13 minutes 27 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Joe Rogan Experience. It's very weird that we spent more on this than Russia spent doing the invasion. We now surpassed what Russia has spent.
Speaker 2
But what about this FTX thing? Oh yeah, well... That's where it gets crazy.
Speaker 1
Which I love is they're all reporting on like how could this happen like you know he would play League of Legends while he's on the phone doing a 20 million dollar deal and then who was it Goldman Sachs somebody's like I love this kid they all think it's great how could they think that's great because He's a rich kid with connected parents. If he was just some jerk off the street who looked like that, they wouldn't be like, oh, this is great.
Speaker 2
Well, his mom was a big Democratic Party operative, right? Wasn't she something along
Speaker 3
those lines?
Speaker 1
Yeah, also MIT. The guy at the SEC that he would talk to was an MIT professor. Hold on.
Speaker 2
Go back, Jamie. What did you just show me? I
Speaker 4
was trying to find the actual thing and that wasn't it But this is what he was talking about
Speaker 2
cryptos biggest crash saw a guy playing League of Legends while luring Investors so while he's looking for it He was playing this fucking game while he was talking to the Investors
Speaker 1
if you just pay a bunch of money to the media just which what he did They'll just write things about how great you are
Speaker 2
That's the other thing you
Speaker 1
don't go off.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
they'll write your because there's only 2 kinds of stories my friend He used to work with she told me it's either puff Outrage it's like puff pieces or hip pieces That's all they do because that's with them That's how you get people to look at it and whatever so you can
Speaker 2
bribe these companies to do puff pieces
Speaker 1
That's what he did
Speaker 2
isn't that wild
Speaker 1
the guy from? Shark Tank that they asked him. He's like I'd work with him again
Speaker 2
I think he was actually 1 of the guys that got paid too.
Speaker 1
Of course. I think he's
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1 of the spokespeople, wasn't he? Yeah. Kevin Allure?
Speaker 4
Yeah. He had to give some fun disclosures on that video where he's like, before we get started on this, let me tell you that all my business accounts are involved in FTX and I've invested in
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Speaker 1
There's a video of him on Shark Tank tearing apart some guy who brought a Ponzi scheme to him. Oh no. In fact, what did I say?
Speaker 1
I think it's CoffeeZilla.
Speaker 2
Maybe he believed in this kid.
Speaker 1
Yeah, but if you know the right people, his brother works with like a gap or something a guard against pandemics every single thing that you would see
Speaker 2
did you see what the young lady said she posted it on Twitter about regular amphetamine use
Speaker 1
oh they're
Speaker 2
checking people's make life what does she say makes real life seem silly
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
see if you can find out what her post was, but she was talking on Twitter about how Consuming amphetamines on a regular basis.
Speaker 1
Yeah, it
Speaker 2
is made non-medicated life seemed dumb.
Speaker 1
Oh, no shit. Do you see the obvious things they're saying?
Speaker 2
What a fucking... Nothing like regular amphetamine use to make you appreciate how dumb a lot of normal non-medicated human experience is. That is a hilarious thing to say from someone who in April 5th of 2021 is responsible for how much money?
Speaker 2
Dude, but
Speaker 1
you know what's crazy? They're all whacked out on legal prescription drugs.
Speaker 2
Yeah, yeah, they're whacked out on there's another thing that he was taking in a transdermal patch. He was taking Schlegelin or something like that.
Speaker 1
I just watched that dude, he's like a weightlifter
Speaker 2
guy. More dates, yeah. More plates, more dates, Derek.
Speaker 1
Boy, that guy knows all the chemicals. Was he like a chemical engineer?
Speaker 2
No, man, he's Just fucking super smart and reads research.
Speaker 1
I know it's so funny people.
Speaker 2
I thought he was a chemist
Speaker 1
Everybody ever knew that was some kind of fitness freak knew a lot of shit about They weren't like stupid people that shouldn't do research. They were way ahead of everyone else. I knew could you know how like Weight lifting supplements.
Speaker 2
Oh yeah, man I know a lot of people that know a lot of shit about when you should eat for the maximum amount of absorption of the protein, how many grams per pound of body weight you have to take.
Speaker 1
That kid with that fledgling, that's amazing, a kid that out of shape is like weightlifter knowledge of new tropics
Speaker 2
That's his body his body is his mind his body's just carrying his mind around
Speaker 1
What the effects he said it does where it makes you? Like enjoy doing like boring work or something.
