10 minutes 7 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Joe Rogan experience.
Speaker 2
Now I could go back to like my roots of being just a white trash motherfucker. That's nice man, I've really accepted who I am, you know?
Speaker 1
Well it's so interesting to watch people go through these changes in life, in these trials through adversity, and become like a very interesting person at the end of it. Oh yeah. You know, I know you say a lot of outrageous shit and it's very funny, but you also say some very good shit.
Speaker 1
You know, like this speech that you gave when you were talking about America, like that speech, the post-fight press conference speech, it's a fucking great speech.
Speaker 2
Well, you know what it is, D-Man? I am white trash. Like, what I mean by that is like I am the future of America so like like Both my parents work.
Speaker 2
You know my dad's piece shit, but you know fucking in hell probably right now But both my parents worked They made good money, but we were poor We were poor because after the cigarettes the bars and the fast-food were fucking poor I mean like you know We had like fucking I can't tell you you'd find a piece of paper and you wrinkled up You use that fucking toilet paper you know every time I wipe my ass with a with a piece of fucking paper you get laying around But this is like it's like this unholy alliance that corporations are doing to America They want women working they want lower wages And they want more consumerism. And it's like, I don't mean it like, I'm not sexist, like oh, put women back in the kitchen, you know, they suck. No, I love fucking women, you know? Take off the burka, wear a fucking bikini, and huzzah.
Speaker 2
But, you know what I'm saying? But we're truly like in a weird time to where like corporations are eroding eroding Values of America.
Speaker 1
Well, they act within their best interests and their best interest to keep people consumers and make sure that people just pay attention only to stupid shit
Speaker 2
You you have Walmart in the in the in your phone now you want to go I mean I can't even even me I'm to blame there's some times you guys where I'm like me. I'm a little depressed. I don't know fucking in a bad mood I'm like I'm gonna go on Amazon.
Speaker 2
Let's see what the fucking Amazon fairy is recommending me today. Maybe I could find something that'll give me a little serotonin boost.
Speaker 1
Find some happiness in a 1 click.
Speaker 2
Yeah, and then so it's like, and then you have like, and then on top of that, now we go full circle, you have 2 parents working, and I'm going mostly on the West Coast. You have shitty fucking kids, dude. Las Vegas graduation rates less than 50% high school dropout.
Speaker 2
No GED. I'm not 1 to talk But how do you raise how do you raise a family a successful family when your kids are being raised by the system?
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
by fucking tick-tock after my fight. I had the doctor, you know, good good guy the doctor You see he comes up to me. He's like, hey, why you why are you talking bad about Las Vegas?
Speaker 2
I'm like well, dr. John or your name is dr Equal dude, what school do your kids go to and you just like it's a big like smirk I'm like, yeah, I'm sure you're paying like 50 50 plus a year right educate your kids like it's so again, man I mean, where's the reset button? Maybe there is no reset button
Speaker 1
I think the reset button is teaching people that there's things that you can do in life that can transform you and I think as weird as that sounds a lot of people learn that through watching People like you evolve through fighting because it's the most difficult thing you do outside of war and being a cop and being a fireman It's the most difficult physical pursuit that a person can get involved with for a living
Speaker 2
But again, we're talking on such a Deeper fundamental level if you have no belief like we could say America's becoming atheists Like we could say that if you have no belief if you have no moral right no wrong, right? And you're not taught this from like a stable family and you're being raised I mean like literally America's becoming like communist China where like we're letting our school system dictate values and beliefs We're letting the system tell you what your kids are and again, I'm agnostic So I'm not I'm not telling everybody go find Jesus, you know If you're gonna find somebody's at least let it be fucking Jesus, right? But I mean, how do you fix a moral decay of a society when that's just where we're going?
Speaker 2
You got TikTok, man. Even fucking communist China will mitigate what shows on TikTok, but they give us utter fucking filth.
Speaker 1
But it's just, I know exactly what you're saying. And I went through the public school system, but I did it in the 1980s.
Speaker 2
It was
Speaker 1
very different.
Speaker 2
It's been worse.
Speaker 1
Yeah, it's a lot worse now.
Speaker 2
But, I mean, how do you, like again, if you were God Joe Rogan, how do you fix this?
Speaker 1
You gotta pump a lot of money into inner cities. You gotta figure out a way to make programs. And there's places in this country that for decades and decades have been filled with crime and gang violence and drug addiction.
