12 minutes 17 seconds
🇬🇧 English
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Welcome to the official onboarding video for Sales Team Accelerator program. We're really, really excited to have you here.
So if I were you,
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I would take a seat back, relax, grab a pen and paper. If you're driving, I'd pull over and watch some slides because over the next 10 to 12 minutes,
I'm going to walk you through
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exactly what resources you have access to, how to use the program best, so that you can make a massive difference
in your business over the next 3
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to 4 months of us working together. So, like I said, there's 3 main points of focus over the next 10 to 12 minutes with me. And number 1 is I'm going to tell you exactly who it is you're working with.
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I mean, it's important to know what you signed up for. Now, number 2, I'm going to show you all the resources that you have access to, because there's a lot of things that we have. And at the beginning, it feels like there's many, many things, and you need to do this and do that. It seems very complex.
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I'm going to make it super simple. And then from there on, I'm going to show you how to use those resources best so that you're not wasting any of
your time. And you're only doing things that you're supposed to
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do to move your business forward. Now, no matter where you came from, whether
it was a referral, Chances are
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it was a referral, Facebook ad, or maybe even cold email. You're probably here to do 3 things. These 3 things.
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You're probably here to either build a sales team, so hire some reps. Now, maybe if you feel already good about your team, you may want to scale your online business to whatever level you want to scale. We've probably done it. And you simply might be here to get your sales skills a lot better, sharpen up yours and your team sales skills.
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Either way, you are in the right place, and here's why. I'm gonna tell you a little bit about this company because it was founded by Cole Gordon in 2019, November 2019. At first, it started as a pure sales training company. Soon enough we moved on to working with teams and teaching them leadership and management.
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After that, there was a need to hire sales reps, so we started doing that. So we went from 3 million a year to about 20 million a year. And after that, obviously, we just kept scaling and scaling. It was a need to teach business anything funnels, copy, whatever, whatever you want to know about online business, whatever troubles you have.
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We now are able to help you with those and we are became pretty much a one-stop shop for anything online business And it not only shows it our own results, but same with our clients results. We've taken a number of clients from sometimes not even having an offer to doing over a million dollars a month within 8 months. And we've repeated this many, many times. At this point, as you could probably tell, we worked with some of the top people in the online space I'm not gonna mention any names but you probably know those people so now why don't we get to the brass tacks because that is important thing I'm gonna tell you everything that you have access to and how the company operates now essentially close that we have to profit divisions b2b and b2c Another thing worth mentioning is the reason we feel so confident and we get really, really good results is because we run the exact same model you probably do.
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So no matter if it's B2B, that is sales team accelerator, that's our business division, or B2C, which is our remote closer academy, that's our B2C division.
We do,
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We run the exact same funnels and we teach the exact same funnels that we run that work right now. This time of this recording is June 2022. So in June 2023, we'll be teaching exactly what we'll be doing in 2023, which chances are will be different than today.
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So we update and we move on with the times that we teach our clients the exact same thing. So basically 2 divisions, sales team accelerator, remote closer Academy, B2B. That's the 1 you're going to
be focusing on right now. That's the program you're in. First and foremost, sales coaching is still the main focus
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of what we do. Sales management and leadership will teach you how to run your team, extremely important. Now, chances are you want some business advice, maybe some traffic challenges that you're running.
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How do you book more appointments or how do you make sure those appointments are more qualified? How do you make sure that those people actually show up? How do you structure the application? Anything and everything we teach through the business consultant side of the business.
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Now a lot of people come here and there's a big chance that you're here for recruitment. If you are not here for recruitment just yet, chances are we'll scale your business to the point where you're going to need recruitment. So over the next couple of minutes, I'll walk you
through how the process works. So recruiting team, we've got a pretty robust team.
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There's a lot of people just to give an idea. Last month, we got over 3000 applications. We did about 857 interviews and replaced over 120 sales reps, so setters or closers on 1 of the 350 teams that we work with at the moment.
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So, I mean, there's a lot of people that we're working with
and we get reps in multiple directions. I'm not gonna bore you with it.
