14 minutes 13 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Jorogun Experience You're dealing with someone a company like say Instagram. How many people do they let's guess how many people are on Instagram? I didn't what do you think?
Speaker 2
Well, there's 350 million people in the country, right
Speaker 1
but in the world, there's
Speaker 2
oh, yeah Yeah, billions.
Speaker 1
How many people do you think? 2000000000? What do you think?
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
I'll say 2. What do you think? How many people do you think are on
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
It's probably about 1.
Speaker 1
Speaker 3
But daily active users would be less too.
Speaker 1
Let's find out how many accounts are on Instagram. Let's Google that. How many individual accounts are on Instagram?
Speaker 1
I'm saying 2000000000. What do you think, Jamie? You say 1, you say like 2, 3?
Speaker 3
Yeah, 3. Facebook's the most and it's not over 2000000000 yet.
Speaker 1
Oh, it isn't? Pretty sure. I thought it was.
Speaker 1
Facebook's worldwide. Facebook changes elections in places, like that's crazy. I had Zuckerberg on and you can see you tell like having a conversation with that
Speaker 3
guy Graham is 2.35 billion active use Wow that's you.
Speaker 2
That's you
Speaker 1
Wow. That's crazy That's a lot.
Speaker 2
Yeah, I guess it would be hard for them to field, I guess it would be hard for them to field like complaints or whatever.
Speaker 1
Meanwhile, that's fourth amongst the biggest social media networks globally. So what's number 1? Facebook's number 1.
Speaker 1
2.9 billion. YouTube is 2.2. I don't really consider YouTube social media not that much. Because maybe it is, I guess it is.
Speaker 1
But I don't use it that way. I use it for entertainment. If I'm watching YouTube, I'm watching stuff like fights
Speaker 2
or- Clips, yeah.
Speaker 1
WhatsApp is 2 billion. Well, WhatsApp is a communication app. I don't think that's social media.
Speaker 1
No. Instagram, 2.35. TikTok. TikTok's only 1 billion?
Speaker 1
That's interesting. I would have thought it was way.
Speaker 3
Yeah, I think it is
Speaker 2
I think it's on the rise though isn't tick-tock like a thing and then Instagram reels is competing with it, right?
Speaker 3
We're so
Speaker 2
there where's Twitter?
Speaker 3
Yes. I feel like that's I've all Twitter's never in the top
Speaker 1
10 really but it's not even on the top Oh, it's way down there. 397 million, wow. Look at all these ones that are fucking way more.
Speaker 1
Like Pinterest? Pinterest is 475 million? Reddit, look at Reddit, 430 million, woo!
Speaker 2
I'm not on Reddit at all. Reddit's chaos, Jesus Christ.
Speaker 1
I know guys who go on reddit and they read about themselves. They go down a dark.
Speaker 2
They get their feelings hurt
Speaker 1
There's a bunch of intelligent vipers on reddit
Speaker 3
runs the top 5 3 of the top 5
Speaker 1
Speaker 3
a little strange because they've split them all up and this could just be 1 app well You know messenger could just be face
Speaker 1
Yes, that's 1 of the things that they asked chat GPT? Like, do you think that Facebook is a monopoly and should it be broken up?
Speaker 2
I mean, absolutely.
Speaker 1
They said yes.
Speaker 2
Yeah, what did Zuckerberg say?
Speaker 1
Well, I didn't ask him about that, no. But for him, it was interesting because he's a very nice guy Yeah, and you know people think of him as like a robot and the thing I think he's not that at all He's a guy who created this thing a long-ass time ago with no anticipation Of what it was going to become and it became this fucking Worldwide monster
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
this thing. That's just it's so big and yeah, and you know He's pretty interesting guy. And very forthcoming, he was explaining about how the FBI contacted him about the Hunter Biden laptop, and explained it on the podcast.
Speaker 1
It created a firestorm of controversy. He was just kinda casually explaining, Well, the FBI told us that there was gonna be some disinformation coming out of Russia No, we were told that this and that and so we limited its reach and and then just Giant news like that. This is I mean this guy just created a fucking dating site for college kids,
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
You know right some out of years,
Speaker 2
but he was instrumental in growing it though, too You know what I mean and with that comes like bad stuff obviously you know no Yeah, good the good parts of it
Speaker 1
and also Mean more most recently take a he took a big blunder with that whole meta thing where they thought that everybody was gonna put on headsets and Delve into the metal. Yeah, and that shit didn't work at all.
Speaker 2
No why? It's too weird.
Speaker 1
Yeah, I love
Speaker 2
I mean that's yeah, that's close to I mean that's that will mess I mean you want to talk about social media fucking with your mind like that meta stuff like in a in a alternate reality We all just live in you're basically getting closer to just being in a pod You know what I mean and having that on
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Speaker 2
you know as your reality.
