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Flourishing in the Kingdom of Heaven

49 minutes 29 seconds

🇬🇧 English


Dave Brereton




Dave Brereton


so we have been working through the Sermon on the Mount, which is found in Matthew's Gospel Chapter 5, 6, and 7. And the, I need to be at the slide previous to that. If we can go to that 1 first, Balaji, the 1 before that.


Dave Brereton


Nope, there should be an earlier 1. Anyway, that's okay. I can deal with it if it's not popping up there. So last week we talked about the the big idea was about whole person behavior.


Dave Brereton


There you go. So whole person behavior that accords with God's nature, will, and coming kingdom, and it requires a change of heart. Now those are a lot of words, and Steve unpacked that for us really well and helped us to get our heads around it and what that really meant. This week I am going to have a much simpler phrase for us to try to remember, and it is, keep it real.


Dave Brereton


So, but There's a larger version of that, which is Jesus teaches a wholehearted devotion to God for us to imitate. But at its core, what that is really about, and you will see how Jesus unpacks this, is he wants a real relationship with us and in the Sermon on the Mount in a certain sense it is all about that You could say that the core verse of the Sermon on the Mount is found in the fifth chapter, the 1 before, and verse 20 where it says that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees and the scribes you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." And that sounds like, oh, it's picking on the Pharisees and the scribes. What it's really telling us, what Jesus is really telling us is, this is not just religion. This is not just about show.


Dave Brereton


This is about a relationship and a way of life. For many of us, we have learned the John's Gospel, chapter 3, verse 16, sort of part of the whole gospel, we have learned that, for God so loved the world that he gave his 1 and only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life. And that is absolutely 100% true. What's interesting and kind of intriguing is that Jesus didn't put John 3.16 in the Sermon on the Mount.


Dave Brereton


And so you scratch your head, you say, wait a second, if the Sermon on the Mount is like Jesus' manifesto, it's his declaration of what the kingdom is all about, then how come John 3.16 isn't in the Sermon on the Mount? So ponder that with me and as we go through this, I think what we will find is that the reality of a change in our heart and us Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior is that there will be a change in us and we will live out These principles it will be shown so that you will see the evidence of us having accepted Jesus as our Savior in the practical living out of a life that is now in alignment with Jesus's core values. So in fact, we will be living out the principles of the kingdom. So as I studied this and some of the others that have been speaking, They use different sources, and I just want to give credit to a few that I used in the preparation of this.


Dave Brereton


So studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Martin Lloyd-Jones. 1 of the Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing by Jonathan Pennington, and that's 1 that all of the speakers have been sort of looking at or studying as they've been preparing their messages. Communicators Commentary, which helps me to stay kind of anchored and make sure I actually bring it down to a message that I think we can get and we can understand. And then my good buddy Mark Twain, I have to quote him a time or 2 as well.


Dave Brereton


So he's a theologian even maybe more so than all the rest of them. But Let's look now at this word. Notice the second 1 is the Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing. So we have been looking at that word, but I want to take us this morning for just a minute back to Psalm 1.


Dave Brereton


I learned this Psalm when I was a young man. And I could rattle it off, in fact, we would have contests to see how quickly we could say Psalm 1. Could in fact you say it in 1 breath and that would actually, you would have to just go. Blessed is the


Dave Brereton


man who


Dave Brereton


walks not and counts it in the God who stands in the way of sinners, sits in the seat of the scornful, and his delays in the law of the Lord, and his law he meditates day and night. And you'd have to try to get that all out. I don't have the lungs for it anymore.


Dave Brereton


But the words are still there. What's fun to think about here is that for those listening to the Sermon on the Mount, their reference or their, what they had heard read to them many times was part of it would have been the Psalms and they would have been very familiar with Psalm 1. So in Psalm 1, the first Psalm, you get the blessed phrase that you get in the Beatitudes that we studied a number of weeks ago. So that word blessed is the 1.


Dave Brereton


So in Psalm 1 there's just, that's Psalm 11, And it's blessed is the 1 who does not walk in the or step or walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that Sinners take or sit in the company of mockers So that was the 1 they knew and then verse 2 is the contrast But whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night. So flip over to the the the servant on the mount that Jesus gave to us and he's now like click and expand instead of 1 blessed he does 9 blessed and he explains a lot more about what this is really all about. But when we were actually discussing this series as the leadership team here, We wrestled a little bit with the word flourish, because flourish isn't a word that we kind of use a lot. But I would suggest that Psalm 1 verse 3 is the word picture for flourishing.


