8 minutes 27 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Joe Rogan Experience.
Speaker 2
You said you lost a lot of weight. What did you do in terms of your diet?
Speaker 1
You know what? I was very consistent. I was able to eat and have a plan.
Speaker 1
I'd have breakfast, I'd have lunch, I'd have dinner. Whereas before, God, I was always on the road. So it's like I never wanted to eat before I went up on stage because then it would mess with like a heartburn And you don't want to be burping or farting in front of a crowd So I wait until the end and then by the time the show's over what's available to eat,
Speaker 2
you know It's terrible food terrible and you're starving.
Speaker 1
Yes, you can't wait Yeah, and then go to sleep and then it was just that cycle repeat and I just you know over the years man I got good to me. Mmm, so I gained all that weight. So being home for a year You know, I was having an actual Regular clean breakfast of you know, nothing crazy from the road It was all food that was store-bought and preparing my own
Speaker 2
food You can get like a meal prep company that will make meals for you that are like done.
Speaker 1
Yeah, I've done those I don't work. I was into it for a couple weeks, but then it's like What helped out a lot too was that, you know, I was, every day I was walking a lot. You know, I was lifting weights 3 times a week.
Speaker 2
Well that's great.
Speaker 1
And then again, going to see my doctors, getting on certain plans. Like, you know, I wear a monitor now for my sugar.
Speaker 3
Mm-hmm, you
Speaker 1
know, so I'm always I'm able to keep tabs on my sugar Whereas before it was out of control, you know, I was averaging waking up at 400, which is like normal you want to be somewhere between 80 and 120 at least for me and so yeah it was I was riding the what they say the the check engine light on
Speaker 2
Jesus that's
Speaker 1
good so you know and then I got high blood pressure and of course, you know, you don't know it until they tell you or until you, you know, check yourself. So then getting on medication for that, getting on medication for diabetes and you know, now I'm sounding like Joe Davis, hey, you gotta cocksuck, you gotta get the diabetes, you gotta eat this and that. But getting my health in order with the doctor and with the food and with the working out, whereas I wasn't able to do that on the road.
Speaker 1
Or I would make a lot more excuses because I didn't, you know.
Speaker 2
Well also you want to have energy for those shows and sometimes when you work out really hard after it's over you're so tired And when you're really tired, it's hard to like fire back up to get ready for the shows Especially if it's a new thing you're doing, you know, if your body's adapted to it You could do it pretty easy. But if your body's not adapted to it, like a hard workout, it's like, what the fuck is this? Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1
And all my energy goes into the show. So when I'm up there, I'm hitting it, hitting it, hitting it, you know? I'm not sluggish, I'm not standing still.
Speaker 1
I'm up there, man, I'm performing. So it's like... But then when I get off, I'm like...
Speaker 2
Yeah. The thing is, if you did get healthy and you did get in shape It would really genuinely help your ability to maintain that because I mean just imagine if you said you lost 70 pounds Imagine if you had to do your show right now with a 70 pound vest on.
Speaker 1
Oh God, yeah, no.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it sucks. And that's the reality of weight. That's the reality of gravity.
Speaker 2
My knees, my hips. Yeah, everything, everything. Breathing harder. I do workouts with a 25 pound vest on, and just a 25 pound vest on, just 25 pounds, it's not even that much.
Speaker 2
Like if you pick up 25 pounds, it doesn't seem like much. That 25-pound vest makes a giant difference. Do everything with that vest on, and everything's way harder. Farmers' carries, chin-ups, push-ups, dips, body weight squats, everything's harder with just 25 pounds.
Speaker 2
People gain and lose 25 pounds like it's nothing. But when you're walking around with that 25 pounds on, that is just, you're carrying that, man. That's a lot of burden on your resources, your biological resources, your tissue, your bones, your joints, your hip, your back. You just fatigue, you know?
Speaker 2
And then maybe the writing that you do. Maybe your writing would be sharper. Maybe you'd have more That you were thinking about if you had more pumping through your body, you know, oh
Speaker 1
believe me It's it's I agree 100% with everything that you're saying and it's not you got it's not even a an issue of not knowing You're not understanding. You're not seeing the bigger picture. I get you on
Speaker 2
Adderall in Ozempic. Nice. Let's go
Speaker 1
I just got on Ozempic.
Speaker 2
Did you?
Speaker 1
Oh yeah.
