12 minutes 42 seconds
🇬🇧 English
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Personal trainers, this video is for you. If you're looking to build a solid online offering that pays you well, while actually freeing up your time, rather than just spending all of that time posting and hoping on social media, that allows you to work with more clients around the world, and ultimately just allows you to spend less time on the gym floor and more time doing whatever you want. It's also for you if either you're right at the start of this, so you're thinking about doing this, but you have no idea what to do, you're confused by all the noise and the conflicting opinions, or you're stuck in that no-man's land of 2 to 10 clients online, you can't justify doing it full-time, but you also can't scale past it. You're posting and hoping for clients and Instagram sending 50 random DMs a day, helping people follow you back doing soul draining discovery calls.
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Basically, if you're sick of all the usual stuff and you're ready to try a different, more automated way of doing things, it's for you. So if that is you, here's what you need to know. Our company, Propin Fitness, is an online fitness company. So we sell online fitness programs to clients around the world and we've been doing it since 2010.
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We've coached over 5,000 clients in that time and we scaled that business from 0 to 12,000 a month in 14 months and then scaled it past that to 30k plus per month. But we did that initial transformation without posting on social media, without sales calls, without DMing people, without a social media following. And I'll explain how in a minute, but specifically what you need to know about this is we will work with you one-to-one, not just a course and group calls, we'll work with you one-to-one to install this exact semi-automated system into your own business, and then work closely with you to build out 3 key systems that make this happen. Number 1, we will help you take all of the expertise and all of the knowledge that you've built from working in the fitness industry and package it into an automated sales sequence that runs without you.
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So that is getting clients signing up for your program without sales calls, without DMs, without posting on social media. So many coaches fail online, not because they can't get results for their clients. I think most coaches can do that. It's because they can't make sales and get leads predictably.
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So either they have no system for this at all, or they have a system that they're trying to follow that they hate and saps their time, like sending DMS to randoms all day. What we do instead is fully automated. So imagine this, a stranger comes in, they see an ad from you on social media. They get value.
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They get their questions answered. They get their objections taken care of. And then they get offered your program at the end at a time that makes sense in a non pushy scripted way. And the system then converts 3% of those strangers into customers in a week like clockwork.
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So Think of it like your best sales call, your best content, your best face-to-face consultation with a client in the gym, but that's running in the background 24 7, bringing people into your program. The second system will help you build is we will work closely with you to launch some hyper targeted Instagram ads to then flood that new sales sequence with precisely your target market. This takes you off the social media posting hamster wheel of trying to somehow find your target market and use and your Instagram following. Gets back your time, protects your mental health, and then turns your sales and marketing into a production line with a tap that you can turn on, turn off, turn up and turn down.
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And because this is paired with the sales sequence, you know that every penny you invest into ads, you make 2 to 3 times that back. The third system, number 3, is we'll teach you a coaching and delivery system that then means you can handle 50 plus clients in just 6 hours a week. So it's an online program that delivers a market leading service to your clients. It's consistent, it's high quality, it's a very repeatable service.
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Most coaches create their own limit in their online program because they answer the same question over and over again. They add in hours of one-to-one calls and daily check-ins, but then when they want a holiday, their business and their client support has to take a holiday. We're gonna install a system that means your clients get access to your expertise, the stuff you've learned over time, not just your time. Overall, we can systemize nearly everything so that you can just focus on what you really got into this industry for, which is working with people you want to work with, getting results for your clients, making an impact, work your own hours from wherever you want and get paid really well for it.
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And overall just becoming a highly paid personal trainer who uses online tools to transform your clients around the world, not a wannabe influencer dancing on social media or a sales rep in a call center, or even worse, a glorified rep counter paying hundreds in rent for the privilege. Here's where this gets even better. With this built, you have an automated sales and marketing machine that is bringing in mid-ticket recurring clients or paying around £100 a month for your online offer. And that online offer isn't attached to your time.
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So that's 6 hours a week to manage your clients, whether you have 40 clients, 60 clients or 70 clients. The online coaching delivery is as automated as possible. So you're still coaching, you're still helping your clients. You're still doing aspects of customization.
