5 minutes 8 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Joe Rogan experience, but you don't want to that's the thing It's like we've got to train people to just not talk out loud Just like you don't do in the movie theater don't do it at a combo comedy club And don't talk to the comedians either don't just talk at them.
Speaker 2
Well. Do you do you think I mean, what do you think about all these crowd work clips? Don't you think we're breeding this I'm very bad situation.
Speaker 1
It's not a bad situation because it's just how they do it Some people do it that way
Speaker 2
but it makes the audience want more of that I was talking to my nieces just went to college and she has a roommate who's like 18 years old She's like essentially a high school kid and she know she was like, what do you think of crowd work? I'm like, it's so crazy that like teenage kids are like
Speaker 1
Oh crowd were like Well, because those are the clips you could put online because it doesn't burn your material,
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
Because it's an unique moment,
Speaker 2
right? But sometimes I feel like this comics going up there. Just trying to get those moments They definitely are annoying and then the audience thinks like oh, I'll be part of this
Speaker 1
well There's comics that'll trick you to you go see their actual act You know the thing about crowd work is it's always funnier when you're there
Speaker 2
of course
Speaker 1
But it's always funnier because everyone knows it's happening live And you don't know what's gonna happen and neither is comedian. They know it's completely improvised
Speaker 2
well That's why it works so because obviously comedy is about getting everybody to be like oh, yeah, and if they're seeing it live It's just happened
Speaker 1
good point
Speaker 2
so but to Paulo used to always say that you know work with Nick for years And he'd be like oh you're funny off the cuff. Yeah, that's called a fucking being funny. That's easy write some material you fuck
Speaker 1
Yeah, if you can do both that's great
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
but some people only do 1 or the other
Speaker 2
right yeah But there gets to be yeah, there's there's tricks to it
Speaker 1
You definitely don't want to encourage People to interrupt people who don't do crowd work though That's where it becomes a problem when people are drunk, and they think I'm gonna get on a video right You know that kind of shit does happen
Speaker 2
now How do you feel about? MC's in New York which is the only city that does this where the MC goes up and just asks everybody where they're from and does almost exclusively crowd work They never did that in Boston when I was starting and they didn't do it here in Austin really
Speaker 1
why do they do that in? New York,
Speaker 2
I don't know. It's a New York like New York comics. They think that's what the MC does I think Part of it is to find out where everyone's from because there's so many tourists.
Speaker 2
But most MCs in New York just do a lot of crowd work. And I've heard people even be like, I don't like hosting because I don't do crowd work. And I'm like, well you don't have to, just fucking go.
Speaker 1
Does anybody not do crowd work? Does anybody just go up and say hey, what's up everybody? How you doing?
Speaker 1
I tell you about my day
Speaker 2
I don't think so really when I hosted this years ago when Artie Fuqua gotten the accident They needed hosts at the cellar So I volunteered and I hosted for like 6 weeks And I felt like I was the only 1 that just went straight into material which I think is better because I find The audience if they're you know when they're settling in and ordering and getting their drinks and whatever Figuring out who's sitting where If you look up and the comic is talking to somebody they're going okay, it hasn't really started yet He's talking to that lady, but if you look up in their middle of a bit You're like fucking quiet the show started. That's how I always felt
Speaker 1
Mmm. Yeah It the problem with someone Talking to the audience is it does kind of encourage the audience to talk to some of the future comedians if they have a point that the person disagrees with or if they're getting to a point and you cut them off because you can say something. You know how sometimes guys will mislead you with a bit And
Speaker 2
you're like,
Speaker 1
what is he saying? Oh, ha ha ha. But some people jump in in the middle of it.
Speaker 1
Right. And fuck it
Speaker 2
up. Exactly.
Speaker 1
And they think they can because someone's been talking to them in the audience.
Speaker 2
Exactly, yes. And they're like, oh, this is a dialogue, I got it. Perfect.
Speaker 1
Exactly, or it gives them an opportunity to be outraged and Now this is kind of encouraged to give feedback. It's encouraged to talk
Speaker 2
right I also think that the audience needs to hear the rhythm of a few jokes but to me It's like if you do crowd work for 5 minutes, and then do 10 minutes of jokes But sometimes you have an MC where you're like I am if you're going first you're like I'm now the first 1 telling a joke Which is no good. I think the audience needs to hear like okay some bits
Speaker 1
Yeah, I think that definitely would set everybody else up for the rest of the night And that's really what the MC should be doing
Speaker 2
But something I remember tell would get annoyed because a tell always wants to know where everyone's from so he would ask me like where Are they where are they from and I was like? I don't know and you can see That he was like what like and there's nothing worse than upsetting of tell
Speaker 1
New York. That's so I know it's so weird
Speaker 2
I know
Speaker 1
the New York has this 1 thing where everybody goes and asks the fucking audience member where they're from
Speaker 2
It's very strange, or they're like what do you do? I've never seen a comic 1 time and maybe laughs or The audience member made me laugh so hard because the person was like, what are you doing? And they're like, I'm at a show.
Speaker 2
What do you mean? What if I do? They're like I'm on a date. I don't get it I just never to me.
Speaker 2
It's like We're supposed to be doing a show. I don't get why I don't I don't care what the audience is from or what they're doing.
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