Speaker 1
It's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's just like, look, when I was a kid in the 1980s and 90s, there was
Speaker 2
times- Good times.
Speaker 1
Good times. But there was times back then where people thought virtual reality was gonna be the future. But the technology wasn't available, it didn't really work.
Speaker 1
But it was always this thought, you know, that 1 day we're gonna live in virtual reality. And that was the matrix, that was like all these different things. But it was like science fiction-y enough that it was so far ahead, and then the technology was kind of clunky, so it never really took off But then when oculus came around and what were the other ones it was there was another big 1 other than oculus Vive that's right the HTC vive That they were they were so good you like ooh, maybe we're close, and there's this some fun fucking games You can play on that apparently There's an alien like alien won the movie game that is fucking terrifying and you play it and you're on the Nostromo that that Spaceship yeah, and the fucking aliens in the spaceship. And you're going down dark corridors and rain's dripping and the thing just jumps out at you.
Speaker 1
It's fucking terrifying apparently. But that, for whatever reason, they thought that was just gonna sweep the whole country and everyone was
Speaker 2
gonna- And it was a virtual reality mask that you put on?
Speaker 3
The Oculus is. Over your
Speaker 2
eyes, yeah.
Speaker 1
Yeah, the Oculus, it's very light. The new 1 is very light. Like the old ones, we had the HTC Vive at the studio and it had to be attached to a backpack And it was like a cable that came above you and we had the cable suspended from the ceiling so we had like a sectioned off area where you could play in it.
Speaker 1
And then it got better and Carmack, John Carmack got involved and you know, they made even better versions of it and then it became something you just sit on your head. And then when that happened, I was like, oh boy, we're getting close now because
Speaker 3
now it
Speaker 1
just sits in your head and you have these 2 controllers in your hand.
Speaker 3
But it's still just people are
Speaker 1
not that interested in it, which is interesting.
Speaker 2
That's good. I think I think it's a good thing not to be on it.
Speaker 1
I think it's going to be the future. I think there's going to, it's going to be something that's so wonderful and so exciting that you can't get out of it.
Speaker 2
It's gonna be weird how it morphs with your mind. It's gonna eventually morph with your mind, right? So it'll be like part of you kind of that's where we kind of morph into the robot world I guess
Speaker 1
that's happening. It's gonna happen. It's just a matter of like what is it 10 years is it 20 years?
Speaker 2
Yeah, it
Speaker 1
is But technology is gonna reach a point where it's so look no 1 ever would have Thought that you would have a thing in your pocket where you couldn't stop looking at
Speaker 2
right? It's I'm still I'm still amazed by it like I'm in New York You know and I'm watching people and I'm watching people just walk down the street Yeah with it on and they're not conscious of anything else that is Going on and they're just walking down dangerous dangerous as cars could hit you. It's like all they're just walking down the street Just immersed in
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
actually if you're on the subway, and you're not on it if you're just staring forward Like you're the weird 1
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
You're the weird 1. Yeah, everybody else like what's this guy doing?
Speaker 1
You got a subway with a book like what do you fuck is this guy throwback? You're reading a book? Yeah, real book.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it's
Speaker 1
not even a Kindle.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it's unreal It's unreal.
Speaker 1
Yeah, it's I
Speaker 2
had a books on my phone as I'm reading it on my phone. That's amazing to me, I think, to have all that information. Just a library.
Speaker 2
With a library app, you can just download books from the library on your phone and read them and return them. That's fantastic.
Speaker 1
Well, I have Most of the books that I consume I consume audio books. I skid on the way to work coming home from work in the sauna That's where I do most of my listening to books and I probably have 200 300
Speaker 2
books great
Speaker 1
on this little tiny phone It's unreal and they're all hours long. Yeah, it's a terabyte of data on that phone. So there's so much room and also it just stores in the cloud Anyway, there's no room.
Speaker 1
It's in the cloud. They download it and Fucking there's never been a time that you could have more access to information But There's also never been a time where you're more distracted.
Speaker 2
Yeah, that's that's the rub.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
that's the rub But if you're focused on the information, it's it's like it's college. It's basically a college in your pocket. Yeah, it's unbelievable and and People listening might be like, what do you you know, cuz people grew up with this?
Speaker 2
Mm-hmm, but we didn't right like I knew a time where this didn't exist at all Like me and my brother had a room together It was both of us no TV allowed in the room dinner together at a certain time unless you're working. Are you or you're at a Sports practice you having dinner.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
My father's playing music while we have dinner We're talking about our day.
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Speaker 2
and when we go to sleep, it's like a room no television Cuz they he didn't want us in our room watching television on our own. You want to watch television? You're out with the family,
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
You know, it's it's that kind of thing. So I guess You know, it's a different world.