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You're just not repeating yourself and doing everything manually. So let's say with our help, you build this up to 30 clients and depending on the price you charge, that's 3 to 6k per month. A proportion of those clients will naturally just go through this program, get amazing results and want more. They'll just naturally ask what else you have to offer.
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So to account for that, here's the business structure we built that we think works best. So in the middle you start with your core offer, which is mid ticket recurring, and you fill that to 30 clients minimum. Here's how this would work. So you have the first launch where we do some organic testing and some ads.
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You get a hundred leads and you make 5 sales. The second time We take some of that revenue, we put it back in to ads. We get 250 leads this time and we make 12 sales. We then do it again.
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We take some of the revenue again. We invest it back into ads. We get 350 leads. We make 17 sales.
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So overall we have 34 clients on a hundred per month. You deliver a great service to them. You keep them in the program. That's a stable and predictable income stream in your core offer.
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But then you can open up a higher price one-to-one offer. Cap it at 10 spots, charge 250 plus per month for this, whatever you want to charge, frankly. That adds an extra 2 and a half thousand a month. Because you generated 700 email opt-ins as part of running the ads and only 34 of them bought, we can keep re-offering the main mid-ticket thing to them with a 90-day automated email nurture sequence that builds trust and adds value.
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And then finally, for those people who are just priced out or wanna buy something cheaper before they sign up for your main thing, we build out a DIY mini course or an ebook, launch it to your email list for a single payment, and then that is a way to then upsell to your core offer, your mid ticket. So hopefully that wasn't too complicated, But with those 3 key things, you have a sales machine bringing in clients, ads that flood that sales machine with highly qualified leads, and a coaching system delivering high quality, repeatable, consistent results. We will build all of that out with you and we 100% guarantee that. More importantly, We guarantee the result.
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So if you don't get at least 30 clients in the first 12 weeks of working with us, we will continue working with you at no extra charge until you get there. Just to emphasize, we're helping you do this internally in your own business. So you've probably seen, maybe even tried some done for you agencies that promise you leads, where you outsource the whole thing. Not only do these companies charge frankly 5 to 10 times what we do, you're actually outsourcing the control of your business.
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So when you stop paying that huge retainer, you lose everything. And even if it initially did work, you'd also have no idea how it works. So we are different in how we do this. We work really closely with you so that you leave with the result and you know how it all works, how to run it, how to scale it, how to troubleshoot it.
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You might be thinking, that sounds like bullshit. How can you say you'll continue to work with me at no extra charge if you don't get results in the first 12 weeks? You probably have this with your clients as well. So you have a program that works, you just need your clients to follow it.
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We're the same. Here's the truth. We want you to work with us, get better results than you expected, tell your friends, give us a testimonial. Seriously.
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So if we had a system that 100% worked, that we tested hundreds and hundreds of times in our own business and with our clients, why would we kick you out of the program with no guarantee after 8 weeks like other mentors do? It's our way of saying, look, we know that this works and we know you'll eventually be able to run it on your own, so we'll work with you for as long as that takes, as long as you put the work in. But we also know that you can get more results than you probably think is possible in 12 weeks by just following this blueprint. We can make a claim like this because we see these results in our community with other coaches that were helping all the time.
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Here's Dadi, consistently getting a 3 times return on his ad spend working with runners. He now has over 60 clients in his online group program. Neil built his group program up to 70 online clients. Carl coaches swimmers online.
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He made $6,450 from just $350 of ad spend in his first launch of his sales sequence. Now he has over 200 customers. Ross making $12,000 online with new systems that help him get his time back. Jerome, who works with professionals, got 40 clients online that takes him just a handful of hours to manage each week.
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Rob, who's made over a hundred thousand in just the last 6 months alone. And Alec, who made such a success of online that he actually ended up selling his gym to go fully online in the process. In addition to this, we are the only business coaching company for personal trainers who has done what we are teaching using an automated method. So while everyone else is teaching you tactics that just involve add a 0 to your price, make them cry until they buy, and post 5 times a day on social media, that's a set of tactics, not a business plan that'll last 10 years.