Dave Brereton


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever they do prospers. That's flourishing. Prospers.


Dave Brereton


That's flourishing. You envision a tree planted close to a river where it constantly gets the water that it needs and you picture that tree growing strong and tall and being able to withstand whatever storms come, whatever happens in that tree's life. Now when you think about it, There are thousands and thousands of books written, seminars developed, courses taken. In fact, you could even argue that most of the human disciplines, the different areas of study are all about human flourishing.


Dave Brereton


Whether it is science, whether it is the arts, whether it is psychology, think about the different major kind of disciplines that you can study at university. And you'll find that directly or indirectly, the vast majority of them are having to do with human flourishing. And most of us want that. We desire that.


Dave Brereton


We want to be flourishing human beings. There's an interesting contrast to the animal kingdom and to those of us that are humans. When you think about the fundamental drive of the animal kingdom is to survive and to reproduce. It is really not about flourishing.


Dave Brereton


But when it comes to the human condition, you and I are made in the image of God. We are given a God consciousness. We are given a God nature. We are given an order in which we actually wrestle with and work towards human flourishing.


Dave Brereton


However, for the majority of our poor race, we have the word of God, we have a hundred verse document that gives us the recipe for human flourishing, and we leave it on our shelves, or we put it somewhere out of the way, or we ignore it totally, and instead we click on Kindle or on Amazon or on something and we buy book after book after book seminar after seminar and they've all got different titles and they all got different amazing phenomenal speakers and all this kind of stuff and they do this and what are they trying to teach you? Human flourishing, which is right there in the Sermon on the Mount. So that's too long an introduction but I just had to get that off my chest. Okay now when we go to our chapter today, or the verses we're going to talk about, it is simple and yet it is crazy deep.


Dave Brereton


So first of all, in Matthew 6 and verse 1, I'll read verses 1 to 4 here. This will start us out. Watch out. Don't do your good deeds publicly to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven.


Dave Brereton


When you give to someone in need, don't do as the hypocrites do, blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity. I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get. But when you give to someone in need, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private and your father who sees everything will will reward you.


Dave Brereton


So verse 1 he lays it out the principle. Basically God sees everything a matter of the principle here of saying be careful, watch out, because there is a tendency even when we do good things that we're doing them for a personal motive. We're doing them to be seen. We picture it back in the day, and you know, he talks about those that were blowing trumpets in the synagogues and calling attention to their acts of charity and so on.


Dave Brereton


You say, yeah, that was terrible. That was terrible. We don't do that today. What about at the back of the flyer for the your local hospital in terms of the giving that you know for that hospital?


Dave Brereton


Okay. They have categories and they know what to do to make you look to be in the biggest possible category. So they even do the dollar range so that if you give $100, you'll be in the range of $100 to $999. And if you give $1,000, you'll be in the range of $1,000 to $9,999.


Dave Brereton


They doctor this, they make this, and they, your name, it feels so good when it's there. We like to be on, there's a hilarious case in the West Island, I won't name the church, but there was a church trying to raise money for, to renovate and they couldn't get the money to actually renovate. So what they decided to do was they offered that you could get your family name on a window, on a something, And they laid this all out in a plan and the place was funded within weeks. You and I have this nature, this tendency to want to have that.


Dave Brereton


And Jesus challenges us here in terms of our good deeds, the things that we do. And he says, in my kingdom, I'm looking for reality. I'm looking for something that you're doing between you and me and not the show stuff.


Dave Brereton


Well, the


Dave Brereton


way he says it that I struggle with is he says, you'll lose your reward from your father in heaven. By the way, in this passage that we're dealing with today, the phrase your father in heaven and your father is used like over half the times that it's used during the Sermon on the Mount. It's very much father is emphasized in this particular passage.


Dave Brereton


So what does he want us to do? When you give to somebody in need, he wants us to be generous. That's part of the characteristics of the kingdom. But to do it without even your left hand knowing what your right hand is doing.