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We got pretty much a three-pronged system where we got JV set up with other people, other coaches out there in the space, want some of their reps to be placed. We provide them this opportunity. We sometimes go headhunting and find the best salespeople we can find, place them on your teams.
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And we even have our own coaching program where we train reps how to become remote closers. And so we place people from there. Now, how the placement works is super simple. Essentially, once people go through a pretty in-depth interview process with us, they get placed in what's called a recruiting pool, and they're categorized there by their skill set, what they want to sell, I mean, obviously, experience, you know, everything else.
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And when we want to staff people in your offer, we package your offer. We create a little almost like marketing package for it. You fill out a bunch of forms for us. And then we present this offer to 10 to 15 reps that we feel would represent your offer best.
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And then the ones who want to sell it, this is a very, very important part, The ones that tell us, yes, we want to sell your offer, or this particular offer, we then connect them with you, we teach you how to interview those people, and we place them on your team, and we even give you a 30-day guarantee in case those reps don't perform, so we'll replace them on your team for free. Now, the important thing that you may have missed is that these people have actually, they have to say yes in order to work with you. So as you can probably imagine, your offer has to be the 1 where the best people want to work. Now, a lot
of people come to us
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and they say, I want the absolute best. I want the people with a thousand years of experience. I want people who sold billions of dollars and you know what?
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We have
those people. Well, maybe not the ones with
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a thousand years of experience, but we have very experienced reps. Now, guess what? Those guys want to make a lot of money and they will only work on offers that are attractive to them.
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So step number 1 with working with any team is making
your offer sound as attractive as possible.
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And a lot of the times it comes through building a great sales culture and environment, as well as very robust system to where that reps come, when the rep comes in on your team, they will be able to thrive. Because at the end of the day, it's not about hiring, it's all about keeping the reps. So now that you know how recruiting works, let's dive a little bit deeper into what you have access to.
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And it's really 2 programs.
1 is called Sales Team Accelerator, that's
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a business program, and 1 is called 7 Figure Sales Academy. Now you should have access to both of these programs, you should check your Kajabi portal. If you don't, hop on your Slack channel with your account manager and let them know, they'll give you access immediately.
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So in
the SELStream Accelerator, there's a Kajabi portal
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with a lot of videos. Now in my, my advice would be to watch all
of them to be honest with you. I know there's a lot
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of stuff, but this stuff is, we update it consistently and it is really, really,
really relevant. Now your account manager will be able to help you watch the right videos
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if you don't want to watch all of it. Now after this the second sort of line of defense that we have is our coaching team. So this is we run 6 coaching clinics with some of the best leaders in any specific industry.
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For example Max Ham is 1 of the best copywriters in the space, has been around for years. Aaron Parkinson runs Traffic and his own agency is doing over a million dollars a month. I mean, Cole Gordon is the owner of the company and then Edward Strengths, he is 1
of the platinum HubSpot partners. So his tech team is 1 of the best and he's doing work
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for us. So these guys are not just regular or average Joes, you should say that walked here off the street. These are some of the leaders in the space.
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So these calls, I highly recommend that you attend. And now this is a true one-on-one program. So you'll have your own account manager
that whose sole purpose is for you to
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make money. These guys are very, very trained. These guys are former sales reps.
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They're trained in business by our methodology. What they're going to do for you is 3 things.
They're going to meet with you and do call reviews for you
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and your team. You'll have access to them in Slack 24-7, or in a lot of cases, we work all the time. And they also do one-on-ones for you, for business consulting, and your problem solving troubleshooting.
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So that's
the business side. Now the sales side is very simple. Your sales reps
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are gonna be plugged into it, setters and closers, all existent and future hires are plugged into this.
And what we do, they obviously have their own Kajabi portal with
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their own coaching calls. Now we have 9 of those a week. So 4 for setters, 5 for closers.
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And maybe at
the time of this recording, we only have 9, but a year from now, we'll probably
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have 12 or 13 as we scale it as we grow. So no matter what, plug your reps into the training, your account manager will help you teach them how to go through the Kajabi modules, create the cadence so you've got your cover. Now the thing is, the training is so robust and so in-depth that we can take a rep with literally no experience, And we've
done this many, many times for
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our own team. As a
matter of fact, we prefer
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to hire people with no experience. And in a matter of months, we can get them to sell at KPI, 38% close rate, absolutely cold traffic. So this system has been tried and true.