Speaker 2
I think yeah, I think it was something along those lines Let's find find Derek's video on it cuz Derek describes it, but the sledge only 1 he had like a nicotine patch was like a patch Yeah just like getting that slow drip of whatever the fuck that's
Speaker 1
that's crazy That's not stays in you for a while those kind of things stay those ones where it stays for a while You can't just go off it
Speaker 2
right transdermal
Speaker 1
Not not the part of the yeah
Speaker 2
Just start it yeah right there, that's the stuff
Speaker 1
that's the stuff
Speaker 2
yeah, I'm Sam Lane this Okay, so he's gonna. Go he has his medical disclaimer. He's smart about the way he handles stuff.
Speaker 3
Sup guys, Derek, moralplacemoritates.com. Today We're talking about Sam Bankman-Fried and his nootropic use, his drug use, his cognitive enhancing, dopaminergic enhancing drugs that he's using to stay cognitively fucking dialed, dude, for being the hyperproductive entrepreneur that he is, bro. So if you haven't seen, I'm sure you've probably seen if you're clicking this, the FTX debacle.
Speaker 3
He's all in the news and has been for a minute now. Crypto fears, contagion is billions owed to creditors. Sam Bankman Freed becomes an ESG truth teller. FTX fires 3 of Sam Bankman Freed's top deputies.
Speaker 3
Celebs like Tom Brady, Larry David did ads for crypto giant FTX. Now they're getting sued. Sam Bankman Freed says fuck regulators. Musk's Twitter ultimatum in making TikToks instead of ads.
Speaker 3
This is Matt Levine on the collapse of Sandbank, Manfred's, FTX, and Alameda. So, apparently this guy went from a billionaire to nothing, essentially, overnight, from this complete disaster of a situation. If you want some insight onto exactly what happened, check out Coffeezilla. High-quality information on a regular basis in a highly entertaining format.
Speaker 3
Highly recommend his channel for anything crypto, scam related essentially, or anything financial.
Speaker 1
You know who has a good thing on FTX that is not making any conclusions? This guy Upper Echelon Games. I watch a really good, it's actually like great I can't remember what if it's about FTX when it fell, and he doesn't claim anything He just shows like it's it's worth watching
Speaker 2
that other guy the guy who was the head dog at Google, was it Google or Facebook, Chamath? Where was he from? He said from Google, right?
Speaker 4
I think he runs a venture capital fund, I don't know. He probably used to work there.
Speaker 2
But wasn't he like the top guy of Google? Anyway, he's a billionaire and he really understands it and he actually reached out to them Contacted them and said, you know, you should form a board and they told him to go fuck himself That's literally what they said He was like He's a fucking billionaire financial guy who actually understands how money works He's a like this is what you guys got to do. Oh, and they're like go fuck you
Speaker 1
think the new tropics We're making them arrogant But
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they're on speed all day man these guys are jacked up on speed They're all fucking billions, and they're fucking each other all of them 9 of them
Speaker 1
in a house in the Bahamas just smells like nerd fucking
Speaker 2
just nerd fucking Just taking Mountain Dew and sledge lean Using a trackball
Speaker 4
these tweets on the side of this are crazy. That's probably talking about
Speaker 2
what's he saying?
Speaker 4
It says like Sam has fatal side effects when eating with meat products. Yeah
Speaker 2
Oh, so is that why he's a vegan? Fearlessness pathological gambling and Hypersexuality
Speaker 1
have you heard of this before? You know I just realized the ultimate gift basket for his libs is the 1 FTX debt Which is a shit ton of money. Yeah, that's better than the
Speaker 2
yeah fake money
Speaker 1
than a designer t-shirt
Speaker 2
If that if that guy didn't go to war with that other guy That's what happened right that dude dumped all of his coins. He he sold all his coins I really couldn't cover it.
Speaker 1
Yeah, right. Yeah,
Speaker 2
that was his like rival
Speaker 1
Yeah, they had he had a whole back door installed in that so that his kind of house 1 of girlfriend or whatever she is ran Alameda research
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Speaker 1
and then they had some they followed
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off like 10000000000 dollars It's the whole thing is so wild they were just on speed playing with fake money
Speaker 1
It's so it's so funny to watch the videos where it's obvious and all you need is people to be on board Yeah, all the right people are on board.
Speaker 2
That's all it takes. It's like the Epstein Island thing.
Speaker 1
Yeah everyone. It's like everything's to train you to get to be Like You don't really get to pick if you say whatever your politics right right whatever you would call yourself You don't get to decide that like we'll let you know what you are right you could decide maybe a gender you go ahead And pick out a gender, honey But you're not getting a pick Everything else about your identity will be assigned to you from now
Speaker 2
on You can only even that can only be assigned if it's convenient you see what happened with the non-binary shooter Oh, yeah, the transgender person on television says I could tell by looking at them that that's a man
Speaker 1
Well, what are you what are they doing that situation where they have we played it on Jimmy's show?