Dave Brereton


Now you go figure that out. What does that actually mean? I find it hilarious, but Jesus has a way of nailing something in a few words that you and I can then take and ponder. Think about, for instance, Steve referred to this a few weeks ago, But remember when, like you think about today, the challenges that we have with pornography.


Dave Brereton


In all different types and types and whatever in our world where everything is available at the click of a button and where lives are being destroyed and marriages are being damaged terribly and young people are getting destroyed by this stuff emotionally, Jesus says it in 1 phrase. I say to you that everyone that looks at a woman lessfully has already committed adultery in his heart. Jesus says 1 phrase long before there was internet, long before there was like anything that we currently have in our world, but Jesus nails it. So here he says, when you give to somebody in need, don't you let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.


Dave Brereton


In other words, shut up. Just do it. But don't let, and it's not about you. It's not about me.


Dave Brereton


It's not about recognition. It's something that we do in response as part of the characteristics of the kingdom that we have become part of, 1 of the family values. Give your gifts in private and your father who sees in private will reward you, who sees everything. Core through this whole message is the fact that God sees everything.


Dave Brereton


Mark Twain, 1 of my favorite philosophers, says, you cannot pray a lie. What's really funny is we do it all the time. There, there I get to still in my life, even though I'm, you know, kind of a middle aged guy, I get to hang out with a lot of young adults. It's just part of my world.


Dave Brereton


Well, there was a discussion that happened this week. Now, 2 of these young adults have the inferior smartphone, that they in abbreviated way call an iPhone. So 2 of them have 1 of these inferior smartphones and they have for the sake of sort of security and caring for each other, they have hooked them up in a way where they each know where each other is. And so they can always be aware of where the other 1 is.


Dave Brereton


Well guess what? 1 of them happened to be overnight at somewhere where they were a little bit ashamed of being there overnight. So the next day they're talking and the 1 is telling the other 1 where they were totally lying and at the same time knowing that they both have this feature on their phones so they actually know where they are. And they're telling me about this, at least the 1 is, okay, and finding this like, what?


Dave Brereton


Where does that come from? Whatever, okay? And I'm so laughing. I'm listening to it, and of course I'm preparing my message for Sunday, and I'm saying like, yes, that is so us.


Dave Brereton


Okay? Like, God knows what you're thinking right now. He knows what's on your phone. He knows when you turn off search history.


Dave Brereton


He knows everything that you do. He knows. And Yet we still try to lie to God We still try to impress him. Isn't that crazy?


Dave Brereton


So reality 1 of the things the Lord is talking to us about here today is these values of living out this devotion to God in our lives is be real with God, keep it real. Be generous, yes. Do good things, help others, be kind, do those things, but it's between you and God. That's it.


Dave Brereton


All right. Verse 5. When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that's all the reward they will ever get.


Dave Brereton


When you pray, go away by yourself. Shut the door behind you and pray to your father in private. Then your father who sees everything will reward you." Can it be that even when we pray, we're trying to impress? We think about, we know it.


Dave Brereton


Those of us that love and follow Jesus, We know this subtle, crazy, like it's sin. That's what it is. We are so self-centered. I've mentioned it before from this pulpit, like you get pictures back after a family gathering.


Dave Brereton


You like the pictures in which you look good. You don't like the pictures in which you don't look good. Doesn't matter what everybody else. It's what you look like.


Dave Brereton


That's what makes that picture. When it comes to prayer, even in our prayer life, we can be, are we worshiping God or are we trying to make sure that it sounds good in how we pray or that we make sure people know that we're praying or that we're ever this it's crazy but the Lord knows and he's looking for reality in our hearts Sin follows us all the way so he encourages us here Just pray by yourself You don't need any show. It doesn't need people who need to know that you're praying. Just pray talk to God This is a personal relationship between you and him.


Dave Brereton


He then goes on to talk to us about prayer, about like showing us, giving us an example. And I love verse 7, When you pray, don't babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are being answered merely because they repeat the words again and again. Don't be like them.


Dave Brereton


Remember my overall phrase. Keep it real. Your father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him. 1 of the fundamental things in terms of us flourishing in our lives is to know that God knows us, to know that he cares for us, to know that he has our best interests at heart.