Speaker 1
Yes, and
Speaker 2
it's been a gradual thing, but it's still very very different Like I don't have kids so I don't know how that would be But I guess I mean like what you do what you implement with your children. It sounds like the right thing
Speaker 1
they get mad at you yeah put your phone yeah they get mad because that little dopamine rushes it's not even a big right that's what's weird it's like this little drip of dopamine
Speaker 3
yeah but you like there's this pull I was in my text
Speaker 1
yeah I see some people on the podcast. They can't help but they reach for their phone. Yeah, that's the thing They just they just check their
Speaker 2
text message. This is your podcast
Speaker 1
and it's giant There's millions of people watching someone just look at their phone. It's like
Speaker 2
it's nuts,
Speaker 1
but they can't help it. They just get so sucked in
Speaker 2
I've done it to to the point where it's like when I first get up. I don't I make sure I don't look at it and Do other things first and then I set time aside and I mentally prepare myself I go okay Now I'm gonna look at it. I'm gonna look at it.
Speaker 2
I'm gonna do as much as I want for 15 minutes check everything Make sure everything's up check the comp check the comments and now that the special let's is out like Respond to people as much as I can and then After that window is over not again. Yeah now the trick is a YouTube because I like to watch stuff on YouTube, but it's like I don't wanna get addicted to scrolling on YouTube either. So that's the difference there. But
Speaker 1
I'm definitely addicted to watching stuff on YouTube. Yeah. Yeah, when I have breakfast, I fuckin', I got this little, it's pretty cool, this little kickstand thing that sticks up your phone
Speaker 2
That's great.
Speaker 1
I think this is called a coup case or something like that I forget what it's called, but it's like BAM. So I just sit there. It's great and I watch stuff Yeah, I'm eating
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
you know, and I think I'm not addicted that way. Oh, I'm just being a drink,
Speaker 2
but that's YouTube You're watching you're watching substance there instead of mindlessly scrolling Which is what I was doing and it just that creates so many bad like emotions and stuff It's like I don't want I don't want to feel that way.
Speaker 1
Isn't that weird that mindlessly scrolling creates bad emotions? Like what is that? Why does it do that?
Speaker 1
Is it just you feel like you're wasting time?
Speaker 2
You're wasting time, you're seeing a bunch of different things, like you know the energy coming from the thing, I'm a big energy guy too, It's like the energy coming from it is it hits Even when you're looking at your I try that for a while looking at my own. So I'll just look at my own stuff I won't look at everybody's stuff, but then you start getting like how many likes does this have how many it's like you end up Yeah, You end up swimming in your own narcissism, so it's like no stop that now yes But if I'm my point is I'm navigating this at
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
when my mind has already been developed what chance to kids have Developing through this time period
Speaker 1
it's a different World, but I think they're going to be fine. I really do I think there's going to be a transitionary period where we lose a lot of kids They don't they don't know what the fuck they're doing and they get lost in it But there's gonna be enough kids that recognize like, okay This is just the new reality of life and if you want to be successful, just like you when you were young, you had focus and dedication, you realize there's a lot of people out that don't do that and I can learn from them what not to do. There's kids that are doing that now too.
Speaker 1
And I have friends that very much limit their kids' access to social media, they don't allow them on things, They don't allow them to have a phone where they can't I don't think that's the way to do it because this is a reality And I think that if you give the kids the tools and the understanding to handle that this is a new level of adversity that they have to deal with that We didn't have to deal with right, but it's the way I look at it It's like cold weather like if you grew up in a place with cold weather You developed an understanding of what the fuck that means like you got a shovel snow You got to deal with it and you do I think they have a new level of adversity
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
because of the pressures of social media and because of like the shit talking that right with girls,
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
Girls are fucking mean to each other. Yeah, good. They reputation destroy Yes in the comments shit on each other and group chats and it's it gets real nasty and you developed a level of Resilience from being able to handle that and after a while you get okay with it and you have to understand what that is But yeah, you
Speaker 2
have to understand what that is Yeah, and it's you're right you like going in with that mindset is the important thing It is if you're just caught off guard with it.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
then it can crush you and it has it's driven people to suicide
Speaker 1
it definitely has done that and there's also a thing the FOMO aspect and the Comparison and this is apparently very bad with girls as well, because there's a lot of people that are using filters, and they're changing their body, and these girls see these people, and they look perfect, and then they see themselves in the mirror, and they have zits, and they look like shit, and maybe they're a little overweight, and they get massively depressed. And then they think, well, the only way for me, I have to be like that person.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
So I have to do what they're doing and be completely focused on my looks. And some people just unfortunately, through a genetic roll of the dice, they don't have good features. They don't look good.
Speaker 1
They don't have a good body. And then they just feel fucking depressed because they're comparing themselves
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
this thing.
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