Speaker 2
That is such a crazy thing to say. Like that is against everything you supposedly stand for.
Speaker 1
Did you see initially, so it's Al Franken, some other white guy, the reporter, the woman, and then I can't remember the black guy's name, but she's like, so first hearing the non-binary thing. So now they're in a bad spot right as you're supposed to like immediately go along with that
Speaker 2
right and all resistant
Speaker 1
and she's and this is like really screwing up their narrative of whatever they were going to say the This person was right and so they had to turn the black guy cuz they're like I hope Cuz we're white like we can't say anything like I hope this is enough of a shield for us to say we don't want to accept that this shooter is non-binary And then they had to get a trans woman to come and go you guys look non-binary to me So crazy to say that the whole rule is set up that way in fact. I first heard about I'm from that guy Adam Curry on here ESG a long time ago.
Speaker 2
Yes, And
Speaker 1
I was like oh is that what that it cuz wondering we're all this bizarre It sounds like it's a tax write-off. It's so like Like I think they must be making money in some way. Yeah grant to do this.
Speaker 1
Yeah, that's
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exactly what it is. Yeah It's wild They're profiting off of a mind virus.
Speaker 1
You could juke the numbers however you want. If you pay into it. I like a carbon, like your personal carbon footprint.
Speaker 2
And it sounds good. You're trying to make the world a better place, a more equitable place, a beautiful place. Yeah,
Speaker 1
that kid said that.
Speaker 2
A more just place, a more diverse place.
Speaker 1
He said that openly.
Speaker 3
Sounds great.
Speaker 1
And also that it was bullshit openly to Someone he thought was giving him a favorable article Cuz they're all really really Kid gloves with his FDX kid he must have paid out
Speaker 2
it is weird how the kid gloves with him right like some some places not at all and other places like trying to paint him as a person who just made mistakes
Speaker 1
yeah the whole point of giving somebody a shit ton of money is not so you have to give them orders of what to they just have an insight now he's 1 of the good ones I know we like we hate billionaires here but this guy gave us like millions yeah
Speaker 2
he duked out doesn't Bill Gates do that too doesn't he donate like millions and millions of dollars to
Speaker 1
these media organizations? He used to be a hated guy.
Speaker 2
Well, he still is by some.
Speaker 1
But I mean, in the media, I remember that when he was like a bad guy, you know, when they had the antitrust.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
And now they can't say enough. And then you find all these things, like Common, I didn't have kids, so I remember Common Core came out and I would just hear everybody complaining about Common Core And that's his, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation money made that a national thing I didn't know about that at the time Like a ton of, yeah
Speaker 2
What is
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it listed at Speaking at a New York Times event
Speaker 2
yeah soon days yeah,
Speaker 1
oh, and he'll be there He says
Speaker 2
which is crazy do they arrest him on the spot.
Speaker 1
I don't think so
Speaker 2
What happens there wait
Speaker 1
oh go down a little see you wait go down a little bit yeah, Larry Fink So that's the guy I think he's the guy that invented ESG, right? That's his thing, isn't it?
Speaker 2
CEO of BlackRock. So there's all these business folks.
Speaker 4
Yeah, There's another
Speaker 2
article. Benjamin Netanyahu.
Speaker 4
There's people in the Bahamas looking for him right now from the crypto community. Wow. They're hunting him down.
Speaker 1
It's a real Epstein Island of notable people coming.
Speaker 2
Oh, you got to imagine. There's probably some bad people that lost millions.
Speaker 4
Billions? Yeah. I don't know how much people really had involved.
Speaker 2
I mean, a lot of people did, but some of them are bad people. You know what I'm saying?
Speaker 4
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2
Can you imagine?
Speaker 1
All these people know, like Van Jones especially, you know that guy knows the deal cuz they got him on camera What's his name filmed them? You know this is all bullshit talking about Russia gate. Remember?
Speaker 1
Yeah, I'm forgetting the guy's name, but Veritas
Speaker 2
yeah, James O'Keefe.
Speaker 1
So that's him. I mean, it's not cut. Anyway, they're not saying it I know a bunch of people from especially being in New York and all the comics would do cable news stuff, you know, like Red Eye, we'd do, and you meet these people, and they're all like, they all know the game, and I assume you do too, and then if I meet people that think it's all like, they just can't imagine something nefarious was, oh yeah, of course.
Speaker 1
Zelensky's there,
Speaker 2
he's not busy.
Speaker 1
Boy, that guy really. Give a
Speaker 2
speech for the tie-on. He's getting around.
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