So no matter if you have reps that are brand new or the reps that have a lot of
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experience They can learn a lot from this now a couple things here
I mean, it's all fun and games But if you use the program day after day if you put in
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the work, you're gonna succeed there There's literally no chance of you failing. However, there's here some of the 6 things that I found that people kind of sometimes neglect and it affects the results. So let me run through them really quickly.
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Now number 1 mistake that I see, number 1 roadblock that I see is people when people don't use their account manager. Now these people, the account managers are not just the cheerleader, they're not a person who gives you a high 5 and thumbs up. These are highly trained sales reps, all of whom had great careers and sold millions, but also have been with the company and worked with hundreds and hundreds of businesses and have seen pretty much everything. And there's been countless stories to where the team comes on
and the account manager does a review of a sales process. And next
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thing you know, next month, that team does 200,000 more in business. So if you don't use your account manager, I think you're making a massive mistake. And number 2 is people not watching the training.
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I've seen people, I've heard people say a thousand times, hey, listen, I
don't want another course. I'm not gonna go
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through the training. This isn't the ordinary training. The training that we provide is literally exactly what we do to scale to over 4000000 dollars a month.
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So there's plenty of nuggets in there and I know it might be daunting but if you don't watch it chances are you're going to be missing out on a lot of revenue every single month. Now, number 3 mistake
I see is already covered a little bit
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where people don't attend coaching clinics.
I think it also is
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a massive mistake given the quality of people who teach those clinics. And another 1 is people don't follow the process. I mean, I realize sometimes you feel like, well, I've already done this, I've hired people before.
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I will challenge you here to say that the scale that we're working on, we haven't really had many clients that are doing it on our scale. However, if you feel like something doesn't make sense to you, talk to your account manager and find the common ground. But from what we've seen, if you just follow the
process and do exactly what we tell you, you will succeed.
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And another thing is owner not being involved. If you're not the owner, you're listening to this right now and the owner told you, hey, listen, I'm not going to be involved, you do your thing, it is very, very low chance of success because a lot of times what happens when we start helping you start to scale. You still need to run things by the owner of the business.
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And if they're not in the same page as we are, it also creates friction. So I would highly recommend getting them involved. Another big mistake I see is people want to self-run team.
They want to hire unicorns. They want
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to hire people that will just sell things for
them and never need to
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be managed, never need to be monitored. Now that is a false assumption and even though you can hire this team, we've seen this many many times, it functions for a few months and it just falls apart and you start finding out that the reps have been promising things that your program doesn't deliver and fulfillment struggles and It is always a recipe for disaster. And the last mistake that I see is people just boxing us in.
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People put us in
the box as sales reps because that's what we've been known for for
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a long time. However, there's a lot more that we can do for your business. So do not ever think that, oh, these guys just come in and help
you with sales. There's so much more that we can do and our clients who
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use us most get the most results. Now just to finish off last few seconds here what you have to do next very very simple below this video click the button it's going to take you to the onboarding form now make sure you fill this out in depth if you don't know something make sure you look it up give us all the best numbers make sure you let us know
what your offer looks like, everything else, because when you meet with the account manager on
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the onboarding call they have to have the absolute best information so they can help you most. Now you sign the agreement, obviously that goes without saying. Then you need to create your Slack account, that is what we use for communication going forward, there will not be a Facebook messenger or WhatsApp Messenger or any other app or private text.
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We only use Slack for communication with our accounts. Make sure your notifications are set up so you can ask questions and get prompt responses so you can see them. Now join our both of
our Facebook groups. You would
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have gotten links already in the Facebook Messenger and book
your onboarding call. Go ahead and book your
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onboarding call with your account manager. At that point they'll walk through your business, they'll give you a custom implementation plan so you can start going and scaling the business. I'm going to wrap up this video.
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I really look forward to seeing you in the program and I hope you get the most out of it and
Omnivision Solutions Ltd