Al Jazeera English Transcript on Youtube

5 items

Al Jazeera English Transcript on Youtube. The content may not include all items from the creator. These are the items that were requested to transcribe by our users. If you want to transcribe a new episode or video from Al Jazeera English, use can
Paste a link to the episode or video here.

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Israel Palestine conflict and Gaza War | Inside Story

29 minutes 30 seconds

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Israel-Gaza war: what’s happening and why? | Start Here

8 minutes 43 seconds

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American social media personality speaks about viral Tel Aviv airport video  | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

2 minutes 24 seconds

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Wag­n­er boss says mer­ce­nar­ies won’t fight in Ukraine, eyes Africa

10 minutes 40 seconds

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Why Al-Aqsa is key to understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict | Start Here

10 minutes 24 seconds
