeles Is crazy.
Speaker 2
What happened exactly in Battle of Los Angeles?
Speaker 1
There's this big object in the sky and we're shooting machine guns at it. We got spotlights. This is like in the 50s maybe?
Speaker 2
I've never seen it. It's this photo.
Speaker 1
Look at this shit. Wow. So we're putting fucking rounds on this fucking
Speaker 2
thing spotlights on this thing in the look at the rounds, right? But what is it? What is it that they see?
Speaker 2
That's weird. The all you can see is spotlights
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
it says in the corner Boy that looks like a fucking flying saucer look at him
Speaker 1
look it in the middle and look at but those things around it Those are fucking like ma deuce rounds Like they're shooting at this fucking thing. They don't know what it is.
Speaker 2
Well. You know that there's a there's a famous story from the Soviet Union that these guys shot at a UFO and it turned them into stone.
Speaker 1
Is it true?
Speaker 2
I don't know the CIA investigated it here I'll send it to you Jamie because I sent it to Jeremy Corbell. That's what I asked him
Speaker 1
fuck I should have had links Jamie. God damn it.
Speaker 2
Well. This is the only link I have it's
Speaker 1
You're definitely on a watch list yeah,
Speaker 2
so there's a there's literally like a CIA document about it at these guys Supposedly shot at a low-flying spaceship according to the KGB materials A quite low-flying spaceship in the shape of a saucer appeared above a military unit that was conducting routine training maneuvers. For unknown reasons, somebody unexpectedly launched a surface-to-air missile and hit the UFO. It fell to earth not far away and 5 short humanoids with large heads and large black eyes emerged from it.
Speaker 2
It is stated in the testimonies by the 2 soldiers who remained alive that after freeing themselves from the debris, the aliens came close together and then merged into a single object that acquired a spherical shape that object began to buzz and hiss sharply and then became brilliant white in a few seconds the spheres grew much bigger and Exploded By flaring up with an extremely bright bright light at that very instant 23 soldiers who had watched the phenomena turned into stone poles poles Yeah, only 2 soldiers who stood in the shade and were less exposed to the luminous explosion survived.
Speaker 1
No shit.
Speaker 2
The KGB report goes on to say that the remains of the UFO and the petrified soldiers were transferred to a secret scientific research institution near Moscow. Specialists assumed that a source of energy that is still unknown to earthlings Instantly changed the structure of the soldiers living organisms having transformed it into a substance whose molecular Composition is no different from that of limestone
Speaker 1
I think it turned them in the limestone
Speaker 2
turn them literally in a limestone.
Speaker 1
This is a CAPA CIA
Speaker 2
Well, this is you know, they're reading from a KGB file, right? So It's it's just grow go to the very bottom and that again Jamie at the very bottom It's 1 of the things that says the CIA representative stated if the KGB file corresponds to reality This is an extremely menacing case the aliens possess such weapons and technology that go beyond all our assumptions They can stand up for themselves if attacked The thing is they're saying if the the file corresponds to reality that means there's
Speaker 1
this is real. They're tough
Speaker 2
Yeah, they can fuck with you.
Speaker 1
What year was this released?
Speaker 2
Source is a newspaper
Speaker 1
1991 93 93
Speaker 2
so there you know there's all these disclosures that are going on right now and they're very very fascinating because it's hard to know what's true and what's not true but it's interesting that they're talking about it but no 1 showed me anything yet I'm waiting for them to show me things. I've seen some things already, like those videos that they took off the FLIR video and the Go Fast video, and these videos of these things where these jet fighter pilots are trying to track this thing, and it's like zipping across the sky, and they're like, what the fuck is that? I've seen a few of those.
Speaker 2
I've seen, talked to 2 different fighter pilots that I've had encounters.
Speaker 1
And they're all in.
Speaker 2
They're all in. I think there's a real thing going on. What that real thing is, is what's confusing to me.
Speaker 2
I think some of it has to be ours. I think some of it has to be like super advanced drone technology that we don't want everyone knowing about. And it's probably some black op shit. But I don't think that's all of it.
Speaker 2
I think it's also possible that we've been visited. It just makes sense. It sounds so stupid. That's part of the problem of even talking about it because it sounds dumb because there's no evidence.
Speaker 2
So you have to believe in something where there's no evidence of it other than like some blurry photographs. But then when you just think about the size of the universe itself and the fact that we exist We exist here on this planet. We're real. We know we're real
Speaker 1
What if it's fucking a Martha or whatever and they're from fucking the center of the earth in the holes in the polar the poles or whatever north and south And that's where the holes are and that's why Google Maps blocks it all out and all that shit.
Speaker 2
Well, that would be a great theory before cell phones. Like that and satellites.
Speaker 1
But it's not there, you still can't see it.
Speaker 2
Yeah, but you can with satellites. And also flight patterns. Like the people that-
Speaker 1
Copy and paste, by the way. You know
Speaker 2
who doesn't think the world is flat pilots
Speaker 1
true Or anyone who's been in an airplane.
Speaker 2
They fly around these motherfuckers. They know where they have to go, they know the flight patterns.
Speaker 1
You look at it. You see it. Yeah, you
Speaker 2
look at it. Also, by the way, everything's round. Go out in the fucking sky and look at Mars, look at Jupiter, Get a telescope, look at all the stars, notice how everything's round.
Speaker 2
Seems like there's a pattern going on. Why would this be different? This ass is round.
Speaker 1
I don't know. It's so weird, man. I don't know, and you're talking about the oh shit moment, I think we've been so normalized to it.
Speaker 1
Like ET all this shit, growing up watching this shit, to where it's like, yeah, no shit. Everyone, no matter what the surveys say or anything, everyone thinks there's something going on.
Speaker 2
Everyone, yeah. There's a few people that still are very incredulous. Elon, believe it or not, is incredulous.
Speaker 2
He's famously said, if aliens are real, they're sure are subtle.
Speaker 1
They're very subtle. Bigfoot's subtle too. Doesn't mean he's not an interdimensional being that could teleport at will.
Speaker 2
He knows where the cameras are.
Speaker 1
He's an omniscient being. He shuts down trail kills. Bigfoot is just Jesus Christ, full beard, all over.
Speaker 1
He's just Woods Jesus.
Speaker 2
Yeah, that's what he is. Y'all seen the Woods Jesus?
Speaker 1
He's a mythical creature
Speaker 2
that's looking out for humanity. Our brothers and sisters, They need our help.
Speaker 1
He's a benevolent kind being. He's got a big heart.
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