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We've been in business with this exact process since 2010. So we pulled off launching and growing a business like this without cold sales calls, without a social following, without posting every day. We've done that in our own business and we're just teaching you something that has stood the test of time. No other business mentor can say that.
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So if that's all you needed to hear there's a button below to book a call to schedule a call with me or 1 of the team and cards on the table. We have no incentive to sell you anything if we don't actually think we can help you. We're guaranteeing this result. So look if we can't help you we'll just tell you.
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If you want to know more detail on why this works so well, it basically comes down to 2 reasons. The first is volume. So most coaches have 500 followers on Instagram, let's say. It's most likely their friends and other PTs.
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They then try to market to them and they get a handful of leads and they need to sell every single 1 of them, hence the forceful sales call tactics. And the only way they can make a reasonable amount is by selling something that's 10 times the average price of what others are doing in the market. We do the opposite. So we teach you a system that means you can coach 30 clients at a really high standard in just 6 hours a week.
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So you can then afford to charge a hundred to 200 pounds a month, which clients love and happily keep paying for months. And it means you're getting paid an effective hourly rate of 120 pounds or so per hour. Because you have this system that can handle a lot of clients properly, and therefore you can charge an amount that people don't need to ask their partner about, you can fully automate your sales. So from analyzing data of 35,000 people who have opted in on our fitness site, we figured out that it takes a stranger 14.4 days to buy something online.
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So the automated sales sequence that we teach you and we build with you, that gives a stranger everything they need to make a buying decision. We're just giving people what they need, leading with a ton of value, and while all your competitors are dancing in reels, giving away PDFs, you have 1 incredibly valuable sequence that brings all of your clients in on autopilot, and it's probably more useful than other people's paid program. Because you have a repeatable automated sales sequence, you can then just use the AI driven targeting on these ad platforms to bring in exactly your clients. Most PTs don't even have their target market following them.
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And they think that the way to fix that is to tweak their caption or call out their audience. Meanwhile, you can just save all of your time and invest in a process that delivers results month in, month out while protecting your time and your mental health by running ads to bring exactly your target market through an automated sales sequence into a program that can handle that client capacity while delivering a really high standard of results. The second reason that people fail is procrastination. So many coaches give up with online coaching because they buy a course with a hundred disordered videos, a Facebook group and a group Q&A and they do nothing with it.
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They have loads of tactics but no strategy. They're just trying loads of disjointed tactics, copying Instagram posts from a swipe file someone gave them and sending random messages. And then they're just told they need to do more of the same and expect a different result, which according to Einstein is the definition of insanity. We give you 2 things.
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We give you a blueprint and exact week by week steps to follow to build out this system that will teach you. So there's no guessing, there's no trying to figure it out, there's no ambiguity. We also then hold you aggressively accountable with one-to-one hand-holding. We check you've actually done the work, we make sure you're not stuck.
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We do for you what you do for your clients in the gym. So this isn't just a course, this is fully customized one-to-one mentoring to help you build out this process. We have a blueprint and a set of tools to help you build a business just like ours. We give you everything you need to just put the steps in place.
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Not only can we make sure you're building your own program based on the every man strategy. So it doesn't require you to have a huge following or share your life online, or be great at sales or willing to swear on camera. We've also done it ourselves and 500 plus more times with other coaches. We can troubleshoot every possible issue and make sure you get to that result in 12 weeks.
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If that sounds interesting, you can schedule a demo below. We'll go through the whole thing with you, go through the pricing, explain how everything works, show you inside the program, take you through the phases again, answer any questions you have. And again, look, cards on the table. Because we are guaranteeing this, if we can't help you, we will tell you.
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We have no incentive to sell anybody into this program if we don't genuinely think we can help them. So click a button below, we'll go through everything. It'll be with me or 1 of the team. We'll cover all the details, cover all the questions you have.
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Hope this is useful. I hope to speak to you soon.
Omnivision Solutions Ltd