Dave Brereton


When we grasp that, I shared with you, I think the last time I spoke here, right at the end of my, after I took 3 months off, and people wanted to know, what did God say to you? What he said to me is, he likes me. He actually likes to spend time with me when I spend time with him the Lord looks forward to that time. Zephaniah 3 says that he rejoices over me with singing.


Dave Brereton


When he starts thinking about me, he starts singing. My brother and sister in Christ, do you, does that ring well with you? Do you sense that as you think about your relationship with the Lord when he thinks about you today. He knows you by name and it makes him sing.


Dave Brereton


He wants a real, real relationship with you. And so he says, pray like this. And then he gives us what in English, at least in this version of English, is a 62 word prayer. It's not very long and only 7 of those words are about our needs.


Dave Brereton


Like, what's that, maybe 12% or something? Think about your prayer life. What percentage of your prayer life is telling God what you need, what you want him to do? Listen to this prayer.


Dave Brereton


Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. Wow, that's about him. That's not about us. We want him to be glorified.


Dave Brereton


We want his name to be exalted. We want him to be honored. You realize what that is doing? Any of you that have studied psychology at all, you know exactly what that is doing.


Dave Brereton


When you are taking your mind off of yourself and you are putting it on God, it is very freeing for you. It is, it's actually, it's delivering you in and of itself, but it is the desire of our hearts as those that know and follow Jesus. We want God to be lifted up. We want him to be exalted.


Dave Brereton


Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your kingdom come soon. This is, I wanna get into a lot in the kingdom now or I'll be here for another hour. But just to say that as you and I live out what Jesus is teaching us here, we are bringing God's kingdom.


Dave Brereton


It is in fact coming as we live this out. So as you pray, may your kingdom come soon, in fact in living this out, you are seeing that kingdom come. There is absolutely, it is absolutely true, we look forward to the day when Jesus will reign in righteousness over this earth And when his kingdom will be established, that will never end. That is an awesome day to look forward to.


Dave Brereton


But meanwhile, you and I, in living this out, can be part of that kingdom coming. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That is so hard to pray. We say it and then we say, but Lord we actually want my will to be done.


Dave Brereton


To actually have that ahead of anything that we're asking him. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In other words, Lord, you are sovereign. You have the right to do as you choose.


Dave Brereton


I submit to your will. May your will be done. Give us today the food we need. Done.


Dave Brereton


That's all for the asking. You know what's packed into that? Most of our prayers are not about today. They're about tomorrow.


Dave Brereton


They're about next week. They're about next... There's a certain young lady sitting in our audience today, I won't pick any interventionally names, but who called us 1 day to tell us that she was moving. And she was very excited.


Dave Brereton


And then when we asked, when is this move happening, she said in 6 years. And that is, maybe it was 5, I can't remember, it was like years. Most of our stress comes from the way ahead. The stuff that's, Jesus says, this is what's, okay, ask this.


Dave Brereton


Give us today our daily bread. Done. Okay. Now he gets on to the forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.


Dave Brereton


And I love this, and for the sake of time, I'm gonna talk about it right here rather than waiting. I was gonna have it as a separate slide, but we'll skip that 1. So here it is. He says, This is a complete sermon.


Dave Brereton


Imagine a sermon on forgiveness, and I'm preaching the sermon. I walk up at 11.20, and I stand here and I say to everyone, folks, just bow your heads and pray with me. Father, please forgive me the same way that I forgive others. Amen.


Dave Brereton


Sermon over. But you don't know. I can do that with 80% or with 90% or 99%, but you don't know the 1 situation in my life. You don't know what that person did to me.


Dave Brereton


You don't know what happened in my past. You don't know. We point to the cross. It is true I don't know.


Dave Brereton


And I don't minimize for a second things that Could have happened in your life in the past. There are some horrific things that have happened to people in the past and the concept Of forgiveness is very hard But the biblical model that you and I have Of the 1 who is preaching this sermon Is the lord jesus hanging on calvary's cross He was there He was taking your sins and my sins on himself. He was bearing the judgment, he was bearing the punishment for sins that he had never committed. And as he hung there on Calvary's cross, taking the punishment that you and I deserved, he said, Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing.


Dave Brereton


So it's not to compare. It is not for you and I to say, but Dave, what happened to me didn't happen to you, so you don't understand. I agree. I don't compare myself to you and to what it is that you hurt from or that that you have to let go of but Jesus is the example and Jesus is the 1 we look to and Let me just suggest that there is tremendous flourishing ahead of you if you can come to the point where you can pray, Father forgive me in the same way that I forgive others.