Speaker 2
I want
Speaker 1
to hear something funny. I got approached by Ozempic early on before they had the fucking song.
Speaker 2
What's the song?
Speaker 1
I didn't
Speaker 2
know they had a song.
Speaker 1
000, Ozempic. It's based on that
Speaker 2
old song. Oh, it's Magic, that song?
Speaker 1
Yeah. And so they approached me and they wanted me to be their spokesperson for Ozempic. And we took a meeting and everything. And I mean, I appreciated the fact that they actually approached a diabetic to be the spokesperson.
Speaker 1
A diabetes medicine. Yeah, I'm going to be the new Wilford Brimley. So the deal didn't work out.
Speaker 2
But you're still doing it. So you're on it.
Speaker 1
What's funny is I wasn't on it when they took the meeting. It wasn't like I said, when 2020 hit and I went to go see my doctor, he goes, I'm going to put you on this thing called Ozempec. I'm like, are
Speaker 3
you freaking kidding me? I'm like I could have
Speaker 1
been getting that shit for free But yeah, so it's once I give myself the shot once a week. Some people use it to lose weight. You know, like people that aren't necessarily really big will use that to suppress their appetite and stuff like that because it will make you a little nauseous.
Speaker 1
Like in the mornings I wake up and I'm like, oh I gotta drink like a shake or something.
Speaker 2
So you only do it once a week. When people are on it for weight loss, do
Speaker 3
they do it like every day? Like how often do they do it?
Speaker 1
I don't know what the cycle is for using Ozempic for weight loss. But I just know that when I first did it, I dropped 15 pounds like in, god, like a week. Wow.
Speaker 1
Yeah. So your body will react to it immediately But then of course you plateau and stuff like that.
Speaker 2
They say that it limits your appetite That's what that's 1 of the big effects of it.
Speaker 1
Yeah, cuz yeah, I was I was waking up queasy and so you know you can feel a little nauseous You're not really trying
Speaker 2
to it's crazy because it's everywhere like you see all these ads for it and even like Tony Hinchcliffe brought this up like CNN had a thing on it, but it seems like a story But it kind of is an ad you know it's kind of an ad for Ozempic but it seems like it's a story about Hollywood celebrities But really just jazzing up the fact that everybody's taking ozempic Like it seems like there's something more going on there other than just
Speaker 1
just oh, yeah
Speaker 2
Yeah, like you probably got paid to do that that story You know
Speaker 1
because I'm telling you I take it every week and that initial first hit of the weight loss. Yeah, it's true Yeah, but it doesn't at least it didn't continue for me.
Speaker 2
How often do people take Ozempic when they're trying to lose weight Jamie? It's still 1 but
Speaker 3
it's like also you're tapering off. I think or yeah, or maybe it gets higher I think maybe it's actually ramping up the dosage, you know? Like you start, well, let's say like .25 units up to like 1 full.
Speaker 2
But there's supposed to be a time where you're supposed to get off of it, right?
Speaker 1
As far as like, if you're trying to cut
Speaker 3
weight with it, I think the cut weight don't know
Speaker 2
I suppose they're pushing
Speaker 3
that a cycle like you're supposed to do like you 10 12 weeks on probably 12 weeks Oh,
Speaker 2
he's a motherfucker's pushing that
Speaker 1
right, but it does help regulate my sugar Yeah, so I do I between the monitor because my monitors always checking my sugar so For example right now. I don't have the monitor with me. It's in the car, because the honey, the honey spikes my sugar like nothing else.
Speaker 1
But because my voice is a little off right now, so I'm taking the honey.
Speaker 2
Yeah. So do you watch like, sugar, like bread, you cut that stuff out of
Speaker 1
your diet? After a while you start knowing exactly what does what so you already know like, oh I can eat that, I shouldn't, and then you know you see things and you're like, alright this is gonna set it off. So I also have my, I take insulin.
Speaker 2
Oh, okay.
Speaker 1
So I'm trying to, I play that game. How long you been doing that? Oh God, over 5 years for sure.
Speaker 2
So is this type 2 diabetes? Yes. So that's the type that you can reverse with diet and exercise?
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
And again, it's not for lack of knowing. I already know.
Speaker 2
I get it, bro.
Speaker 1
And that's what sucks. It's like, I feel like everything that I've ever attempted to do for my career, I've been able to do, but for myself, my personal self, losing weight's been the hardest thing, the hardest fucking thing in the world
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