8 minutes 10 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Jorogun Experience
Speaker 2
People are so nuts with attention. Do you hear about that 1 guy that crashed his plane on purpose for YouTube views? Yes.
Speaker 2
Like he jumped out of the plane. Hiked. And like let it fucking crash.
Speaker 1
For views. For views. I mean, I guess when you're doing the math and you think how
Speaker 2
much- It makes a deliberately crashing plane to get YouTube views. So like, This guy just jumped out of a fucking plane. So, like, who knows whose kid that fucking plane is gonna slam into?
Speaker 2
Yeah. Imagine you're hiking with your family. This is amazing. Beautiful mountains.
Speaker 2
I love you
Speaker 1
so much.
Speaker 2
And you get hit in the face by a plane?
Speaker 1
By a plane that was like flown by a YouTube influencer.
Speaker 2
Why would, I mean, he just ruined that plane too.
Speaker 1
Well I think the calculation is he knows the number of views he's gonna get on YouTube will generate more money than the plane was worth. So there's a profit there. Like whatever he paid for the plane is probably less than what he'll make from YouTube from that video.
Speaker 2
And he got video footage of the plane crash. So you had a camera on the plane.
Speaker 1
It is so crazy we could do this now, that we can convert our lives into money. It's so crazy you could just film yourself doing shit and then maybe make so much money off of just stuff, you know, normal stuff.
Speaker 2
So was this guy trying to say that he the plane crash happened with him in it? Was he trying to like fake that? And they hike out?
Speaker 2
Is that what he's what he's doing? Or did he like let people know that he jumped out of the plane
Speaker 1
and filmed that? He said it was an accident.
Speaker 3
That actually happened in 2021. And they just found out about the whole investigation happened.
Speaker 1
It's cool man. There's videos of pilots Watching the video and like making commentary on why it's suspicious Because like apparently you look at the plane and there's stuff that should be in a plane. That's not in a plane like expensive stuff He was
Speaker 3
acting like the engine went out and he had to bail.
Speaker 4
Oh. But he also then went and knew where it crashed and snuck back in and pulled the wreckage out before the FAA could go and investigate.
Speaker 2
He pulled the wreckage out?
Speaker 3
Yeah. He says they told him to preserve the wreckage. So he waited 2 days to report the crash. I think he had already gone to tow it out of there, something like that.
Speaker 2
Huh. More than 2 weeks after the crash, he had a friend flew a helicopter to the crash site and airlifted the wreckage to Rancho Sisquac in Santa Barbara County where it was loaded onto a trailer attached to Jacob's pickup truck. Whoa. Isn't that wild?
Speaker 2
Yeah, he unloaded it in a hangar, drove the wreckage to an airport. He then cut up and destroyed the airplane wreckage and over the course of a few days deposited the attached parts of the wrecked airplane into trash bins in the airport and elsewhere. Wow.
Speaker 1
3000000 views off of that.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it's super normal to be just chopping an airplane up and putting it in trash bins all over the airport.
Speaker 1
Think of like your inner dialogue is you're depositing your plane wreckage. What
Speaker 2
would you do to a body? That sounds like it sounds like he's doing to a body.
Speaker 1
Yeah, he was he was just trying to like it like like it's such a complex Way to get YouTube views like it.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it worked though. It worked, but now he's gonna go to jail
Speaker 1
yeah for maybe a long time like yeah like I think so
Speaker 3
Speaker 2
shit 20 years for a stupid YouTube stuff
Speaker 3
in a penalty of up to 1644 dollars for each day he did not return... Something.
Speaker 1
I mean, we do need strict penalties. For sure. To keep people from just, like, dropping planes out of the sky on us.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah, you gotta set an example for a guy like that. And that guy could... Dude.
Speaker 2
Who knows where that plane was. What happens if that plane catches wind?
Speaker 1
That's so wild.
Speaker 2
Flies into someone's house, and then the guy's a mass murderer.
Speaker 1
When they were making YouTube in the early days, I don't think they ever thought that there would be plane crashes because of their technology. I don't think they ever thought that, like, there would be plane crashes because of their technology. I don't think they ever thought, like, this thing is going to, like, influence society and just destroy lives.
Speaker 1
People are gonna ruin their lives for for views on this thing
Speaker 2
Imagine that guy had a plot out where the plane was gonna crash too Cuz he had to be jumping high enough where you can jump I don't know what that threshold is But you got to be pretty high up there where you can jump and then film yourself before you even pull the parachute. Right, so he's filming himself.
Speaker 1
Yeah, I mean it was a plan. Like he thought about this.
Speaker 2
So that fucking plane is way up there.
Speaker 1
Way up.
Speaker 2
And that sucker's, how long do you think he flies for? If you really, that's a, he could have killed people.
Speaker 1
100%. I mean the assumption is no one's gonna be out there, but I mean that's a huge assumption.
Speaker 2
Such a huge assumption. You could hit another plane. You could do, there's a lot of things that can happen.
Speaker 2
Yeah. You're way up there and you're bailing out while it's way up there. So it has to be up there enough where you can jump out. How high was it when he jumped out?
Speaker 2
Does it say?
Speaker 3
I'm looking for more details. He said he was trying to get a sponsorship deal.
Speaker 1
With who? Better help. Who's the sponsorship with?
Speaker 3
I can almost figure it out, so I'll just let people look that up. You can kind of guess.
Speaker 4
It doesn't say the name of it, though. What do you mean you can kind of guess?
Speaker 3
It says it's a wallet company.
Speaker 2
Oh, God. Jesus Christ. Who's trying to get a sponsorship?
Speaker 1
I mean, this era of capitalism is so bizarre.
Speaker 2
It's so bizarre.
Speaker 1
Like, the way people are manipulating the system or just the what they're doing, wow. That's what I love. Regardless of how, also you have to, ethics aside, whoa, that is badass.
Speaker 1
Pull away the ethics. Just look at purely, what? Not only did you fly your plane in the sky, jump out of it. But yeah.
Speaker 2
He represented the United States in snowboarding in the 2014 Winter Olympics.
Speaker 1
He's an Olympian. And then he like put himself in the worst situation and managed to hike out and then like monetize it, dispose of the plane. He has a friend with a helicopter who was like, yeah, sure.
Speaker 4
I'll get your wreckage.
Speaker 1
Fuck, man. That's like pull the ethics out. And it's like, what a fascinating rotten dude, right?
Speaker 2
Like, yeah, right. He's got a friend with a helicopter that pulled plane wreckage out of the mountains
Speaker 1
he's got like those are that's you that's how you know you got a friend
Speaker 2
yeah well you're paying him a lot right cuz like well was what he was doing illegal okay you do there's probably some rules like if you have to report a plane crash You can't just like take the wreckage.
Speaker 1
I imagine there's enough like ways you could talk your way out of that 1 really Yeah, no, he told me he reported it.
Speaker 2
Yeah, I didn't know yeah, right that I'm sure yeah I mean, I don't know look.
Speaker 1
I don't know
Speaker 2
I'm just out here working.
Speaker 1
Flying my helicopter around.
Speaker 2
I don't know what's going on. Just picking up a broken plane.
Speaker 1
I am but a helicopter pilot. Yeah. Yeah, I imagine the helicopter pilot is like probably sweating a little bit, but he's probably okay, right?
Speaker 1
Like, because they're going to focus on the maniac who flew his plane into a mountainside for YouTube views. What a world.
Speaker 4
What a world.
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