Dave Brereton


In the letting go, in the committing that to him who judges righteously, you find that there is tremendous freedom and that there is relief and that there is a way for you to flourish in your life. And don't let us yield to temptation but rescue us from the evil 1. We know that there are temptations every day and that we need that prayer that the Lord teaches us here. Well now We are going to go on to the last part of this, which is, when you fast, don't make it obvious as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people admire them for their fasting.


Dave Brereton


I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get. But when you fast, comb your hair, wash your face, then no 1 will notice that you are fasting except your father who knows what you do in private and your father who sees everything will reward you. There are really 3 core aspects taught here in this passage. The first 1 is about doing good things.


Dave Brereton


It is about giving. It is about helping others and that is part of living out the kingdom of God. The second part is about our actual relationship with the Lord in prayer, about that actual one-on-one time intimacy with the Lord Jesus. And the third 1 is the whole area of discipline.


Dave Brereton


You and I are called upon as those that love and follow Jesus and as those that live out kingdom values to have disciplines in our Christian lives There are disciplines that are required the specific 1 he refers to here is fasting But what he talks about here, and I would simply emphasize is again, between you and the Lord. This is something for us to be real with, keep it real, in our relationship with the Lord, not something that we try to get attention by, not something that we try to look good by, rather something that we do in relationship with the Lord. I would simply say to you that character is who you are when no


Speaker 3


1 is


Dave Brereton


looking. And we need disciplines in our Christian lives. So for a wrap, keep it real. If you want to flourish in the kingdom of heaven, if you want to be that tree planted by the river of water, then you need to work on these.


Dave Brereton


I need to work on these. We need to work them out in our own hearts and lives in order to be whole, holy devoted to God and for us to actually flourish as those that follow him. Now you say but Dave I'm so far from that and I say yes so were the 12 disciples and yet Jesus pulled them together after they had in fact been following him for 3 years and were still long ways away from being everything that he wanted them to be and he in fact said to them, I am very eager to eat the Passover meal with you before my suffering begins. And I loved the thought that in this, what I was going to cover today, that at the end of it we would take communion together.


Dave Brereton


Because as I cover some of these things, I think most of us sit here and go, but Dave, you don't know me and you don't know what I'm wrestling with and you whatever. So I go, God knows. What we heard over and over again is the Lord knows. The Lord knows you.


Dave Brereton


He knows exactly what's happening in your life. And In spite of that, he desired to be with these disciples, and he actually desired to have communion with them. So he gave us this that we are going to do now. He said, when he took the bread and gave thanks, well let me go up in verse 14, he says, it says, when the time came, Jesus and the apostles sat down together at the table, and Jesus said, I have been very eager to eat this Passover meal with you, before my suffering begins.


Dave Brereton


Then he took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples saying, this is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. After supper, he took another cup of wine and said, this cup is the new covenant between God and his people, an agreement confirmed with my blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you." And so here's the thing.


Dave Brereton


If in fact you see the Lord Jesus as the 1 who died for you on Calvary's Cross, the 1 who laid down his life, took the punishment for your sins, then you are invited to take this bread and to take this cup. If you're pondering it, but you have not made a decision to follow Christ, then you should observe. Just watch today as those that know and follow Jesus take this and you're seeing what the family does as we follow Jesus, as we live out these principles of the kingdom of God. So I will give thanks for the bread.


Dave Brereton


And then for those of us that are doing this, there is the little wafer in the little plastic wine and bread package there. And then Someone else will give thanks for the cup and we will continue on, but this will end quite quickly, so don't panic. There's not another hour ahead. We are doing this now as a recognition and as a celebration.


Dave Brereton


And I would encourage you if you have not decided to follow this amazing Jesus yet, really consider it today. When you come to know him and when you follow him, you will find that you will flourish in your life and you will know the saving power of the blood of Jesus Christ. So let's pray together give thanks for the bread. Lord Jesus we hear your words we have read them together this morning.


Dave Brereton


This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. And we respond to that today. And Lord Jesus, as we take this little wafer and eat it, we recognize in doing so that it is a symbol of how your body was broken for us in death and how we are now members of your body.


