4 minutes 42 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Joe Rogan Experience Yeah, I hear now.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 1
Yeah tap me in we're in the Bolshevik war right now, bro And right now what's coming up is the all the pride stuff is gonna be okay So I had this woman come on my podcast Her name's Mel K and we got in real trouble on this show before because we talked about this 1 family that I will not name okay and every time we named this family the 4 tech gods all came down and just fucked my show. Is it Game On? No, I'm not saying their name.
Speaker 2
Brian's trying to tank his own show. Isn't that wild? That's how much he loves the deep state.
Speaker 1
So she comes out again. We just mentioned what happened on the show. They do it to us again.
Speaker 1
They do it to us again. We just mentioned their name. Go, you remember when we talked about them? And they took, it happens again.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
So what are they doing when this happened? Let me say they do this to you. What do they do to you?
Speaker 1
Okay, so on app so Apple Google Twitter and Facebook all asked me
Speaker 2
how so
Speaker 1
like shadowban suppression? No, no even worse Even worse so on on Apple they listed my podcast that no 1 listened to it for like Like they showed nobody listening to the podcast
Speaker 2
so they block people from listening
Speaker 1
Oh, they won't show like see what you're down with how Your podcast is doing it listen nobody not just 1 episode Multiple episodes I got strikes and deletes on my youtube channel and all my Facebook's I couldn't get into my Facebook Yeah, so It was just like
Speaker 2
boom boom boom boom boom
Speaker 1
all I want they want anything
Speaker 2
What did you mention that this family had done that they?
Speaker 1
Regis this is funny because it involves it would involve something to Brian that basically this family is so rich that people think that The CFR is just basically their board of trustees of all the companies. The CFR. Council of
Speaker 3
Foreign Relations. Oh, sorry.
Speaker 1
They're your babysitters, bro.
Speaker 2
Come on. Yeah. What are you talking about, dog?
Speaker 2
They're the people who taught you how to jerk off. Yeah, yeah,
Speaker 1
they're the ones who taught you how to tie your fucking shoes.
Speaker 2
My favorite joke is like, you don't believe in conspiracy theories because you love your dad. Remember?
Speaker 1
So Mel K. Mel K. Comes on my show.
Speaker 1
And she's like, I've been, and this is, she goes, I've been talking to some people in the intelligence and they go this gay pride stuff is going away and the next thing you're gonna see our Immigration riots This is gonna be right around the next election. So hand to God we do this episode, next day Starbucks is like, we're banning all the pride stuff. And now you start seeing these, they're putting little breadcrumbs out, man. Little breadcrumbs, oh, I saw this 1 thing in Chicago oh yeah the illegal immigrants are upset about where they're staying and these illegal immigrants who speak no English are holding up perfectly written English signs saying We're tired of how we're being treated and now you're starting to see this over and over again, Eric So everyone's always like when when all these Republican governors are like sending these these immigrants all over the country It's like yeah, you're showing those Democrats bro.
Speaker 1
They're moving assets. I know it sounds crazy, but that is 100 what is pretty mean they're moving assets. What do you do these guys coming into the country, bro? Have you seen them a lot of them are Chinese and a lot of them are military And I'm telling you they're moving and this is what's going to be right around 2024 election immigration riots people going nuts and it as As listen to this and you'll start seeing all the little breadcrumbs being put out.
Speaker 3
May I give you another scenario? No, I give you another possible scenario. I hate to piss on your parade.
Speaker 3
What if we do have open borders, thank you Joe Biden, and a complete disaster down the border and so governors like Greg Abbott are going, you guys want a taste of what we're dealing with? Hey New York, here you go. They bust 13,000 immigrants in New York. Eric Adams goes, we don't have the resources for
Speaker 1
yeah, Brian
Speaker 3
And that's a good way to find the blue states to change their border.
Speaker 1
Yeah, that's what they want you This is right look I'm a puppet master. I'm telling you that's what I want you to buy it
Speaker 2
Oh, I
Speaker 1
thought I was no you're the assets, bro. You're the pop. They're moving at me like military people Study the bolshevik war it is happening in real time 100 but I just wanted to get that out to everybody because I'm trying to warn people this is what's next
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