Speaker 1
And that's all they know. And that's the standard of their community and that's what you grow up with and that's what you see. And if we don't fix that, the odds of those people coming out of there, I mean, there's a few that come out of there that become, whether They're artists or athletes or whatever it is. They find a way through they figure it out, but they're the rare ones,
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
They're the rare ones which we got to do is create systems where you have opportunity for kids and also Mitigate the crime and mitigate the violence and whatever the fuck has to be done look if they can dump billions of dollars into Ukraine
Speaker 2
It's not gonna aim
Speaker 1
if they could dump the billions of dollars into I mean There's so many different things that they pump money into but they've never Pumped any money into Baltimore they never pumped any money into Detroit like try to figure out a way Like if you can like to think about like what Hal Burton did during the Iraq war they got these no-bid contracts Where Cheney was the fucking CEO of Hal Burton he becomes the vice president United States and then the company he worked for gets these no-bid contracts to rebuild shit. We blow up Which is wild but there's profit in that right? So what about figuring out a way to funnel that profit into fixing inner cities?
Speaker 1
Yeah, if we have less losers, we have a better America
Speaker 2
and if you
Speaker 1
give people more opportunity you have less losers
Speaker 2
You know so even let's go on the smallest scale of sex Like how do you Joe 55 when did when is the first time you started watching porn? Okay? I asked that question Yeah,
Speaker 1
it was a VHS tapes came out when I was like, I probably was like 15, 15 or 16.
Speaker 2
Okay, so I mean we had my brother, so my brother's a few years older than me, so he remembers things that I don't, but he'll like tell me I'm in like, I'm like, oh shit. I forgot about that. So I was watching porn in like early elementary school, like first grade and second grade.
Speaker 2
Like because we had like a communal porn box.
Speaker 1
Oh, yeah
Speaker 2
Yeah, like my dad my dad my dad had this like what I can old-school water heater box It's just stacked with fucking porn You kids don't know about this, but we had like the communal VCR So like you would go to you would go to watch Aladdin, you know And all sudden like butt fuckers 29 is on the TV so I started watching porn when I was like, I don't know I was jerking off to fucking third grade in my fucking third grade teacher But like but I was surrounded by that right, right. So So I'm already I'm at This moral decay and it was like and I was the odd 1 I was the odd 1 man like I had to go fucking find the porn I had to go fuck it my brother always jokes my brother always jokes that like When he would like take my dad's porn tape out of the VCR He would always have to Rewind it to where he started so no 1 knew is watching porn, but then he jokes he's all man I always know where my dad's coming now But so yeah right fucking a yeah, dude My dad was fucking I'm surprised I'm not more fucked up, but you know So what I'm saying
Speaker 1
alive now.
Speaker 2
No he died of cancer is actually fucking Okay, but it's kind of funny Like So I'm an oddity. I'm an odd. I'm jerking off.
Speaker 2
I'm a little fucking kid. You know, I'm an oddity like I'm fucking violent but now but now dude you give a little kid a cell phone and You have 2 parents working next thing, you know, I mean you fucking go on Instagram. You got titties in your face like now. We're like Hypersexualizing kids, and I think that's also a big moral decay because the moment you become hyper sexualized I can't stop thinking about fucking pussy and dick like right it starts fucking your Brain up at such a young age
Speaker 1
and it's a very unusual way to give it to kids where they have instant access to watching Porn on their phone. Yeah,
Speaker 2
and we have no morals. There's no there's no reason not to be a shitty person these days Yeah, you ain't going to heaven just fucking go fucking fuck The chick coming her like you don't got to raise your fucking kid so I think 1 of the best things we can do as society is Mitigate mitigate sex because that is like the gateway to like that's why we want to make money That's why kids want to sell drugs. That's why kids want to go fucking party There is no fucking pussy like you know no 1 no 1 fucking like no 1 if like if there is no fucking pussy No one's going to a party What I want to go to a party and drink.
Speaker 2
I'm gonna go to get fucking pussy. You know right yeah I always joke I say no 1 shoots up at school because they have too much fucking pussy but there are some good things about there are some good things about it
Speaker 1
Oh for sure, there's good things about it, but it is weird when it's like hyper sexualizing kids It's not good
Speaker 2
And then like you go and you see fucking kids these days like the shit they wear like fucking Do you put Some fucking clothes on you fucking like 16 your fucking titties are out.
Speaker 1
Well. They're being told that that's what gets them attention Yes
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
know and they're being they see it all the time on Instagram when a girl has like 5000000 followers and every photo is a picture of her
Speaker 2
ass hanging out and shit. You know fuck dude
Speaker 1
I know it's crazy
Speaker 2
you Norman Donton or McDonald
Speaker 1
loved him.
Speaker 2
I fucking love Norma's
Speaker 1
a great guy, man
Speaker 2
I love this skit about like being famous He's like, what do we have to do after they went to the moon? You know like you had to go the moon to be famous now you just show your fucking asshole There we go, man Success dude, you fuckin- there we go man.
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