Dave Brereton


So we thank you and we just take this together now. We pray in Jesus name, amen.


Dave Brereton


Behold the Lamb who bears our sins, the way slain for us. So we share in this bread of life, and we drink of his sacrifice as a sign of our bones of peace around the table of the King. The table of the King.


Dave Brereton


The body of our Savior, Jesus Christ, gone for you. He can remember the wounds that heal the dead that brings us life, paid the price to make us whole. So we share in this prayer of love, and we drink of His sacrifice as a sign of our bombs of fire around the table of the King.


Speaker 4


Let's pray over the cup. Father, we thank you that you sent your son to die for us, to take the pain and to pray the price, that we might inherit the promise which is eternal life. And so Lord as we take partake in the cup right now we align our thoughts our will our emotions and everything to that new covenant which is agreement between God and us.


Speaker 4


We pray that in total submission, again we submit ourselves to you, that you will walk in us to will and to do your good pleasure, that you may glorify yourselves in our lives and that we may draw men unto you in Jesus name. Amen.


Dave Brereton


The blood that cleanses every sin of sin shared for you. Of sin shed for you. Drink and remember, he drank the death cup that I made her drink to be saved from the life of again.


Dave Brereton


So we share in this prayer the blood and we drink of His sacrifice as a sign of our bombs of red around the table of the King. Verse 4. And so we thankfulness and faith we write to respond and to remember our God following the steps of Christ as his body of Christ as his body on earth. As we share in his suffering, we proclaim we proclaim Christ will come again and will join in the feast of heaven, the table of the King.


Speaker 3


You may be seated.


Speaker 5


We'll be praying for the offering. For those of you who are visiting, please do not feel compelled to have to give to our church. As we know, you may have your own home church.


Speaker 5


So let us pray. Father, we thank you for the privilege we have of coming to this table. We thank you for the privilege we have to give to the work of your kingdom. Father, work in our hearts of you as you have spoken to us today.


Speaker 5


Allow us to choose things that bring glory to your name, Lord. Allow us, Lord, to seek how we steward our resources, how we measure our days, and how we use our resources to accomplish what you want your kingdom to look like and how your kingdom and your people can flourish. Father, we just now pray for us as a leadership to use the resources you will provide to use them wisely in the ministry that you have appointed us here at Rosemount Bible Church. We ask these things in Jesus name, amen.


Speaker 3


We are finishing our service today. We want to bless you in the name of the Lord as you go. May the Lord bless you, may the Lord keep you, may the Lord satisfy you, and may you find your satisfaction


Dave Brereton


in the Lord.


Speaker 3


In the Lord. Don't forget if you're staying that we are having our picnic in the park right away right by the when we get out of the of the church right here you have the Park of Lucraine so we can all join there for fellowship and you are all the Smiths as we continue to sing together you want to say something oh thank you I'm going to thank you again let's do that father we say thank you to you to provide for our needs and for everything we have. Father, thank you for the grace that we have today as a community to be together, to fellowship to 1 another, I pray that as we do so, help us to be encouragement for each other, help us to have a words of blessing in the life of each other.


Speaker 3


May our conversations strengthen, encourage and refresh the soul of each 1. We say thank you and we commit the rest of our day to you. Amen.


Dave Brereton


All who are thirsty, all who are weak, come to the fountain. Deep your heart in the streams of life, of the pain and sorrow. He washed away the waves of His mercy.


Dave Brereton


As deep cries out to thee, We say come Lord Jesus come Come Lord Jesus come Come Lord Jesus come All who are fasting All who are we Come to the Pond day Dip your heart in the stream of grief, Let the pain and the sorrow be washed away, And the ways of his mercy As they rise up in thee Come, Lord Jesus, come. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Won't you come, won't you come, won't you come Holy Spirit come We say Holy Spirit come We say Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come.


Dave Brereton


Holy Spirit come. Holy Spirit come I prefer you from this 1, maybe if you were on this video. Thank you. You missed something?


Dave Brereton


Yeah, I know, I know. I'm sorry. I forgot the words. You missed something?


Dave Brereton


I don't know, like the second song I got. The second song? It's okay, I thought it was already done. Gentlemen, gentlemen.


Dave Brereton


I'm so screwed.